don t some gengar run dazzling gleam? still takes him down.
No, but they do run Sludge Wave.
What's Chesnaught gonna do? Fart? :lol
don t some gengar run dazzling gleam? still takes him down.
don t some gengar run dazzling gleam? still takes him down.
No, but they do run Sludge Wave.
What's Chesnaught gonna do? Fart? :lol
This is correct.IIRC sludge wave is Dream World exclusive.
Focus Blast is "Fighting Spirit Bullet" in Japan?
English speakers got screwed out of this one, no question.
Focus Blast is "Fighting Spirit Bullet" in Japan?
English speakers got screwed out of this one, no question.
Should have just called it Hadouken.
Hadoudan - Wave BombThe Japanese name for Aura Sphere is Hadoden, which I discovered by watching the BW2 anime trailer.
That's gotta be the most baller name for a move ever.
Hadoudan - Wave Bomb
It makes you immune to all of the moves on this page.
As a result, Bulletproof Chesnaught is pretty much the best Gengar counter ever.
Nullifies all of these
Acid Spray
Aura Sphere
Bullet Seed
Egg Bomb
Electro Ball
Energy Ball
Focus Blastl
Gyro Ball
Ice Ball\
Magnet Bomb
Mud Bomb
Seed Bomb
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Weather Ball
About half of them are. I assume you want one; what've you got?![]()
Just hatched a shiny Inkay.
I'm thinkingIncoming "this move is always treated as a bullet move" text.
This will fly over every single one of your heads.
Focus Blast is "Fighting Spirit Bullet" in Japan?
English speakers got screwed out of this one, no question.
Wait, even Diantha visits the Chateau? I thought only Leaders and E4 do!
Seriously. That gets old really fast.
Just hatched a shiny Inkay.
Magician. It seems to be basically like Thief, only whenever you do any move? Or a move that hits the opponent, anyway. Never tried it out.What's Delphox hidden Ability? Also no one uses him.
What's a better move for Lucario, Bullet Punch of Crunch? I'm gonna run Sword Dance (or Power Up Punch but probably Sword Dance), Close Combat and ExtremeSpeed, and I'm debating on my fourth move.
now I'm imagining a Lucario vs. Machamp re-enactment of this.
It's only a month until Pokémon Bank. If I were you, I'd wait until you can transfer one with Stealth Rock from Gen V. There are a ton of cool Pokémon you can raise in the meantime.So, would you pro-competitive types know if Donphan would still be worth using without access to Stealth Rock? I kinda really want one, but I'm not sure whether I should train one in White 2 or Y.
First egg from my and Ultimadrago's 5 IV Timid Gastly was a 6 IV Gastly
Poison types absorb toxic spikes.
Goddamn beats, I did not see choice scarf rotom-W. Completely destroyed me.![]()
Yeah, it's pretty good! Though I didn't expect it to do that much damage. >.<
Good game.
Nice man. Congrats on the perfect Pokemon.
It's only a month until Pokémon Bank. If I were you, I'd wait until you can transfer one with Stealth Rock from Gen V. There are a ton of cool Pokémon you can raise in the meantime.
I don't think Stealth Rock can be passed down to its children though, meaning I'll have to either learn how to RNG or put up with Gen V's inferior breeding mechanics D:
I guess the question now is who do I raise next? I don't want to raise Scizor again because I spent like 40 hours of my life crafting the perfect one in Gen V and am content to wait until we are reunited through Bank. Hmm... maybe I'll finally expose myself to the wonders of Sableye.
Thanks for the 4 IV Gastly, it saved me a lot of time. Before that I was getting at best 'Outstanding' Pokemon with 3 freaking IVs. Just horrible
Ha! I had a bunch of them with 4IVs but needed that 5IV one. Unloaded like 2 boxes worth of on Wondertrade. Looks like I'll keep being active in that Trade thread so others can make use of my Pokemon![]()
I'm thinking
Which Pokemon have you bred and trained so far this gen?
Soft reset if it's not your first time,Man these credits are really long.
No.ExampleIn yugioh, names are incredibly important, and back in the day the translators didn't care to keep any sort of consistency. To fix this, later releases of older cards sometimes included "this card is always treated as an X card", usually referring to Archfiends.
Is it? He quoted me.Way to quote the wrong guy yo.
EDIT: When did they start doing that? I haven't gotten any cards in about a year or two, but I'm pretty sure my Summoned Skull from a year back didn't have any of that. Nor my Red Eyes B Chick, though I guess the only card that would've applied to specifically mentions it as invalid...
Is it? He quoted me.
Incidentally, the second egg I got after the perfect one was a 5 IV male. You can have it. Give me about 10 minutes and I'll jump online.