I almost forgot Greninja switching to Ice type via Protean means no hail damage. Woooo.
You'd have to hatch it to check its IV's then reload your game back to when it was an egg. The IV's will be the same when you hatch it again.
The pattern is where the egg was born.
What's new, gents? We still waiting on that Bank? lol
If I were a more clever man, I would make a "robbing the bank" joke.
You can easily get another Azelf for almost nothing on the GTSCan anyone help me clone my Azelf? Nothing really special about it, I just want to have one to trade and another to keep for myself.
Lmfao da fuq
the pokebank
this is why I said i needed to be more clever
You can easily get another Azelf for almost nothing on the GTS
Just need to chain trade
Double Dragonite. I can't stop them!
I know, I'm just lazy![]()
Mack do you have any of the starly spares from a couple pages back?
Sorry dude! I meant to trade with someone else lolone_kill, were you just showing off your Rayquaza and Mew to me? The reason I showed Scatterbug was because I confused you with Wichu.
That was hilarious. I know how it feels to attack the wrong person lol.Shhiiiiiittt accidently attacked the wrong person. >.<
I have the one I used for breeding, just gotta relearn Double Edge.
Yes, PM'dI'm thinking about putting a new team together. The team I have now is a good team but not great.
To put this team together I need a 6 IV Jolly or Timid Ditto and a Charizardite X Mega Stone.
Because Poke Bank is not up I can't start X over because I'll lose everything but I can easily get Charizardite Y in return.
For the Ditto I can give a Shiny Scizor with Scizorite and if thats not enough a LV 100 Ev trained Jolly Lucario with Lucarionite.
Anyone interested?
Oh nice Usobuko! Do you have the Darkrai and Inkay? I'm interested in those.I forgot to mention I can clone too as of now.
PS: I still need the Latias, anyone want to trade for it for Meloetta?
Sigmaah, would you be interested in cloning your Jirachi and Celebi?"Good" legendary mons I have are:
Shiny 5v adamant groudon English
Shiny 6v modest Kyogre Japan
Shiny 6v timid Latias English Japan name tho
Shiny 6v sassy cresselia
Shiny 5v jolly landorus Korea
Shiny 5v timid thundurus japan
Shiny hp ice timid tornadus English
Shiny 6v timid kyurem japan
Shiny 6v naive Rayquaza japan
6v calm celebi English
Hp grass/heat wave modest zapdos English
6v admant Jirachi English
Hp Ghost timid keldeo japan
Sigmaah, would you be interested in cloning your Jirachi and Celebi?
Guys I need help with my team. I'm not sure what to do with them, moveset and what not for:
Do you want the Lucario or Heracross to be mega?
If you go with Mega Heracross, breed Rock Blast onto it. Then teach it Pin Missile, Bullet Seed and either Close Combat or Arm Thrust. These moves make the most of its Skill Link ability.
If you go Mega Lucario, you might wanna make it a special attacker, since your other Pokemon are all pure physical attackers. Teach it Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon and Dark Pulse.
Guys I need help with my team. I'm not sure what to do with them, moveset and what not for:
I have someDoes anyone have a piplup they don't mind parting with? The IVs don't matter at all, I've got a newly bred 5IV Jolly Gible to trade.
Are you going for mono fighting? Cause a Smogonbird will totally tear through this team. Hopefully your other 2 pokemon has some Flying resist.
I have some
FC is 0103 9712 6861
IGN is James
I think I do horrible against all of you teams mackelol.