Trust me bro, it'll be no more time-consuming than breeding and raising one from scratch. It'll take a day at most, and I have Sunday off from work. All that I ask is you clone one for me once you import it to XY. What spread do you want? What about ability/shininess?
Its even funner if you get a trade request from them afterwards. You almost want to scream "Isn't Mewtwo enough?". Then when you do the request you offer good stuff (HA, egg moves 5IVs Pokemon) and they refuse (show you evolved form) and this process goes on for 5 minutes.Lol, WT-ing away my mewtwos and receiving crap pokes back.
OK, got my perfect one. I only have three IV ones OR the male parent that I used with 4 IVs. You will have to heart scale egg moves (Aqua Jet, Superpower) back though. I have both females and males with 3 IVs so let me know what you wantSend me one of your rejects when you're done. I've been wanting to breed a Crawdaunt.![]()
You know what, you got a deal. Just give me the ideal iv spread (31/xx/31/31/31/31), i'm not sure whether it should be modest or timid though (what do you think?), just give it flame body, and yes make it shiny please.
edit: Actually, just go modest. I plan on using a lum berry with it or something, so it needs good power.
OK, got my perfect one. I only have three IV ones OR the male parent that I used with 4 IVs. You will have to heart scale egg moves (Aqua Jet, Superpower) back though. I have both females and males with 3 IVs so let me know what you want
IGN is Nick, right? Or am I thinking of someone else?
OK, got my perfect one. I only have three IV ones OR the male parent that I used with 4 IVs. You will have to heart scale egg moves (Aqua Jet, Superpower) back though. I have both females and males with 3 IVs so let me know what you want
IGN is Nick, right? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Yes, male or female?Can I get one too?
Ok, let me get it out of the daycare and I'll send you a request. Remember you have to heart scale egg movesI'll have the male and just breed it with Ditto I think. And yep, that's me!
I shall bless you with a Tropius.![]()
@NintendoAmerica: More information on the launch of @Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter will be announced in the future. Thanks for your patience!
What do you want its name to be? Also, remember that since I'm doing this in White, it has to be in a Pokéball instead of something fancy. You cool with that?
After getting a random quint Japanese Gyarados through wonder trade I started breeding for inkay. I got a shiny on my 7th egg while breeding for better parents.
Not sure if lucky...
I have a few female Aipom with egg moves and in luxury ball, I will send you one when I get home in a few hours.Anyone here got access to an Aipom safari? I need a female Technicion one in a luxury ball o.o
Oh my god, you are the best! Thank you so much!!I have a few female Aipom with egg moves and in luxury ball, I will send you one when I get home in a few hours.
More information on the launch of @Pokemon Bank and Poké Transporter will be announced in the future. Thanks for your patience!
Same shit different day lol.Not sure if anyone saw it yet, but from the Nintendo Twitter account.
Wish there was a way to lock the cart into the device. Was EV training on the subway this morning, went to put the 3DS back into my pocket and my finger popped the cart out with the power on. lost a couple hours work from the night before. Lesson learned: Save
I am so happy that I got this game and Animal Crossing digitally. It's totally worth itWish there was a way to lock the cart into the device. Was EV training on the subway this morning, went to put the 3DS back into my pocket and my finger popped the cart out with the power on. lost a couple hours work from the night before. Lesson learned: Save
I am thinking about getting the digital copy but I don't know if I can transfer my save plus my hours spent on the 3ds. Meaning would the digital copy be new in my gaming history or would it be continuing where the cart left off lol. Ya I'm weird.I am so happy that I got this game and Animal Crossing digitally. It's totally worth it
There's a transfer tool in the eShop that allows you to transfer your physical save data to your digital copyI am thinking about get digital copy but I don't know if I can transfer my save plus my hours spent on the 3ds. Meaning would the digital copy be new in my gaming history or would it be continuing where the cart left off lol. Ya I'm weird.
There's a transfer tool in the eShop that allows you to transfer your physical save data to your digital copy
If you don't transfer it will be a new game. The save file is saved on the physical cart for.. well, carts, and on the SD card for digital copiesI know but I am saying would the digital game be a new entry in the 3ds or would it continue my total playing time where the cart left off...
If you don't transfer it will be a new game. The save file is saved on the physical cart for.. well, carts, and on the SD card for digital copies
You should ask someone who uses Activity Log and has transferred from retail to digital.
I have two copies of Animal Crossing and it lumps both of them together in Activity Log
Announcement of An announcementI get excited every time Nintendo tweets only to have my heart crushed.
I would love one. What are you looking for? I have som Phantump, Cottonee, Corphish, Bulbasaur and NoibatsAlright I have 8 HA Treeckos. I have no idea what the IVs are but they were bred with the 6IV Ditto so hopefully you get something good but no promises. Anyone who wants one just let me know. I was having horrible luck getting HA children and I was using a female too. I bred a full box and only got those 8.
I would love one. What are you looking for? I have som Phantump, Cottonee, Corphish, Bulbasaur and Noibats
I'm Michael. Let me hatch this egg and I'll send you a trade reqCorphish would be awesome.
Whats your IGN?
Alright I have 8 HA Treeckos. I have no idea what the IVs are but they were bred with the 6IV Ditto so hopefully you get something good but no promises. Anyone who wants one just let me know. I was having horrible luck getting HA children and I was using a female too. I bred a full box and only got those 8.
Have I added you?Can I have one? I can give you a 4 iv + 0 speed Ferroseed with its egg moves.
Alright I have 8 HA Treeckos. I have no idea what the IVs are but they were bred with the 6IV Ditto so hopefully you get something good but no promises. Anyone who wants one just let me know. I was having horrible luck getting HA children and I was using a female too. I bred a full box and only got those 8.
I would like one as well, but I am at work. Could you hold one for me?
Have I added you?
Edit: I hadn't. I just added you, send me a trade request whenever.
I used this for my Scolipede, has some pretty good information on itThinking about breeding some Scolipede. What's a good moveset and nature?
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
Protect/Poison Jab
Or a straight up sweeper.
Can I transfer pokemon from Soulsilver to White using two 3DS? I know I have to have White beaten to get to route 15.
Edit: It seems like I can run DS download play on a 3DS. So I think that's all there is to it really?