Great game Calem. I guess that's what I get for accepting a challenge when I'm preoccupied. Lol. I got crushed. XD
It should have at least 2.
Great game Calem. I guess that's what I get for accepting a challenge when I'm preoccupied. Lol. I got crushed. XD
That seems a lot less useful than HP though.
I have a few Timid Magic Guard Abra that are 31/-/31/31/31/31, I'd be willing to trade for a Timid Gastly with the same IVs. Would you be interested?
Awesome, i appreciate that. Either Nature is fine too. I'll take the raw egg if that okay with you, since i like to be the OT of my Pokemon.
I hope i have something to compensate this.
We'll have to trade in 18 to 24 hours then though, because i am in GMT+1. Its time for bed in a hour or two, lol.
Lol, it's fine. You played very well... and I did not. =PSorry about that.
Lol, it's fine. You played very well... and I did not. =P
I didn't know Heliolisk could actually survive a Huge Power boosted Play Rough! It was crazy. That Heliolisk was a pain this time, which I wasn't expecting. It's usually not that big of a problem for me.I thought for sure that play rough was going to kill my Heliolisk. If that happened it probably would've been a way different battle.
Also, I have plenty of Tyrunts like the 2 I gave to Neiteio.
Set with :
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Fire fang
And another:
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
And one I think (bad IVs, was a transitioning egg)
Fire fang
Ice fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
These are all adamant and great starting points for IV breeding and they'll always have those moves available through heart scales.
For those that want to do this on your own:
Dragonair with Dragon Dance on female tyrunt
Arbok with all of the bites, gaining Poison fang from breeding with Seviper.
I'm still popping eggs out with the first set (no more Dragon dance) so, lemme know (getting consistent 4 IV yields = HP, attack, defense, special defense)
I didn't know Heliolisk could actually survive a Huge Power boosted Play Rough! It was crazy. That Heliolisk was a pain this time, which I wasn't expecting. It's usually not that big of a problem for me.
Are the IVs of eggs locked before hatching? If so I can save, hatch, then reset after checking right?
You also don't need to give me anything really.![]()
Also, I have plenty of Tyrunts like the 2 I gave to Neiteio.
Set with :
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Fire fang
And another:
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
And one I think (bad IVs, was a transitioning egg)
Fire fang
Ice fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
These are all adamant and great starting points for IV breeding and they'll always have those moves available through heart scales.
For those that want to do this on your own:
Dragonair with Dragon Dance on female tyrunt
Arbok with all of the bites, gaining Poison fang from breeding with Seviper.
I'm still popping eggs out with the first set (no more Dragon dance) so, lemme know (getting consistent 4 IV yields = HP, attack, defense, special defense)
Are the IVs of eggs locked before hatching? If so I can save, hatch, then reset after checking right?
You also don't need to give me anything really.![]()
It is locked before the egg is even available: think so,...maybe someone els here can confirm that?
Now I really feel like i need to give you something!![]()
It is locked before the egg is even available:
Haha, sorry for the rain but I have gotten a kick out of your posts popping up![]()
Wow, 50% chance of Toxic status. :O But I think I'll still opt for Thunder/Fire/Ice and Earthquake -- seems like good coverage.Remember Poison fang is also 50% badly Poison chance (toxic).
Can I only capture Mewtwo and the X/Y legendaries after beating the Elite Four?
1/32^4?Do we know the chances of finding a perfect Ditto in the FS?
Do we know the chances of finding a perfect Ditto in the FS?
Do we know the chances of finding a perfect Ditto in the FS?
Chances for a shiny Ditto are higher
maybe (1/32)^4
or maybe I'm just wrong
Yay!!Finally got a Carbink that I'm happy with
Carbink - Bold - 31/12/28/31/31/31
Doesn't have a perfect defense, but I'm not going to sweat it over three points. This thing is more than awesome enough in my books.
Got my team nearly done
Any help on a last one?
Trying to egg rng and keep getting 4 IV from one and one from the other. My luck sucks!
I have a pair of Male and Female parents with 31/?/31/31/31/31. I use Destiny Knot and for some reason it is ALWAYS selecting attack because all the children only have 4 perfect stats. What the actual fuck. Why? Am I just unlucky? That should only happen 1/6th of the time right?
That Fennekin picture just confuses me. I'm pretty sure I don't fucking get it.
Also, I have plenty of Tyrunts like the 2 I gave to Neiteio.
Set with :
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Fire fang
And another:
Ice fang
Thunder fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
And one I think (bad IVs, was a transitioning egg)
Fire fang
Ice fang
Poison fang
Dragon dance
These are all adamant and great starting points for IV breeding and they'll always have those moves available through heart scales.
For those that want to do this on your own:
Dragonair with Dragon Dance on female tyrunt
Arbok with all of the bites, gaining Poison fang from breeding with Seviper.
I'm still popping eggs out with the first set (no more Dragon dance) so, lemme know (getting consistent 4 IV yields = HP, attack, defense, special defense)
That Fennekin picture just confuses me. I'm pretty sure I don't fucking get it. Why do you care that Sp.Atk wasn't inherited at first? Don't you get that from swapping parents after rejecting the egg? Why reset the game?
1 IV is generated, 5 are inherited.Anyone have a potential answer to this:Is my math wrong? Am I just unlucky?I have a pair of Male and Female parents with 31/?/31/31/31/31. I use Destiny Knot and for some reason it is ALWAYS selecting attack because all the children only have 4 perfect stats. What the actual fuck. Why? Am I just unlucky? That should only happen 1/6th of the time right?
QUICK. ADDING YOU NOW. CODE IN PROFILE. GOGOGOGOCan someone help me evolve my Kadabra real quick?
So, at what point is it decided that the egg will be shiny? If it is at the point that the egg is made available, doesn't this make it easier to get a shiny with a good IV set?IVs for the next egg are determined as soon as you reject/accept the egg that is available right now, so due to that, you are guaranteed that those IVs will pass down regardless of what the parents are. So this means you can swap in parents that have the IVs you want in the stats you know that will pass down.