How do Slaking players get around Truant? (Sincere question)
I'll take it!Just hatched a 5iv (no spattk) kangaskhan with early bird. I already have one, so if anyone wants to trade stuff for it I'm all ears. I take maison items too
I'll take it!
Need 10 Pokemon to get that sweet Oval Charm. Thank god people love them so Togepi. Putting them up on GTS and asking for the Pokemon I need is a success every time. Gotten like 50 Pokemon this way, even rare stuff like Rhyperior, Politoed and much more. Bless you, GTS
Yes, I do!Sure! Any chance you have any carbink breeding fodder?
Need 10 Pokemon to get that sweet Oval Charm. Thank god people love them so Togepi. Putting them up on GTS and asking for the Pokemon I need is a success every time. Gotten like 50 Pokemon this way, even rare stuff like Rhyperior, Politoed and much more. Bless you, GTS
Yes, I do!
I also made a Noibat offer, but if you'd rather have the Carbink, that's cool with me, I have more Carbink than Noibat, lolArright shoot me a pm if we're not already friends and then I'll let you know when I'm on. Should be 30 minutes or so.
Okay guys, this team is almost solely for Battle Maison (Which is limited to at most 3 poke's), with maybe a hint of some random Wifi battles, but here's what I've got so far:
Talonflame (I don't feel bad against NPC haha)
Adamant/Gale Wings
(Don't know item yet)
Flare Blitz
U Turn
Brave Bird
(No item)
Light Screen
Will o Wisp
[Will o Wisp to protect himself against physical threats, Light Screen to help out team mates against Sp Atk foes]
(Light Clay)
Light Screen
[Dual screener, and she almost always can hit for at least neutral with Tbolt/Moonblast combo, it seems]
(Mega) Aggron
Adamant/ Rock Head/Filter
Iron Head
Head Smash
[My sweeper. Goes Mega I'm expecting earthquake, otherwise smashes skulls.]
(Mega) Scizor
(Scizorite/possibly another item)
Swords Dance
Aerial Ace
U Turn
Bullet Punch
[Priority attacking substitute for Aggron. Since he doesn't get quite the same boost that M Aggron does, I'm trying to think of another viable item for him.]
And, given this, I'm needing one more Pokemon. I notice I have a pretty wide open weakness for Rock/Ground types (Not entirely crippling, but worth concern), so I was thinking either Kingdra, or Haxorus, both of whom would give me dragon coverage. Kingdra in particular would also take out ground types, but wouldn't be able to do much to water types if Gardevoir goes down. Thoughts?
EDIT: I'm also considering Skill Link Cloister, but I don't know how well that fits into this team.
What do you need?
Getting Timburr off the GTS soon. Other than that I need these:which 10? curious
I wonder what are some good broken Battle Maison teams that involve Mega Pokemon. I know about the Destiny Knot teams (and I honestly want to try one sometime), but I wonder what Mega Pokemon bring to the table.
As well as everything else.Mega Kangaskhan rules the Maison.
Wait, Quest1, is the Kangaskhan Adamant? Aiming for an Adamant.![]()
I probably should, but... I think I'm pursuing Adamant.I think it's jolly. Still want it?
Water, Ground, and Ghost types are going to a number on your team.Quoting for new page, would really like help with this.
What do you mean?How do I grab Pokemon from the Battle Box in regular battles?
I probably should, but... I think I'm pursuing Adamant.
So, you can keep it. I'll still hook you up with a Bold Sturdy Carbink, though.![]()
Wow, really?! OK, but again, Carbink is only 3 IVs. Good IVs (as in, not Attack), but three all the same. Most of them had 3 IVs. They all have Bold and Sturdy, though.I'll give it to you anyway. It can help your breeding process a ton. Carbink would be cool.
Getting Timburr off the GTS soon. Other than that I need these:
Gliscor (breeding my own to use now)
Best team to beat the fuck out of battle maison?
I just really like Slaking and put up withs it's crappy abilityHow do Slaking players get around Truant? (Sincere question)
Mega Kangaskhan is broken, will keep saying that anytime it is mentioned.
Water, Ground, and Ghost types are going to a number on your team.
You don't need to cover Dragon types with a dragon type, but you do need a water type there somewhere, and Kingdra is a good choice.
Having two Pokemon with Light Screen seems redundant to me.
That's all I can say from a quick glance.
What do you mean?
Ghosts that Will o Wisp?Something must wall Mega Kangaskan hard.
How do I know how mich style I have? I already got the stones at 100k each ones but I go to cafe introersion and no one gives me the hatching power :/
Wow, really?! OK, but again, Carbink is only 3 IVs. Good IVs (as in, not Attack), but three all the same. Most of them had 3 IVs. They all have Bold and Sturdy, though.
I'll shoot you my FC in a moment.
What's your FC and name?Yeah I don't mind. Not like I need it haha. Unless someone offers me something amazing in the next two minites haha. I'll add you right now.
What do you mean?
Oh yeah, I'm just too lazy to do it myself - especially when I can get them do easily through GTSSudowoodo and Gothitelle are pretty straight-forward.
Am I just limited to the Pokemon in my party when battling friends?
I though I could pull stuff from the Battle Box.
I've seen Twilt instantly change Pokemon, so I dunno.
What's your FC and name?
I've been building this for Battle Maison, where it's 3 Poke's, and Multi Battles, where I only pick two, so that's why I have two light screeners.
I actually went in and checked, and it seems that a Grass type that knows Psychic would cover all three of those. Is there any particular favor for Kingdra/some water type over that? Or would I be best off grabbing a water type that knows Thunderbolt (Gyarados?)
How do Slaking players get around Truant? (Sincere question)
Gotta be 10k, not 100k.
Wow, you're amazing! Thanks SO MUCH!! I actually raised a Jolly Kangaskhan during the main game but the IVs turned out to be bottom-of-the-barrel. I was looking at Adamant Kangaskhan but maybe Jolly would still work well. I think it would, reading over Smogon. (I know they're not the be-all-end-all, but they're a good starting point)Pmd. In game cj
1. Switch Cofagrigus into an incoming physical attack
2. Infect the opponent with Mummy
3. Switch to Slaking
4. Use Pursuit to catch them even if they're switching out
5. Slaking is now infected with Mummy
Wow, you're amazing! Thanks SO MUCH!! I actually raised a Jolly Kangaskhan during the main game but the IVs turned out to be bottom-of-the-barrel. I was looking at Adamant Kangaskhan but maybe Jolly would still work well. I think it would, reading over Smogon. (I know they're not the be-all-end-all, but they're a good starting point)![]()