No problem, I've just been releasing stuff I won't use. ^^Shoot me a PM so I remember to let you know when I get new things! Thanks for the trade!
No problem, I've just been releasing stuff I won't use. ^^Shoot me a PM so I remember to let you know when I get new things! Thanks for the trade!
Antiwhippy has Dark Friend Safari. Are you looking for Inkay?I have 60+ friends and not a single Dark safari.
I have 60+ friends and not a single Dark safari.
Antiwhippy has Dark Friend Safari. Are you looking for Inkay?
Nah, I was, but no longer. Mostly I'm just marveling at the long odds of such a thing. Someone here mentioned they were looking for Dragon safaris...I have more of those than any other type. It's weird.
Actually I'm looking for Bunnelby/Diggersby, if anyone has him.
Ugh Mewtwo is annoying to catch.
I've got Dittos in my friend safari if anyone needs any. My FC is 3110-5172-5596.
Almost 3 weeks since I finished the game and I still haven't been into that cave that opens post game lol
Catch lv 3 and quick ball?Ugh Mewtwo is annoying to catch.
Catch lv 3 and quick ball?
I do! My FC is 3110-5172-5596.Does anyone here have a Ditto Friend Safari and spot left on their friends list? I want in.
I do! My FC is 3110-5172-5596.
Finally! Got my Adamant Scyther with 5IVs and thank lord Goomy it was Technician not Swarm
...now to find that Metal Coat D:
Edit: Second Magneton yielded one, thankfully! Woo, now to EV train these Pokemon I've bred today and get them ready to try out.
Caught a Mewtwo with a decent Nature (Lonely +Atk -Def, may be 'ok' to me. I don't know if I'd use it but I have X)
IV Judge says:
This pokemon has relatively superior potential overall.
Incidentally, I would say its greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat
Althuogh his Sp Atk is equally good
And, well, its Speed stat is good, too.
Stats like those...They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it.
What does that mean, if the other stats aren't mentioned?
Just got my 5 IV Kangaskhan
Now to work on something else...
Sort of jealous >_>I got it on my second egg thanks to your breeding fodder and my perfect Charizard! New record haha. Thanks again!
You get Shadow Ball, you get Shadow Ball! Everybody gets Shadow Ball!Man I keep wanting to use the Eeveelutions but their shallow movepools make it so hard to.
You get Shadow Ball, you get Shadow Ball! Everybody gets Shadow Ball!
Just use espeon. Magic bounce is like having a whole other set of moves.
Hey you want to stealth rock me HOW ABOUT YOU GET YOUR STEALTH ROCKS BACK?
So, what color bike did you guys pick?
Umbreon is as close as we'll getIt's kind of funny that all of them can learn Shadow Ball but there's no Ghost Eeeveelution.
I've been looking for a HA Eevee but nobody likes me =(
It's kind of funny that all of them can learn Shadow Ball but there's no Ghost Eeeveelution.
I've been looking for a HA Eevee but nobody likes me =(
Used it to evolve my Scyther in game! Couldn't wait haha.What did you do with the Metal Coat you get from the Poke Ball Factory?![]()
I can spare you one.
Really? Thanks, but I don't have anything to trade other than some 3IV Eevees. My FC is 0404-6055-6338.
Just use espeon. Magic bounce is like having a whole other set of moves.
Hey you want to stealth rock me HOW ABOUT YOU GET YOUR STEALTH ROCKS BACK?
I've had a lot of fun with Espeon in the Battle Maison.
"Bitch please, keep your status effects to yourself."
FC is 5000 2377 2427. Anything is fine really. I already have the Eevee that I can use anyway.
Thanks a lot!
No problem, thought I think that the one I gave you has not so great IVs.
Gawd, Jolteon is so cute on Amie
... I bet all Eevee's are cute in Amie
NoDo PP Ups carry over if you choose to forget a move and relearn it?
Ugh Mewtwo is annoying to catch.
First shiny in my life!
... and it's a foongus. Ah well, still cool.