It took the longest of all the pokemon I've bred so far.Yay, the first I bred after getting the female HA Riolu has the right 5IVs and its HA! It must be karma, because breeding for a female HA Riolu was a pain.
It took the longest of all the pokemon I've bred so far.Yay, the first I bred after getting the female HA Riolu has the right 5IVs and its HA! It must be karma, because breeding for a female HA Riolu was a pain.
Well I'm the bigger idiot, I could have switched into Tyrannitar keeping Rotom alive while making Charizard look like an idiot lol.
One thing I got out of these battles is that Choice Scarf + Rock Slide + Tyrannitar = Death to Sun teams.
Well I'm the bigger idiot, I could have switched into Tyrannitar keeping Rotom alive while making Charizard look like an idiot lol.
One thing I got out of these battles is that Choice Scarf + Rock Slide + Tyrannitar = Death to Sun teams.
No worries, I was using Salamence as death fodder anywayAhh, I shouldn't have done that.
Sorry Mich.
No worries, I was using Salamence as death fodder anywayWhat a comeback, though!
I see Shadow Tag is doing its work.
But it seems my partner can't enjoy the benefits.
Yes.Was your nidoqueen before a sheerforce?
Hidden Powah pls.
Good games everyone, I'm up for more if anyone else wants to continue.
god damn it, Riolu cannot evolve into Lucario due to it just turning into night.
Ive still got a 4v Riolu lined up to breed that Ramyeon gave me like 2 months ago. Im dreading breeding it.god damn it, Riolu cannot evolve into Lucario due to it just turning into night.
No way I could turn it around. But damn that Hidden Power did a lot more than I thought it would have
Jesus!It would have done more if my Dragonite did not have an Assault Vest.
YESSS! AT LAST! 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini w/ Extreme Speed
I have so many 4 IV ones if anyone wants one
Now what to work on next...
YESSS! AT LAST! 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini w/ Extreme Speed
I have so many 4 IV ones if anyone wants one
Now what to work on next...
YESSS! AT LAST! 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini w/ Extreme Speed
I have so many 4 IV ones if anyone wants one
Now what to work on next...
YESSS! AT LAST! 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini w/ Extreme Speed
I have so many 4 IV ones if anyone wants one
Now what to work on next...
Sure, I'll take one.
OMG meemememememe
FC is 2320-6152-0406. ign is Nick.
Sure! Some may not have marked IVs, but they all have 4 (none in SpA).I'll take one too! 4682-9802-2983
Yeah, seriously! I'm leaning towards a Bulbasaur or a Noibat.. or maybe a Drought Vulpix. Decisions, decisionsLol that's how I feel. I have so many options because of this thread. I think I'm going to get myself a Goodra though. I've been getting way too many physical attacking Pokemon recently, lol.
Yeah, seriously! I'm leaning towards a Bulbasaur or a Noibat.. or maybe a Drought Vulpix. Decisions, decisions
Sure! Some may not have marked IVs, but they all have 4 (none in SpA).
I need your FCs and your IGNs, please. My FC is 2836-0194-8979 and my IGN is Michael
Yeah, seriously! I'm leaning towards a Bulbasaur or a Noibat.. or maybe a Drought Vulpix. Decisions, decisions
If I decide to breed one before you do, I'll be sure to save a spare for youActually, I should probably ask this thread if they have spares to give away more often. It'd save me a lot of time.
I'm planning on making a Noivern as well (right after the Goodra, actually). One of us can decide to make it and give the other a spare 4+IV. Also, if anyone has spare Noibats, can I have one?
So who do I have to beg for a 6 IV Ditto?
Does anyone with a 6IV Ditto have an extra 4 or 5 IV Ditto they could spare? All my Dittos are 2 IV and it makes breeding a huge pain in the ass. Hell even a 3 IV one would be really greatly appreciated.
Up to 430 Pokémon caught so far but out of Pokémon I can evolve. I can probably get another 15 from breeding and catching a few I missed, but the rest I'll have to get from trading. I should be able to gain about 150 when Pokémon Bank comes out though.
Yeah I'm sitting here patiently for Pokemon Bank. I'm at 594 in the Dex avoiding online trading because I don't want any of the new guys.
I have one extra 5IV HA Timid Togepi with Nasty Plot. I will even include a Shiny Stone. The thing originally took forever to breed, especially with only 2 IV Dittos. A Ditto with better IVs would be really great.
I also have a ton of 4IV Jolly Charmanders with Crunch and Dragon Dance (no HA), 4IV Timid Togepis that know Nasty Plot (I have some with every ability), 4IV Timid Snorunts (HA and regular abilities), and 4IV Timid Tentacools (No HA).
Anyone want any of them? Good IVs always appreciated but I will take anything.
Why don't you want any of the new guys?Yeah I'm sitting here patiently for Pokemon Bank. I'm at 594 in the Dex avoiding online trading because I don't want any of the new guys.
Sure! Some may not have marked IVs, but they all have 4 (none in SpA).
I need your FCs and your IGNs, please. My FC is 2836-0194-8979 and my IGN is Michael
Yeah, seriously! I'm leaning towards a Bulbasaur or a Noibat.. or maybe a Drought Vulpix. Decisions, decisions