Evolve it. The stats will improve.Dogenzaka said:Is it a better idea to keep my Cyndaquil from evolving so it learns moves faster, or should I let it evolve? Doesn't it get better stats with evolving?
Dogenzaka said:Would someone be willing to help me transfer my event Pokemon over to SS? A little later, though, when I get that ability to do so in the game. But yeah. I need help. I only have one DS lol![]()
Dogenzaka said:Is it a better idea to keep my Cyndaquil from evolving so it learns moves faster, or should I let it evolve? Doesn't it get better stats with evolving?
MagniHarvald said:Could any one trade me a Growlithe or Arcanine, I've got lvl 1 Seels with a 31 in HP, Atk, or Def, or Abras with a 31 in HP, SpD, or Spe to offer :lol PM =)
dragonballjoseph said:I lost to Morty 4 times due to his Gengar.
MagniHarvald said:It doesn't matter when you let him evolve, you'll get the stats in the end. What do you want to get first? The moves? Or the stats?
I should be able to help.
Trainer ID: Jerec, Friend Code: 1333-9897-4395
The stats are basically the Effort Points which will carry over no matter what.Dogenzaka said:Oh really? In that case, I'll let Cyndaquil reach lvl 19 first so he can get Flame Wheel, I suppose, and then I'll evolve him. You're sure I'll get the stats in the end?
Ah... depends. If a move you really like comes sooner, and you can't stand waiting a few levels to get it later, than sure, keep it a Cyndaquil. It won't matter much, until later (maybe).Dogenzaka said:Is it a better idea to keep my Cyndaquil from evolving so it learns moves faster, or should I let it evolve? Doesn't it get better stats with evolving?
I would assume the same way as DPPt, the berries that say "lower base [stat]."Eteric Rice said:Is there a way to reset EVs in this game, or no?
There are 6 berries that will reduce the effort points. I think they either reduce them by 10 or by 100.Eteric Rice said:Is there a way to reset EVs in this game, or no?
survivor said:There are 6 berries that will reduce the effort points. I think they either reduce them by 10 or by 100.
#21 Pomeg Berry (HP)
#22 Kelpsy Berry (Atk)
#23 Qualot Berry (Def)
#24 Hondew Berry (SpA)
#25 Grepa Berry (SpD)
#26 Tamato Berry (Spe)
Salaadin said:What would be a better choice for a Fire type for those who know: Growlithe/Arcanine or Magby/Magmar/Magmortar? I dont do metagame or any of that competitive stuff.
I want a good fire but my pokewalker just isnt giving me a Magby. I only run into Onix.
Salaadin said:What would be a better choice for a Fire type for those who know: Growlithe/Arcanine or Magby/Magmar/Magmortar? I dont do metagame or any of that competitive stuff.
I want a good fire but my pokewalker just isnt giving me a Magby. I only run into Onix.
Odious Tea said:PokeGAF: Onix or Geodude?
Do you want the moves faster or stats faster? In either case, you'll eventually get the stat boost. As long as you don't miss attacks you want by evolving too quickly/slowly, you can do what you like.Dogenzaka said:Is it a better idea to keep my Cyndaquil from evolving so it learns moves faster, or should I let it evolve? Doesn't it get better stats with evolving?
Welp. Looks like I'm leveling Geodude.Salaadin said:Damn, the metal coat cant be obtained until the SS Anne? I guess Ill need to trade one over from Platinum if I still have it.
viciouskillersquirrel said:I don't even know what my team is going to look like. I'm still waiting for Play-Asia to deliver my copy of Soul Silver.
In the meantime, here's a smiley wearing a bowler hat:
AustraliaSalaadin said:You do know the game came out in the US right? The Wal Mart down the street from you has it =P
Yep. At this rate, I get it a week early.Wiseblade said:Australia?
Breeding does generally give you better stats, but it doesn't really matter who its parents are as long as its mother was a scyther/scizor.Gamer @ Heart said:The best way to max out a pokemon (scizor) i know i will want as one of my elites without EVing and shit would be to to mate it and raise it correct? Does two sycthers make a beter baby scyther?
what are you trying to get?SpinningFrog said:I can't say that I'm a huge fan of the new Voltorb Flip game. However, I do have 1000 coins now. Half way there.
Gamer @ Heart said:The best way to max out a pokemon (scizor) i know i will want as one of my elites without EVing and shit would be to to mate it and raise it correct? Does two sycthers make a beter baby scyther?
Lkr said:what are you trying to get?
Lkr said:Lvl 26 Croconaw
Lvl 22 Pidgeotto
Lvl 14 Togepi
3 badges
Am I doing good so far GAF Pokemon Masters?
Delio said:Hmm I made it up to the Elite member before the Champ. Sigh i guess i need to grind my pokes a tad more.
Team so far is
Ampharos Lv38
Typhlosion Lv37
Noctowl Lv35
Ursaring Lv38
Lairon Lv36
Only thing i am missing is a strong water type and sadly my staryu was taking forever to train. Also there really are no great grinding places in this game i never noticed that in the japanese version.
Wait... you can't catch Abra north of Cerulean anymore?SpinningFrog said:I figured I'd go for the most expensive Pokemon, Dratini first, then get Abra and whatever the other one was.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Wait... you can't catch Abra north of Cerulean anymore?
EzLink said:Damn I'm really going through this game a lot faster than anticipated. I know 15 hours is a fair amount of time for only having the first six badges,
Not if you've got something fast that has Mean Look and use a Speed Ball (I think that's what they're called).EvilMario said:And there's an entire cave of Dratini, but much later. And most people consider Abra a real pain to catch.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Not if you've got something fast that has Mean Look and use a Speed Ball (I think that's what they're called).
8 hours and 6 badges...Jeels said:Uhh, I'm at 15 hours and only have 3 badges.
My personal favourite is a Parasect with Spore and False Swipe. Not really that great on Abras though, since Parasect is so damn slow.EvilMario said:Butterfree/Hoppip with their Sleep Powders also work well early on. Or anything faster with Taunt will completely shut it down.
I use a Trapinch when Abra hunting.viciouskillersquirrel said:Not if you've got something fast that has Mean Look and use a Speed Ball (I think that's what they're called).
viciouskillersquirrel said:My personal favourite is a Parasect with Spore and False Swipe. Not really that great on Abras though, since Parasect is so damn slow.