
Title: Pokémon Omega Ruby | Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Developer: GAME FREAK
Publisher: Nintendo
System: Nintendo 3DS family
Release Date:
[US] November 21, 2014
[JP] November 21, 2014
[AU] November 21, 2014
[EU] November 28, 2014

In the Hoenn region, two teams exist...
One exists to expand the domain of the sea to increase the amount of space for Pokémon to live.
One exists to expand the domain of land to allow for the future of human development.
To achieve these goals, they turn to the Pokémon said to have formed the earth long ago.
Challenge these teams on your journey, while learning the secrets of Primal Reversion...

- The ultimate confirmation of Hoenn, in the style of XY. Play through the various environments
and locales of the original GBA release, in new ways. Remade music, expanded locations, refreshed
character designs and personalities, water - it's all here for your enjoyment. - Secret Bases make a return. These spots can be accessed all over by using the move Secret Power
in conspicuous locations.
- Collect furniture, dolls and tricks to customize your hideout the way you want.
- Have other Trainer's bases populate your game, either through StreetPass or by scanning their base QR code.
- Visit and obtain friends for your base - while they hang out, you can have them help your Pokémon level up,
hatch your eggs, or even battle you. Upgrade their abilities by capturing flags from other bases daily.
This is similar to the role certain residents provided in BW2's Join Avenue.
- Set up Battle Rules for your Secret Base and make it a personal Gym, with you as the leader. - Contests make a return to the series. Dazzle the competition with your Pokémon's performance,
using moves to gain Appeal and impress the judges and audience.
- Make use of Cosplay Pikachu, a special Pikachu you obtain after your first contest. Dress her up in
various outfits and show off in each category. You can even use her in battle, with moves exclusive
to each costume. - After obtaining the Eon Flute, with the legendary Pokémon Latios or Latias, you are able to Fly
around the map in realtime, without the need to use a TM. Speed up, slow down, loop-the-loop, barrel roll -
whatever you like.
- Mirage Spots found when Flying let you find and catch the majority of legendary duos and trios from every
past generation, making dex completion easier than before. - The original PokeNav has been expanded from it's original incarnation, and split into 4 functions:
- The DexNav shows local Pokémon in the area, similar to the Habitat List in BW2. It also lets you catch rarer
Pokémon by sneaking up on them in the overworld, while telling you vital statistics like level, ability,
and moves without getting into battle.
- The AreaNav incorporates the standard map with extra functionality, letting you view routes, locations, trainers,
Secret Bases, berry trees, among other information. From here, once you gain the Eon Flute, you can Fly to any
location or route instantly just by tapping on it. Also, this is where you will find Trainer's Eye functionality,
letting you see profiles of Trainers and even see if they are up for a rematch.
- The BuzzNav is a portable TV, with programs and notifications that come to you at all times. The selection expands
as you progress through the game, and after getting plenty of StreetPasses.
- The PlayNav is the entire PSS from XY in one app. Through the PSS you can trade and battle with other players whether
they are playing XY or ORAS, make use of online services like the GTS, Pokémon Bank, and the PGL, train your Pokémon
in Super Training while keeping track of their vital statistics, and bond with your party in Pokémon Amie.

Along with the game, you are able to obtain more than 15 new Mega Evolutions as you progress through the game,
ranging from older Pokémon like Slowbro, to newer Pokémon like Diancie. The other two Hoenn starters get new
Mega Evolutions as well, letting you crush the competition in new ways.

The world at large is in danger. A large meteor heading for the Pokémon world threatens all life. In the middle of
the chaos is a new character named Zinnia, along with her Whismur and Salamence. What are her motives and goals?
- Learn the links connecting XY's story to ORAS, going back 3000 years.
- Old and new faces make their appearance here, including a certain someone last seen in Kalos...
- Travel out into space with Mega Rayquaza, and duke it out with Deoxys in Low Earth Orbit.
To Be Continued...