Haha, yes it is. Your Chimchars have also gotten me many Mewtwos on gts.My baby's descendents.
My ign is Cody, ill send you an invite soon.Kk, I'm adding you now. My FC is 1263 - 6411 -3961 and IGN is Calum.
Haha, yes it is. Your Chimchars have also gotten me many Mewtwos on gts.My baby's descendents.
My ign is Cody, ill send you an invite soon.Kk, I'm adding you now. My FC is 1263 - 6411 -3961 and IGN is Calum.
Sure Scrafty. Im on now if you want to trade. Do you want it male or female?
Wow the Pokemon in this thread are crazy. I'm just breeding Wish Eevee's right now. =\
How are you getting Hidden Ability Pokemon? Hordes and Friend Safari? Entrainment lead? My Sylveon has Skill Swap so I could do that I guess.
Male it is then haha. And hell yeah, thanks! #TeamSlakingMale if it's just in a plain PokéBall, female if it's in a special one.
Thanks a lot, mate. You are hereby entitled to the first perfect Jolly Slakoth with Pursuit I breed![]()
Could I get a HA Phantump?
I'd like a Keldeo. Is there anything specific you're looking for?Hello, I'm up for trading with people if they'd like too. If anyone would like a HA Charmelon, or Delphox I have those. I also have a Keldeo. Thanks.
You mean Hustle which will become Sheer Force.Anybody have a Sheer Force Nidoran (Male)
You mean Hustle which will become Sheer Force.
I'd like a Keldeo. Is there anything specific you're looking for?
No I don't have either if those. If you haven't traded it to someone else by the time bank comes out I might have some legends though.You wouldn't happen to have Meloetta or Genesect? Otherwise I'm up for some other legendary pokemon.
How does pokerus work exactly? I just got a pokemon with it, and infected my pokemon with pokerus.
How does pokerus work exactly? I just got a pokemon with it, and infected my pokemon with pokerus.
Lucky. All of my Pokemon with pokerus are in my Gen IV games. >_>
Anything infected with it gets double EV growth. It can spread to your active party, or an entire PC box if you leave it there.
When you battle (and gain EXP), Pokerus may spread to Pokemon/Eggs next to the infected Pokemon. Pokerus "expires" if an infected Pokemon is in your party at midnight. If they're in a Box they are always infected.
No I don't have either if those. If you haven't traded it to someone else by the time bank comes out I might have some legends though.
I can trade you one with pokerus.
That would be great, if you don't mind doing it! Just let me know whenever's convenient for you.
You don't need to gain exp. Just enter a battle. You can run away immediately and it can still spread.When you battle (and gain EXP), Pokerus may spread to Pokemon/Eggs next to the infected Pokemon. Pokerus "expires" if an infected Pokemon is in your party at midnight. If they're in a Box they are always infected.
Pokerus cannot spread in the PC box. PC just freezes the timer on Pokerus so the Pokemon stays contagious.Anything infected with it gets double EV growth. It can spread to your active party, or an entire PC box if you leave it there.
Of course I don't mind. ^^ Just let me get everything prepared.
You don't need to gain exp. Just enter a battle. You can run away immediately and it can still spread.Pokerus cannot spread in the PC box. PC just freezes the timer on Pokerus so the Pokemon stays contagious.
Thanks. Just let me know whenever you're ready. I don't have much to offer in return, though.
If you have any pokemon I don't have, it'd be pretty great. If not, then it's fine. But I will be getting on soon!
FC: 2595-1487-1556
You don't need to gain exp. Just enter a battle. You can run away immediately and it can still spread.Pokerus cannot spread in the PC box. PC just freezes the timer on Pokerus so the Pokemon stays contagious.
I can definitely do Sneasel! FC is 2535-3659-8605
Sorry for the wait. I randonmly had to do something. But I am on now! ^^
Actually, something just came up for me. I might not be able to trade right now.
Sorry for troubling you!
I don't have much, but if anyone wants the following:
-Head Smash and Stealth Rock Aron
Let me know. I'll be on tonight. FC 1719-3995-1081
Looking for basically anything.
This person. Lol.
It's alright, well I have it ready for whenever you need it. ^^
Haha, I han't even meant to do that. Thanks again.
The cap is 255. After that they're not counted in that stat. So if you were going for 252/252/4 you'd be missing 3 from one if you accidentally went over in one of the 252. But it's only a one point difference so it doesn't really matter that much
The cap is 255. After that they're not counted in that stat. So if you were going for 252/252/4 you'd be missing 3 from one if you accidentally went over in one of the 252. But it's only a one point difference so it doesn't really matter that much
EVs are hard capped at 252 now, so you can't really waste them now.
Actually, it makes me wonder what happens if you were to transfer a Pokemon which you wasted EVs on from a previous gen game.
EVs are hard capped at 252 now, so you can't really waste them now.
Actually, it makes me wonder what happens if you were to transfer a Pokemon which you wasted EVs on from a previous gen game.
No, it's only the Happiness/Friendship Value that reset. I imagine whatever Amie uses is also reset.Aren't EV's reset when traded?
Does anyone else want a Pokemon? Ive got:
5v adamant ha Swinubs with icicle crash and stealth rocks
5v impish immunity gligars
5v jolly moxie scraggys with some egg moves
5v adamant inkays
5v bold feebas wih some egg moves
5v modest rotoms
5v jolly ha chimchars with thunder punch
Yup. All "718".So I wrapped up the game a few days ago, and got the national Pokedex...will it actually be possible to collect all 700-whatever once the Pokebank goes live?
Looking for;
Deoxys (Non-Shiny) - I'll trade my Shiny ver. for one
Sorry for the list. lol
Yup. All "718".