Replays aren't working atm.
Angry American Carbink ain't having none of that shit!
Which is why my David vs. Goliath moment with Meteor Mash Metagross was AWESOMEI just realized Carbink has a 4x Steel weakness.
Replays aren't working atm.
My mind was blown with Colosseum.Duskull only has 1 eye too? Mind blown. Bless the 3D models.
I even froze his Mega Manectric, lol.
That Lucario, Togekiss, Floatzel team... every time lol.Damn Le Wow and their Protect spammers...
I tried using Ice Beam against Rotom-W, too, even though he resists. I was wondering if the RNG gods would smile twice.Freeze wins are always the best.
That Lucario, Togekiss, Floatzel team... every time lol.
Phantump only has one eye too!Duskull only has 1 eye too? Mind blown. Bless the 3D models.
I tried using Ice Beam against Rotom-W, too, even though he resists. I was wondering if the RNG gods would smile twice.![]()
I have multiple videos where I pull it off. Basically whenever I feel like I'm in a stalemate, I try Ice Beam hoping it'll freeze, and it does, lol.I hate getting frozen.
Now that is just pure luck.
Let's see if I can go three for three
I have multiple videos where I pull it off. Basically whenever I feel like I'm in a stalemate, I try Ice Beam hoping it'll freeze, and it does, lol.
It wasn't the deciding moment, though. It just knocked out his Mega quicker.![]()
Use Magma Armor as an alternative and Hatch lv 3.How do you hatch eggs faster besides Flame Body?
Are you online so I can finally snatch that Carbink?ANOTHER JAPANITE APPROACHES
Let's see if I can go three for three
Training up my Kangaskhan that I'm gonna test out the Mega for.
Does Fake Out, Earthquake, Power Up Punch, Return sound like a decent move set? Gonna have a lead use Swords Dance and then Baton Pass into her.
I've posted millions of videos of it.Yo we should fight Neit. I want to see that fabled carbink.
I've seen a few others but this one seems to have the best offensive power I guessIt's pretty much the only moveset I've seen on her.
Why wouldn't you breed the moves onto it first?!!
I finally hatch a female Tyrunt... and it's 31/31/31/x/31/31! Unfortunately, I need to breed it now with an Arbok to get some Fang moves, but this will help considerably once she gives me a decent son.
I've seen a few others but this one seems to have the best offensive power I guess![]()
Oh yeah, can you shoot me your PM again?Are you online so I can finally snatch that Carbink?![]()
Japan fell twice. But on the third battle...
True, while the chance of making them flinch with Fake Out is good, type coverage would be better with Sucker Punch and that priority too.I think the standard set is replacing Fake Out with Sucker Punch.
I battled three Japanese players, beat the first two (see videos above) but lost to the third.3v3?
I wasn't going for such a great offspring, I just wanted any female so I can breed it with Arbok for the egg moves. I was given a 4 IV male Tyrunt and I was just breeding it with my 4 IV Ditto, just hoping for a female, and when I got one, turned out to be outstanding.Why wouldn't you breed the moves onto it first?
I've posted millions of videos of it.
You tell me your team in incredibly exhaustive detail first.
Also, report from the front lines, this battle isn't going good, lol.
Whoa you finished it already. :0I'm running an all-psychic team now with Gallade, Gardevoir, Espeon, Bronzong, Reuniculus and slowbro, but I usually run Gliscor, Mega Aggron, Rotom-W, Volcarona, Weavile and ferrothorn.
Japan fell twice. But on the third battle...
Breeding Espurr is annoying. So far I've had 3 perfect ones, but all of them are female, and only one of them has the hidden ability. Introduce gender changes next generation GF please.
Breeding Espurr is annoying. So far I've had 3 perfect ones, but all of them are female, and only one of them has the hidden ability. Introduce gender changes next generation GF please.
The fourth Japanite has fallen. So three out of four tonight, not bad.Hahaha, that is probably why it said you were busy when I tried to tradeGod speed friend!
Whoa you finished it already. :0
Wait... where's Mewostic?![]()
Still in the lines. I have malamar and meowstic as alternatives.
Also ggs collosal lazy. Who knew that shadow ball would be the bane of my all-psychic team.![]()