man, none of the 3 legendaries there break 90 base speed
Thanks OceanBlue and Metroidvania
I initially just wanted to complete the Dex, but spending time in this thread made me want to make a team of competitive Pokemon
You should link to the images instead since not everyone wants to see them until they are officially revealed, but I really appreciate you posting the pics. Though in the end, I doubt I would use them in any scenario lol.Thought you guys would find this interesting.
Dear PokeGAF cloners,
After several chain trade I find myself stumble on a 31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 Timid Lv.100 Latias. Most of the times, the IVs and Nature are terrible. Anyway, I want to send this around to PokeGAF ( like the 6IV Foreign Dittos ) but unfortunately, I don't have another 3DS. Any helpers or distributors? Be sure to send it back to me though![]()
I got an initial batch. I'll send it right back after I make one.
Send me your 3DS friend code
I can pass it to you now if you want. Send me a PM when you're done so I'll get online to receive it. You still have 6IV Dittos? I already have them but there are a couple here who miss it.
Hey Quest, can I get a spare Ditto?I got an initial batch. I'll send it right back after I make one.
Hey Quest, can I get a spare Ditto?
What's yours? I have a few dittos left I can clone if people need them. I've been away from GAF a few days.
ThanksSure. Send me your FC. Mines right above.
What's yours? I have a few dittos left I can clone if people need them. I've been away from GAF a few days.
Arright, gonna be cloning and trading for a couple hours tonight bar dinner and maybe really late after.
I can clone Ditto the God, and the amazing Latias. Get me while they're hot. I also have some 6iv Talonflame and 5iv cloned trained aegislash I used to clone items. Lemme know what ya got.
What items have you cloned? I'm looking for the X mega stones and spare macho braces.Arright, gonna be cloning and trading for a couple hours tonight bar dinner and maybe really late after.
I can clone Ditto the God, and the amazing Latias. Get me while they're hot. I also have some 6iv Talonflame and 5iv cloned trained aegislash I used to clone items. Lemme know what ya got.
What's yours? I have a few dittos left I can clone if people need them. I've been away from GAF a few days.
im online now.
Hold volcarona for ransom. I'll post when I clone the first one and we can trade back.
Arright, gonna be cloning and trading for a couple hours tonight bar dinner and maybe really late after.
I can clone Ditto the God, and the amazing Latias. Get me while they're hot. I also have some 6iv Talonflame and 5iv cloned trained aegislash I used to clone items. Lemme know what ya got.
Can I get a Latias and maybe a spare X mega evolution (if ya have any, if not no worries) for a 5iv Adamant Baton Pass Torchic?
I'mma try my hand at cloning again, and see if the couple of drinks has improved my timing.
edit: Also, seems like most of us here got Y, lol.
I didn't. I wish I had a Charizard Y stone. Mega Charizard Y would be a good Drought user for my Lilligant lol.![]()
Can I get a Latias and maybe a spare X mega evolution (if ya have any, if not no worries) for a 5iv Adamant Baton Pass Torchic?
I'mma try my hand at cloning again, and see if the couple of drinks has improved my timing.
edit: Also, seems like most of us here got Y, lol.
If you can clone me an X stone, I can lend you my Y stone to clone.
I have X. Which Mega Stone do you want?
Thanks again, Quest. And yes, I can send the Pinsirite to Nub. I already have one for my Mega Pinsir.
Arright I'm irritated hahaha. I cannot clone for my life right now. I'll get all of you eventually, but I can't even get my latias haha.
Gotta keep trying.
Edit: GAF luck prevails. First Latias.
Edit edit: thanks Uso! Also, can you see that that pinsirite gets to Nub?
Honestly, I thought about it some more after I wrote that, and the only one I'd want, I guess, is Tyranitarite or Charizard/Mewtwonite X.
But mega-tyranitar apparently sucks, and I don't need the latter so much as want them for completion's sake.
I'll clone god ditto, see if I can get the timing better (got sucked into a Dota game), and make some extra Y only stones at the same time to trade for 'em.
What's wrong with Mega-Tyranitar?
Whew. Finally almost done with the Kalos dex. Only need a Xerneas, someone to trade my Boldore with, and Articuno/Zapdos.
What's wrong with Mega-Tyranitar?
Sorry, I was being a bit hyperbolic, I forgot to put compared to mega-aggron.
It's not terrible or anything, but It's typing as a defensive bruiser is worse than Mega Aggron's (who gets to ascend to mono steel), and Mega Aggron has the better tanking ability change in Filter, while Mega Tyranitar gets stuck with sandstorm.
Not to say sandstorm is bad, but personally, I'd find the Aggron useful in more situations, as long as you're not trying to block special attacks.
Okay, just had dinner. Gonna clone dittos for a bit (attempt to at least) since they seem to be hotter, then I Gotta leave for a couple hours, and try again after. Post here.
Okay, just had dinner. Gonna clone dittos for a bit (attempt to at least) since they seem to be hotter, then I Gotta leave for a couple hours, and try again after. Post here.