I'm just waiting to see some reviews before I make my decision.
I'm just waiting to see some reviews before I make my decision.
Maybe. It just seems like the designers lost creativity and originally.
I played through the demo today and while I found it fairly entertaining, it seemed really geared towards younger gamers. It really is an extremely easy game. The only other thing that bothered me was the story line/text in that the characters seemed almost stupid. The mere factwhich was patently obvious was more frustrating then anything. But not just that, in every scene where there is dialogue, it seems to take them several minutes to convey a simple thought or idea. Yes, I get it. It's time to go to the caves. I don't need a ten minute conversation to get that point. I know a lot of rpg's share that similar trait, but I found it especially annoying in this.the two characters couldn't figure out that the yellow Pokemon who bumped into them on the way into town stole their blue crystals
I know it sounds like I hated the demo, but I really didn't. Going through the dungeons was entertaining enough, if not a little simple. I may still pick a copy of this up.
Well, the other games didn't review well at all but most people around here seem to love them.
Can you at least change the text speed in the full game?
That was my major gripe with the demo. I can live with not having all the Pokemon, the change in graphics and the dialogue, but the text speed just bothered me.
- removal of IQs
- removal of Hunger
- removal of Monster Houses
Not just that.
- removal of IQs
- removal of Hunger
- removal of Monster Houses
- as mentioned before, very weak "normal" attack
- zoomed in camera
- story isn't as engaging vs. PMD2
- very limited selections
Hmmm hunger is back? I didn't notice in the demo. And I dunno, IQ seems more fun what with passing through walls and stuff.
And normal attack deals acceptable damage back then, even at early dungeons. Here they seem to deal only 5~6 damage.
Size is still iffy though. Compare the left to the middle. I prefer the "distance" of the middle because it feels like you can see more.
No, it's not. In the screenshots you posted, the viewable area in the DS screenshot is eight "tiles" (for lack of a better term) high by eleven "tiles" wide. In the 3DS screenshot it appears to be five "tiles" high" by seven "tiles" wide, though it's a little harder to tell the exact horizontal number.As for size, it's exactly the same, just seems different due to the change from sprites to models
So apparently I'm not very good at this game. I'm no novice when it comes to Pokemon, but I can't even beat the first boss against.Scraggy and Gurdurr
I've died a couple times now in story mode, and both times I got the message "Phew! Your carried items were not lost!" Is it up to chance whether or not I'll lose items on death? (Obviously I expect penalties to be harsher in postgame dungeons.)
Looks like gender selection for your partner was removed completely. Makes me sad.Guess the localization team was too lazy to put in female pronouns. ;_;
Heh. So true. I've taken to moving around with the dpad in dungeons. Using the control stick can be a bit of a hassle in times like this.You know, game, if you're going to make me go alllll the way down a corridor just to find an empty room at the other end...
...can you at least make the corridor straight? ;_;
Big fan of T/D/S, but I'm still kind of at my fill of 3DS RPGs that need my time at the moment.Surprised there aren't more people playing this. Or at least commenting on it in this thread. Picked it up today and am having a lot of fun with it. Glad to see the difficulty has ramped up a bit from the demo.
Heh. So true. I've taken to moving around with the dpad in dungeons. Using the control stick can be a bit of a hassle in times like this.
It actually does. I wasn't aware of it, but after I saw your post I looked it up in the manual and that feature is totally there! That is very cool.Big fan of T/D/S, but I'm still kind of at my fill of 3DS RPGs that need my time at the moment.
By the way, does this have any of the internet features like in EoS? Being able to send out a rescue request and getting email notification was useful.
There's no hunger (except in specific dungeons) in this game, unlike previous ones, so don't worry about getting hungry!
Also, Pokémon recruitment in this is a lot simpler, you can recruit Pokémon regardless of whether or not you have a full party so bring whoever you want! Also you can give presents to wild (unevolved) Pokémon to sway them into joining you, making it a much less random and painless process!
Also, all Pokémon you have recruited will now gain EXP regardless of whether they are in your party or not.
Wow this thread went pretty dead.
I just made it to the credits once, it seems that tradition continues and the game isn't actually over at this point. I am kind of wondering if/when I can start evolving my teammates and partner. Requirements for evolution can be seen at the gift shop, but I'm guessing there's some other requirement to make it actually happen.
We don't have the game in Europe yet; another month to go. We get a demo on Thursday.
That being said, I do have a few questions that I hope can be answered!
- As someone who loved Blue Rescue Team but didn't like Explorers of Time/Darkness at all (I found it too difficult too early), will I like this one? I want something that's a bit easier, but still plays like a PMD game (going on missions, even non-story pushing ones, etc).
- I read in a review that you can no longer send passwords to people or use online features to get rescued if you faint, and this can only happen by Streetpass. Is this true? Nobody around here has a 3DS.
- How long would you peg the game's story at? I think I got a good... 25 hours out of Blue Rescue Team, and would like to be able to get a decent length of time out of this one.
Do it, EVOLVE!I'm now having a hard time to stay cute or cuddly, or hax all the dungeons. Hmm... You know, I really want my mains to stay cute, but... the power... of Haxorus is compelling me!
Do it, EVOLVE!
Also this game has too many feels.
No, shut up, I wasn't crying... I... I just had something in my eye, that's all..Makes you want to cry, don't you?
We don't have the game in Europe yet; another month to go. We get a demo on Thursday.
That being said, I do have a few questions that I hope can be answered!
- As someone who loved Blue Rescue Team but didn't like Explorers of Time/Darkness at all (I found it too difficult too early), will I like this one? I want something that's a bit easier, but still plays like a PMD game (going on missions, even non-story pushing ones, etc).
- I read in a review that you can no longer send passwords to people or use online features to get rescued if you faint, and this can only happen by Streetpass. Is this true? Nobody around here has a 3DS.
- How long would you peg the game's story at? I think I got a good... 25 hours out of Blue Rescue Team, and would like to be able to get a decent length of time out of this one.
Iwata said:I see. Well, thank you very much. I personally feel that the Mystery Dungeon series is a representative example of a modern hardcore game, and that the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games are a continued attempt at introducing players to the joys of such games. If you focus only upon intensifying the appealing points of hardcore games, they tend to become increasingly exclusive in their reach and therefore less accessible to many potential players. Every time a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game is released, however, new players are introduced to these games and I think this is really important for the future of video games. Pokémon fans are also sure to enjoy this title too. They'll no doubt find Tomie-san's distinctive Pokémon images really fresh, especially when combined with the new features that Nintendo 3DS allows. Thank you very much for your time today, everyone.