Added and i'm on now.
The Pokemon I’m offering. All of them have 5 iv’s:
2x Adamant Contrary Inkay
8x Impish Immunity Gligar
4x Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rocks
1x Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
1x Timid Gastly
3x Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch, Fire Punch
5x Modest Mareep
13x Modest Rotom
2x Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse
13x Jolly Moxie Scraggy w/ Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
3x Calm Skrelp w/ Haze, Toxic Spikes
5x Timid Synchronize Ralts
12x Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
2x Calm Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
Pokemon with perfect iv spreads:
2x Modest Mareep
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
2x Modest Rotom
The only thing I’m asking for in return is a 3+ iv Pokemon that you are currently breeding, or any 3+ iv spare Pokemon you have. If you don’t have that, don’t worry, you can still have anything you want on the list. For the perfect iv spread Pokemon though you’ll need a 4+ iv Pokemon. You can have more than one Pokemon from the list, it doesn't matter to me.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody. Either reply to me in this thread, or send me a pm.
What's the current going rate for a 4IV+ ditto?
If you don't care about hacks or clones, people here were giving out a 6iv japanese Ditto.
Thank you so much for the 3 Pokemons, Nub!![]()
Send me a pm Metroid if you want to trade. I need a good speed boost Torchic![]()
Anyone have a protean froakie they are willing to trade? I don't have anything really worth trading, but I don't really care about IVs or natures for the Froakie. If you're willing to help, just pm me please? I would be really grateful
Nub can I have one the following:The only thing I’m asking for in return is a 3+ iv Pokemon that you are currently breeding, or any 3+ iv spare Pokemon you have. If you don’t have that, don’t worry, you can still have anything you want on the list. For the perfect iv spread Pokemon though you’ll need a 4+ iv Pokemon. You can have more than one Pokemon from the list, it doesn't matter to me.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody. Either reply to me in this thread, or send me a pm.
Nub can I have one the following:
Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse
Jolly Moxie Scraggy w/ Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
Calm Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
My FC is 0103 9712 6861 and IGN is James
The Pokemon Im offering. All of them have 5 ivs:
2x Adamant Contrary Inkay
8x Impish Immunity Gligar
4x Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rocks
1x Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
1x Timid Gastly
3x Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch, Fire Punch
5x Modest Mareep
13x Modest Rotom
2x Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse
13x Jolly Moxie Scraggy w/ Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
3x Calm Skrelp w/ Haze, Toxic Spikes
5x Timid Synchronize Ralts
12x Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
2x Calm Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
Pokemon with perfect iv spreads:
2x Modest Mareep
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
2x Modest Rotom
The only thing Im asking for in return is a 3+ iv Pokemon that you are currently breeding, or any 3+ iv spare Pokemon you have. If you dont have that, dont worry, you can still have anything you want on the list. For the perfect iv spread Pokemon though youll need a 4+ iv Pokemon. You can have more than one Pokemon from the list, it doesn't matter to me.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody. Either reply to me in this thread, or send me a pm.
Lead with a fainted Pokemon with the ability Compound Eyes, and have your second Pokemon be one that has the ability Frisk and knows the move Thief (I use Trevenant for this) and you'll be swimming in Heart Scales.Does anyone have a Heart Scale they could trade? I've been catching Luvdiscs for an hour and still no luck. I need to re-teach my Blastoise Hydro Pump, since H. Cannon requires that you recharge your next turn.
Also looking for a female Seviper.
Hey, I'd love a Gligar. How does a 4IV+ HA Eevee sound? I can breed one up in minutes, I've got a 5IV one just sitting around and one of the 6IV ditto.
Sure thing. Just pm me your friend code and we can trade.
Thanks NubYes, you can. I'll add you now.
I've lost count on how many eggs I am making for this shiny Whimsicott...
I have the Shiny Charm, damn it!
RNG Gods, I hate you!
Thanks Nub
Hope you find something useful from the ones I traded
The Pokemon I’m offering. All of them have 5 iv’s:
2x Adamant Contrary Inkay
8x Impish Immunity Gligar
4x Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rocks
1x Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
1x Timid Gastly
3x Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch, Fire Punch
5x Modest Mareep
13x Modest Rotom
2x Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse
13x Jolly Moxie Scraggy w/ Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
3x Calm Skrelp w/ Haze, Toxic Spikes
5x Timid Synchronize Ralts
12x Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
2x Calm Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
Pokemon with perfect iv spreads:
2x Modest Mareep
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
2x Modest Rotom
The only thing I’m asking for in return is a 3+ iv Pokemon that you are currently breeding, or any 3+ iv spare Pokemon you have. If you don’t have that, don’t worry, you can still have anything you want on the list. For the perfect iv spread Pokemon though you’ll need a 4+ iv Pokemon. You can have more than one Pokemon from the list, it doesn't matter to me.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody. Either reply to me in this thread, or send me a pm.
The Pokemon I’m offering. All of them have 5 iv’s:
2x Adamant Contrary Inkay
8x Impish Immunity Gligar
4x Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash, Stealth Rocks
1x Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
1x Timid Gastly
3x Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch, Fire Punch
5x Modest Mareep
13x Modest Rotom
2x Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse
13x Jolly Moxie Scraggy w/ Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
3x Calm Skrelp w/ Haze, Toxic Spikes
5x Timid Synchronize Ralts
12x Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
2x Calm Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
Pokemon with perfect iv spreads:
2x Modest Mareep
1x Bold Regenerator Slowpoke
2x Modest Rotom
The only thing I’m asking for in return is a 3+ iv Pokemon that you are currently breeding, or any 3+ iv spare Pokemon you have. If you don’t have that, don’t worry, you can still have anything you want on the list. For the perfect iv spread Pokemon though you’ll need a 4+ iv Pokemon. You can have more than one Pokemon from the list, it doesn't matter to me.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody. Either reply to me in this thread, or send me a pm.
That is really impressive.
Sorry about that bro. I ended up having to do some chores. It's alright. Ill keep an eye out on gaf because ill be up.
Thanks for the Froakie Metroidvania! You're too wonderful!
Just got a Deoxys for a measly Entei
Or both lolSomeone must really love dogs
or be hard at work cloning.
Are you there?
Yea sorry about that man. I'm online now. Ill throw in my luckky egg for the trouble.
You're josh right?
No, I'm Dario ING, I'll be online in minutes
Good games, thanks. Came up with this Aegislash when checking its egg moves recently and it's working surprisingly well, haha.GGs fek, those battles had a lot of things I wasn't expecting. Like that Aegislash, wtf.
The downgrade is amazing. I skipped Gen V so when I got White 2 to transfer my pokes from Pearl, it was so disorienting just messing around with the game. Gen IV looks better imo.PIcked up Black 2 ealier today at a local store for $15 bucks so I just fired this baby up and boy the downgrade is hilarious. Gonna beat the game and get all them good pokes for when bank comes out
you are welcome GamerSoul! Thanks for the little dog, he is cute
The downgrade is amazing. I skipped Gen V so when I got White 2 to transfer my pokes from Pearl, it was so disorienting just messing around with the game. Gen IV looks better imo.
Can I have a Chimchar, Gastly, and a Feebas?
FC: 1220- 7662- 2928
I have for you:
- Adamant 4 IV Dratini w/ Multiscale + Egg Moves
- Modest 4 IV Larvesta
- 5 IV Hydration Goomy (Nature is wrong) or Modest 4 IV Goomy w/ Sap Sipper
Can I get a feebas? I have a 4iv super size pumpkaboo. Fc is in my profile ign pete
edit: gotta leave again for now :l
DudeWTF guys I accidentally released my shiny froakie :'( I want to cry OMG