I think it's better to use a piece of folded paper - less chance of damaging your circle pad.
Use a plastic spudger myself since it slides it without any force.
I think it's better to use a piece of folded paper - less chance of damaging your circle pad.
Pretty sure I do. If you're online now, let me just find two good ones and send you a trade reqDo you have any reject females of tech sycthers and timid larvestas in luxury balls?![]()
Pretty sure I do. If you're online now, let me just find two good ones and send you a trade req
Also I have no idea why I went with Jolly for Scyther, but eh.. I'll take it! Outspeed EVERYTHING
Pretty sure I do. If you're online now, let me just find two good ones and send you a trade req
Also I have no idea why I went with Jolly for Scyther, but eh.. I'll take it! Outspeed EVERYTHING
Wait, what coin trick?I've used ev berries (before ev training) to raise happiness. If there is a easier way I would like to know about it.
Pretty sure I do. If you're online now, let me just find two good ones and send you a trade req
Also I have no idea why I went with Jolly for Scyther, but eh.. I'll take it! Outspeed EVERYTHING
That is true. I might redo him, not sure yet thoughThanks for the Magikarp, Aytrial!
It is strange, considering one f the main uses of that pokemon is abusing priority moves.
No problem, I'll set them aside for youI'm at work :<. I'll be at home at 6 pm est
Sucker Punch is stupid in Doubles. It should only work if someone is going to attack the Pokemon that is using the move. Why does it work if I'm not attacking the Pokemon that is going to use it?
Hm, I want to make all the Eeveelutions, but I'd like a few of them to actually be useful, too. So, what's good in Eeveelutions?
I'm thinking a Vaporeon could be good, bit of an unusual pick for a water-type, but I'm not entirely sure what to build for. Other than Vaporeon has big HP, so I'm seeing a defensive build. Something like Acid Armor, Scald, Aqua Ring, and Substitute. But I see on Serebii that you get a Wish egg move on Vaporeon. That would be better than Aqua Ring, I imagine, can heal off the Substitute damage quick.
But how the heck do you get Wish onto an Eevee? Sylveon doesn't learn it. I have a bunch of Ralts, and they learn it, but I don't think there's a breeding path from Ralts to Eevee. I also have access to Togepis through a Friend Safari. That might be a better place to start?
Another Eeveelution I'm looking at is Jolteon. Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and.... well. What's good in pure offense Jolteon? Max EVs in Speed and Sp. Atk, obviously. Hit first, hit hard.
But what about the rest of the bunch? Glaceon might be interesting, with the "Heals in hail" ability. I can get their hidden abilities easily enough, got a few Eevees with it.
Also, what's good natures for them? I got a Jolteon already with +Speed -Attack. I think that's a keeper. Unless I need an egg move on one... I really don't hope I do.
Magic Bounce Espeon is a good counter to all those Carbinks that got sent out recently. It's also good against general status inducers and walls since it can hit pretty hard with 130 SpA. And Eevee gets Baton Pass, so you can set all the Eeveelutions as Baton Passers.
Wish you need to chain breed from Togetic, through Skitty to Eevee.
I Wonder Traded a Bidoof named "Derp" and got back a Magikarp. Best trade ever...
I Wonder Traded a Bidoof named "Derp" and got back a Magikarp. Best trade ever...
Through... Skitty? I would never have guessed. I thought it might be Pikachu that was the link.Magic Bounce Espeon is a good counter to all those Carbinks that got sent out recently. It's also good against general status inducers and walls since it can hit pretty hard with 130 SpA. And Eevee gets Baton Pass, so you can set all the Eeveelutions as Baton Passers.
Wish you need to chain breed from Togetic, through Skitty to Eevee.
Huh? I can use a Smeargle? How?Or you can use a Smeargle.
Would it be too much you ask you to save me an Axew and Ralts? I have Larvitars (DDance + Pursuit), Woopers (Recover), Togepis (Nasty Plot), Scythers (Technician), Riolus (Crunch + Bullet Punch) if you want anything in return. The only thing is that I don't have access to my 3DS atm (black screen of death) so it'll be a few days...hopefully.Oh good God I have 7 boxes of Eevees, Magikarp, Axews and Ralts I need to Wonder Trade.
This is going to take forever.
Huh? I can use a Smeargle? How?
Through... Skitty? I would never have guessed. I thought it might be Pikachu that was the link.
The idea of having an all Eevee team with Baton Pass all over is amusing, I guess I evolved the ones I have too soon... You can't use the Move Relearner to learn Eevee moves as an evolved Eevee, can you? Then again, they don't all get stat increasing moves, so maybe they don't all need it.
Wait a second, does Wish -> Baton Pass work the way I think it does? Vaporeon uses Wish. A heal of the strength of half of Vaporeon's Max HP is ordered. Vaporeon uses Baton Pass, Jolteon tags in. Jolteon gets healed by Wish. Is that right? If so... neat.
Ah, well, Water Stones are easy to come by, and the Vaporeon I have has three capped IV, most notably HP, so it can work, I suppose. Except it's male. Doesn't it have to be the male that carries the egg move? I never really tried breeding for one before.
Huh? I can use a Smeargle? How?
An Eevee Baton Pass team is definitely amusing. Sylveon is a pretty good Calm Minder, and Jolteon has Charge Beam, it could work. Does Aqua Ring pass through Baton Pass?
Yes. In older games you didn't have to use baton pass (okay, the two times I tried without baton pass in this gen nothing happened, anyone like to confirm if I did it wrong).Wait a second, does Wish -> Baton Pass work the way I think it does? Vaporeon uses Wish. A heal of the strength of half of Vaporeon's Max HP is ordered. Vaporeon uses Baton Pass, Jolteon tags in. Jolteon gets healed by Wish. Is that right? If so... neat.
Male Smeargle can get nearly every move (use the restaurant doubles battle?) so is a good egg move mule for the group it is in (guessing field considering Eevee)Huh? I can use a Smeargle? How?
I'm not sure how Wish works exactly, but I think it uses the HP of the current Pokemon.
It uses the HP of the Pokemon who uses it. Vaporeon Wishes = +75% healing. :3
I'm sure one of us has one to spare.Anyone know the fastest or easiest way to get a dratini/Dragonaire with their hidden ability? None of my friend safari's have dragons so I'm trying to think of some alternatives.
Tried out Wondertrade for the first time.
Traded a lvl 6 Bunny-whatisitcalled Pokémon to a Tentacool. It had a Japanese name so I traded it again with Wondertrade and received a lvl. 20 Eevee. Pretty good trade but that too had a Japanese name.
So now I'll try to get rid of my lvl. 20 Eevee to anyone who wants it.
Would anyone be willing to help me trade my kadabra so it will evolve?
Not if it was nicknamed though.You know if you evolve it the name changes to whatever language your game is set to? Since Japanese names bother you that much, it's something you can probably look forward to if you want to keep it.
Awesome work! Any one claim the Tyrunt?![]()
Finally found the time to do some more of these.
I'm sure one of us has one to spare.
Finally found the time to do some more of these.
Oh okay. If anyone has one that would be fantastic!
Quick question: If I get one off someone but I need to breed for a different nature/moves, how much chance is there of passing down their hidden ability? I'm going to be trying for Adamant or Jolly.
Not if it was nicknamed though.
Spindashing... Do I need to give you the "who gives a shit about Carbink's speed" talk, too?Breeded a 31/X/31/31/31/X Carbink just now thanks to dat Carbink giveaway. Sturdy, too.
I feel like I should stick with this but the non-perfect Speed is bothering me. I know that Carbink's Speed is abysmal but...but...
Fuck, I'll take it.
Awesome work! Any one claim the Tyrunt?
Spindashing... Do I need to give you the "who gives a shit about Carbink's speed" talk, too?
You're always going to go second with Carbink. With high speed, you might outpace like Mega Aggron or some shit. But it's so incredibly situational. Start having fun with your Carbink right now! You can always continue to breed later, if you wish, but take it from me: I have a perfect 31 in Speed and I virtually -always- go second.
u__u I guess I've been too used to trying to get 5 31's.
I'll settle. You're right. Thanks.
Don't waste time with it, the li' bugger isn't even in a luxury ball. We're after perfection, not mediocrity.
Breeded a 31/X/31/31/31/X Carbink just now thanks to dat Carbink giveaway. Sturdy, too.
I feel like I should stick with this but the non-perfect Speed is bothering me. I know that Carbink's Speed is abysmal but...but...
Fuck, I'll take it.
Why do some people in the Passerby/Acquaintences screen look like in-game characters? Also some don't have hats (even on my friends list). Anyone know how?
You can change your profile pic to any of the in-game NPCs.Why do some people in the Passerby/Acquaintences screen look like in-game characters? Also some don't have hats (even on my friends list). Anyone know how?
My Carbinks don't need to be pampered with Luxury Balls.Don't waste time with it, the li' bugger isn't even in a luxury ball. We're after perfection, not mediocrity.
Don't you WANT a slow speed on carbink though? He'd make for a great trick room user.