Holy fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
Holy crap, I'll let you clone my perfect shiny Magic Bounce Espeon if I can have a clone of that shiny Adamant Inkay!
Holy fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
Ohhh, you have it in a Luxury Ball like a true Pokemon Trainer. Female please lol.Could have sworn I had you added at some point but I added you just now lol.
Ohhh, you have it in a Luxury Ball like a true Pokemon Trainer. Female please lol.
Yeah, I have two in 4th gen that I can clone. I have a Modest one from the ALAMOS event, and a shiny Timid one from the Platinum Member's Pass event. Pick one, and I'll get it ready for when Bank opens![]()
1 - 12
2 - 25
3 - 32
4 - 34
5 - 37
6 - 42
7 - 48
8 - 59
Champion - 68
Hey PokeGAF, I have even more Pokemon to give away!
Today, I have the following Pokemon up for grabs:
10 Bold Swift Swim Feebas with Haze, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
And I still have Pokemon from my previous giveaway a few days ago:
9 Bold Koffings with Toxic Spikes and Pain Split, 5 IVs
If you want any of these Pokemon, please send me a PM, with the Pokemon you want, your FC (if we aren't already on each other's friends list), and your ingame name.
Okay, I have to bite. I will let you clone my Up-To-No-Good Black Rayquaza if you let me snag one of those shiny legendaries. I got my eyes on Genesect tho.all that shiny shit
Can I have a male Klefki and Cottonee? Trainer name is Hibi.Hey PokeGAF, I have even more Pokemon to give away!
Today, I have the following Pokemon up for grabs:
12 Bold Klefkis with Switcheroo, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
15 Bold Prankster Cottonees with Encore and Switcheroo, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
10 Bold Swift Swim Feebas with Haze, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
And I still have Pokemon from my previous giveaway a few days ago:
9 Bold Koffings with Toxic Spikes and Pain Split, 5 IVs
9 Bold Yamasks with Toxic Spikes, 4-5 relevant IVs
If you want any of these Pokemon, please send me a PM, with the Pokemon you want, your FC (if we aren't already on each other's friends list), and your ingame name.
Thanks macklelol!Hey PokeGAF, I have even more Pokemon to give away!
If you want any of these Pokemon, please send me a PM, with the Pokemon you want, your FC (if we aren't already on each other's friends list), and your ingame name.
someone made this
Can I have these two?
FC: 2595-1487-1556
Can I have a male Klefki and Cottonee? Trainer name is Hibi.
Thanks macklelol!
FC is in my profile, what's your trainer name?
Are those all shinies in that list, Sigmaah?
Slow down, man.
Okay, I have to bite. I will let you clone my Up-To-No-Good Black Rayquaza if you let me snag one of those shiny legendaries. I got my eyes on Genesect tho.
Holy crap, I'll let you clone my perfect shiny Magic Bounce Espeon if I can have a clone of that shiny Adamant Inkay!
FC is in my profile, what's your trainer name?
No problem.
Ya they're all shinies lmao, gotta get whatever I can while cloning still exists, who knows how long it'll last!
No one lolWait, who is doing the cloning? I could maybe lend my two shinies. Toxicroak and Spoink.
By the way, thank you so very much for the pokemon! :]
Maybe the x is a 30?
Regardless, nice!
Its a 9.
Holy fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
Deff going for the bold eevee, vulpix, growlithe, hp grass froakie, Torchic, Zorua, and that hp ice Jolteon, any other ones I should get?
Also I got 4 shiny modest 6v Larvestas up for trade. I'd like other shiny mons I don't have for them if you have them, or maybe let me clone a shiny mon you have?
Damn wish i had even half of this lolHoly fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
What I can choose from:
6 IVs
1x Lv 1 F Magikarp Swift Swim Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/311x
1x Lv 1 M Inkay Contrary Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 Rotom Levitate Modest 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 27 M Archen Defeatist Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Eevee Adaptability Modest 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Wish, Yawn
1x Lv 1 M Eevee Anticipation Bold 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Yawn, Wish, Covet
1x Lv 1 F Vulpix Drought Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Hex
1x Lv 30 Raikou Hasty Pressure 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Event)
1x Lv 100 Victini Timid Victory Star 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/V Create, Fusion Bolt, Fushion Flare (Event, 252 SpA/252 Spe/6 HP)
1x Lv 100 Genesect Hasty Download 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Extreme Speed (Event)
1x Lv 1 M Electrike Lightning Rod Timid 31/16/30/31/31/31 w/HP Fire, Discharge
1x Lv 1 F Froakie Protean Timid 31/14/31/26/31/31 w/HP Grass, Toxic Spikes
1x Lv 1 M Jolteon Timid Volt Absorb 31/16/30/31/31/31 w/HP Ice
1x Lv 50 M Latios Timid Levitate 31/16/31/30/31/30 w/HP Fire (Pokerus, JPN)
5 IVs
1x Lv 1 M Charmander Jolly Blaze 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Flare Blitz, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
1x Lv 1 M Fennekin Magician Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Aron Adamant Rock Head 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Superpower, Head Smash, Stealth Rock
1x Lv 1 M Hawlucha Unburden Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Baton Pass, Agility, Quick Guard, Ally Switch
1x Lv 1 M Kabuto Swift Swim Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Rapid Spin
1x Lv 1 F Growlithe Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Close Combat, Crunch, Morning Sun
1x Lv 1 M Trapinch Adamant Arena Trap 31/31/31/X/31/31
1x Lv 1 F Ekans Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Iron Tail, Sucker Punch, Poison Fant
1x Lv 1 M Clauncher Modest Mega Launcher 31/X/31/31/31/31 w/Endure
1x Lv 1 M Torchic Speed Boost Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Baton Pass
1x Lv 1 F Litleo Unnerve Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Nincada Compound Eyes Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31
1x Lv 1 F Vullaby Overcoat Bold 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Foul Play, Knock Off
1x Lv 100 Male Salamence Moxie Naive 31/31/31/30/31/31 w/Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang (needs to be relearned)
1x Lv 3 F! Pancham Scrappy Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Storm Throw
1x Lv 1 F Zoura Illusion Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31 w/Sucker Punch, Counter, Extrasensory, Snatch
1x Lv 100 M Landorus Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 (KOR, 252 Att/252 Spe/6 HP, Pokerus Cured
Deff going for the bold eevee, vulpix, growlithe, hp grass froakie, Torchic, Zorua, and that hp ice Jolteon, any other ones I should get?
Also I got 4 shiny modest 6v Larvestas up for trade. I'd like other shiny mons I don't have for them if you have them, or maybe let me clone a shiny mon you have?
I. Hate. The. Rain.
It rained just a minute before I used Sweet Scent...
Its a 9.
Horde Atk EV training, Bellsprout?
....Yes. Well, that's what I'm doing now at least. I wanted to use Weepinbell in Rt 18 but that isn't happening.
Didn't see anyone reply, so if you still need someone, just let me know here in the thread or pm me.
Elegym has proved useful for getting all of the annoying stone/trade pokemon out of the way, but I haven't been able to get a legendary for it.
The only legendaries I need that I don't have or can't get on any old games are Genesect, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Arceus, but the only one I want is God itself.
Will probably have to rely on someone's generosity with cloning for that, though.
Ya they're all shinies lmao, gotta get whatever I can while cloning still exists, who knows how long it'll last!
I'll ask the guy for it when I get my shiny competitive mons outta the way![]()
And for anyone who didn't get a ditto, I copped a shiny 6v TIMID Japanese ditto instead of jolly, so now you have a choice between natures lol. Lemme know whose left and what nature you want, got a couple of days off coming after the 1st so it should all be done by then!
I'll ask the guy for it and I'll let you know when I'm good to get it to you!
....Yes. Well, that's what I'm doing now at least. I wanted to use Weepinbell in Rt 18 but that isn't happening.
....Yes. Well, that's what I'm doing now at least. I wanted to use Weepinbell in Rt 18 but that isn't happening.
Ah, I'll remember this for next time. That would be helpful since it's in a cave.The Ice Cavern is a good substitute with that polar bear looking pokemon. You will run into Vanillite (S.Atk) though.
I'll have to make a new one. Give me a little bit.Actually, a male ES dratini would be great if you have one.
Actually, a male ES dratini would be great if you have one.
Hey PokeGAF, I have even more Pokemon to give away!
Today, I have the following Pokemon up for grabs:
12 Bold Klefkis with Switcheroo, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
15 Bold Prankster Cottonees with Encore and Switcheroo, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
10 Bold Swift Swim Feebas with Haze, 5 IVs (may have Attack)
And I still have Pokemon from my previous giveaway a few days ago:
9 Bold Koffings with Toxic Spikes and Pain Split, 5 IVs
9 Bold Yamasks with Toxic Spikes, 4-5 relevant IVs
If you want any of these Pokemon, please send me a PM, with the Pokemon you want, your FC (if we aren't already on each other's friends list), and your ingame name.
Oh cool, thanks.Ah, I'll remember this for next time. That would be helpful since it's in a cave.
I'll have to make a new one. Give me a little bit.
Eww, premier balls? Luxury FTW. Lol, thanks though, spinda offeredI have ES Dratini in Premier Balls, you want? I'm going off to work though. Back in a while.
No one lol
But we do have cloners here
Does anybody have a Murkrow with Prankster?
Oh, nevermind then. Haha.
LOL. If it helps, I haven't been getting any more non-Kalos legendaries. I tried out Phione and got a Zekrom last night but no one is biting today.Oh cool, thanks.
Eww, premier balls? Luxury FTW. Lol, thanks though, spinda offered
On another note, getting a non kalos legendary is really a pain in the ass. Not a damn hit so far for anything... :/ Damn spindashing, getting lucky with the unown. >.>
LOL. If it helps, I haven't been getting any more non-Kalos legendaries. I tried out Phione and got a Zekrom last night but no one is biting today.
Is the male Dratini your final answer?
how to you know the exact number ?
I have a bunch, with decent IVs. I can give you one of them.