Well done!Welp, currently sitting at 333 wins now.
I can't even get pass 20 haha
I have a long way to go
Well done!Welp, currently sitting at 333 wins now.
Welp, currently sitting at 333 wins now.
Welp, currently sitting at 333 wins now.
lol, some random passerby just gave me a Manaphy. What an awesome guy!
YesCan you get hacked Pokemon from wonder trading?
Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
It's possible though.Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
This is not all that impossible at all.Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
Actually if you are worried about it I have some 5 IV (some even with HA) if you would rather have. Believe they may be adamant but not at home at the moment.
Is anyone breeding Shuckle and/or using a Shuckle for battles? I'm thinking I want to work on one for my team.
Edit: nvm just read Smogon's page on Shuckle
Smogon is nice but it's not the Bible. Use your favourite Pokemon even if they aren't competitively viable.
There's a reason I bred a whole team of Eeveelutions even though I'll rarely win battles with them.
Figured getting a 5 IV Adamant Torchic was too good to be true. I'll just have to avoid it then to complete my Pokedex without and hacked Pokemon (even though I probably have some right now).
I don't play competitively. Unless I had a physical guide, I'll never end up remembering things like EV training. I only collect.
Edit: Is Rahl here?
Not sure what was going on dude as I thought we were doing keepsies.
I'm ok trading back... but Darkrai's my favourite Pokemonlol
It's all good
It's at least worth a shot. I'll give it a go.Smogon is nice but it's not the Bible. Use your favourite Pokemon even if they aren't competitively viable.
There's a reason I bred a whole team of Eeveelutions even though I'll rarely win battles with them.
Jeez dude :OMy 5/6iv Competitive Shiny Pokemon Collection as of now
My 5/6iv Competitive Shiny Pokemon Collection as of now
Getting 5 iv, even 6 iv, Pokemon is super easy now. I have almost a box and a half full of them from breeding. No hacking involved.
Also on a side note, I can't wait to breed this Shellos. I've always wanted one. Not sure if I want to go bold or calm though. Probably bold since there are a lot of physical attackers in the metagame right now.
Unfortunately, Gastrodon is kind of garbage now that rain isn't omnipresent. I spent a day and a half breeding and training a perfect Bold one only to find that it's now outclassed in almost every respect and is pretty useless against some of the more common metagame threats (i.e. It can't safely switch into Talonflame, Blaziken, Aegislash or Grass Knot Greninja without being KO'd before it can do anything significant). I was so excited to use it as the final member of my Scrafty/Froslass/X core, but I ended up disappointed
Speaking of, can anyone help me find a good third member for that core? I was thinking maybe Scolipede , but I'm open to suggestions!
My 5/6iv Competitive Shiny Pokemon Collection as of now
My 5/6iv Competitive Shiny Pokemon Collection as of now
Gimme one.
You can clone me the Greninja, right?
My 5/6iv Competitive Shiny Pokemon Collection as of now
Sure, which one? Your pick. If you'd like to know details like egg moves and shit, just ask away.
Because of cloning. If you can clone, you can get almost anything you want. Shit is cash. And yeah I gotchu on the greninja, you got a ditto right? greninja is perfect 5v timid nature EV trained and has extrasensory dark pulse ice beam toxic spikes protean. It's decked out.
No more though lol.
Sure, which one? Your pick. If you'd like to know details like egg moves and shit, just ask away.
Because of cloning. If you can clone, you can get almost anything you want. Shit is cash. And yeah I gotchu on the greninja, you got a ditto right? greninja is perfect 5v timid nature EV trained and has extrasensory dark pulse ice beam toxic spikes protean. It's decked out.
No more though lol.
Nah I don't need them. Just playing around.
Though shiny MegaGengar looks pretty awesome...
Ya I already got a ditto. Where are you getting the guys to clone in the first place though?
I can make a clone so it's all good
I offer to clone ppls good mons and in-return I clone a copy for myself. A good amount of ppl can't clone so they want shit bad so they'll let other ppl do it and us cloners charge a fee lmao.
Unfortunately, Gastrodon is kind of garbage now that rain isn't omnipresent. I spent a day and a half breeding and training a perfect Bold one only to find that it's now outclassed in almost every respect and is pretty useless against some of the more common metagame threats (i.e. It can't safely switch into Talonflame, Blaziken, Aegislash or Grass Knot Greninja without being KO'd before it can do anything significant). I was so excited to use it as the final member of my Scrafty/Froslass/X core, but I ended up disappointed
Speaking of, can anyone help me find a good third member for that core? I was thinking maybe Scolipede , but I'm open to suggestions!
I can make a clone so it's all good
I offer to clone ppls good mons and in-return I clone a copy for myself. A good amount of ppl can't clone so they want shit bad so they'll let other ppl do it and us cloners charge a fee lmao.
Yes! Eveveryone will soon recognize Milotic as the bulky water type this gen.
Milotic walls Mega Kangashan, lol!
Gastrodon/Vaporeon could never!
Well I'll take the Vulpix if it's Drought. I don't have anything to trade though, unless you haven't got a ES Dratini yet.
Geezez, I'm so jelly of all dem shinies...maybe I'll try and MM breed a shiny Froakie and Axew afterfailing togetting my shiny Honedge. >:
Some people use the nickname of a Pokemon to communicate. I've seen Pokemon with nicknames such as "Next offer" or "Already got it". Some have "Shinies only", or "___ plz"Okay, am I missing something? I've tried several times to trade with acquaintances, but I feel like it's a pointless endeavor. I could have sworn in Black, but it's been a while, that you at least had icons and stuff at bottom to show you were interested in something to at least keep them from going to something else. What's the point of trading with acquaintances and all if there's no way to say "Hey! I like what you just showed!" It just feels like a show-a-thon at this point with no feedback really.
I have a shiny honedge i can give you if you have a shiny i don't. I think it's 5iv or so i remember lol, i can't check because i don't even have the last badge but i borrowed it and cloned it.