i live in Saudi arabia, many things don't come to us
i got surprised that many stores have a lot of that bundle
the funny thing is, the Black 3DS XL just came in after 2 month of beaning released in the US
I just got x/y, first pokemon game since blue and red.
I hope its good
Okay, I'll get on too. I have to head out in a bit though, so if you don't see me online I'm probably gone. :<
Lol I have one but I'm not at home.Anyone with that hustle male nidoran? I wanna MM one badly. Let me know please. I'm willing to trade a modest 5iv eevee
Lol I have one but I'm not at home.![]()
L.O.R.D, are you okay with me passing around the mew for cloners so they can give to people who want them in PokeGAF?
Btw, it's shiny mew with 6IVs. I will attach a leftover since everyone who wants it can have another lefties. Pick Up ability pokemon sucks, I know because I have one![]()
you could use Charizard decal on the black 3DS XL
Does anyone know how to counter Mega Blaziken?
In theory, my team so far is useless against it
Time to breed and train a Fletchling!Talonflame. He alone counters every fighting type in the game.
Thanks for the advice CrimsonYou could Toxic stall it with Shuckle, Gliscor, etc. unless its has Stone Edge.
Aqua Jet from Azumarill or Crawdaunt usually finish it too.
Does anyone know how to counter Mega Blaziken?
In theory, my team so far is useless against it
Edit: Does anyone have a Celebi, Jirachi, and Manaphy and would consider getting them cloned for other event Pokemon?
Time to breed and train a Fletchling!
Talonflame seems more like a check to me; it wouldn't appreciate any STAB move coming it's way. Flash Fire Chandelure seems more of a counter, but you have to expect it not having EQ; not sure how common that move is on one.Talonflame. He alone counters every fighting type in the game.
Make sure it has Gale WingsTime to breed and train a Fletchling!
Thanks, I should be able to get them back to you by tomorrow.
If that Mew eventually gets passed around, I can help with the cloning if need be.
I would love to trade someone for a Mew or one of those perfect Japanese Ditto. I don't have too much, but I can offer a Phantump, Sableye, Shellder or various other breeding rejects. I can also try to whip something up if I don't have what you need.
Talonflame seems more like a check to me; it wouldn't appreciate any STAB move coming it's way. Flash Fire Chandelure seems more of a counter, but you have to expect it not having EQ; not sure how common that move is on one.
Damn Crimson that Trick Room team is fantastic. Have you ever lost with it? If so do you have the code for that fight and can I see it? I am having trouble seeing the counter for that team.
You don't owe me anything for that Sableye, lol. Thanks for the offer. =3There are quite a few ditto distributor out there, you will most likely get it. I still owe you a favour for your perfect Sableye with Recover ( that was like 1.5 month ago ) so if the mew cloning goes through and you have yet to receive it, then I will try to clone it myself.
I borrowed another 3DS with Pokemon X from my nephew.
Eh, I think I have lost pretty badly against someone with it, but I don't really remember who and didn't save it.
I've kept Porygon2, Marowak, Machamp, and Slowbro on it, but I've been switching out the last two to test things out.
The main thing is killing the Trick Room setters fast.
EDIT:Hmm, I've actually only saved one video of a Trick Room fight at all.
I won this one, but it was pretty close.
Hey man you gonna be online later?
Sure, I have one you can use. ^-^So I've finally decided to try IV breeding, but I need some Dittos. Is anyone with a Ditto safari willing to friend me? 3711-8074-0709.
Sure, I have one you can use. ^-^
Friend Code: 1032-1396-6786
YepI can be, sure.
You wanted Charizardite X, yah?
Never trust GTS.Ugh, I just lost two Mewtwo on the GTS to people who lied about their Ditto's stats. :/
Ugh, I just lost two Mewtwo on the GTS to people who lied about their Ditto's stats. :/
Just trade with people you trust, GTS is really only good for Pokedex completion, the occasional shiny that's up on it, and getting Pokemon for breeding purposes quick.
Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?
Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?
Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?