2079-7024-7333.Let's do it! What's your FC?
Mine is 2836-0194-8979
2079-7024-7333.Let's do it! What's your FC?
Mine is 2836-0194-8979
Ingame name?Let's do it! What's your FC?
Mine is 2836-0194-8979
Cool, shoot me a PM whenever you have one ready! FC is: 3625-8914-5118I am pretty sure I do, fc above!
fyi though, the ones with foul play and encore aren't ready yet, so if you want to wait on one of those, I could let you know when I have some extra.
Restaurant battles. Le Wow.What is the best tactics for getting moves on Smeargle? How I wish there was still wild Double Battles.
Restaurant battles. Le Wow.
Mega Gengar is ready! 31/0/31/31/31/31![]()
I'm still trying to breed for that Shiny Gastly ;-;Mega Gengar is ready! 31/0/31/31/31/31![]()
The IV judge makes a comment when a pokemon has 0 IVs in a stat, right?
The IV judge makes a comment when a pokemon has 0 IVs in a stat, right?
Good game! The best decision was probably switching out my Gliscor into Scizor when you sent out yours. YIKES that would've hurtSmh i made so many stupid decisions
Yea gliscor is a pain in the assGood game! The best decision was probably switching out my Gliscor into Scizor when you sent out yours. YIKES that would've hurt
Your Gogoat is surprisingly bulky. I was sure it would've had Earthquake, hence why I was reluctant to switch into Volcarona
Also this was the first game my Gliscor was a part of. My goodness I know he's annoying, but he did pretty good
Yeah, I was quite surprised at tat as well. He's Impish, but I put a lot of EVs in SpeedYea gliscor is a pain in the ass
Whats his nature? Im suprised he outsped my volcarona
I'm breeding Ghastly right now, hope your luck rubs off onto me lol
"wont put a scratch on them with a SPattack like that" "wont get far with defense like that" ect.
Yup, something douchey or critical like "that spatt will hardly leave a scratch" or "How can you get through a battle with this defence?"
EDIT: FootNinja'd
Cool, cool. And will Destiny Knot transfer down an IV value of 0? Breeding Honedge with a 0 speed IV Ditto, and after three batches, he's yet to say anything about any of their speed being bad. Maybe I'm just being unlucky.
Welp. I'm up to a 5 IV male venipede with a useless ability and a 4iv female with speed boost, and many 3 and 4 iv scraps of all abilities.
Now that I have those 2 parents I'm sure I will be rewarded with dozens of near-misses.
Breeding is fun but I cannot figure out why.
Just got a Honedge with 31 on hp, attack, sp atck, and sp def. and brave. Could it be better??? Or this is a perfect one??
Just got a Honedge with 31 on hp, attack, sp atck, and sp def. and brave. Could it be better??? Or this is a perfect one??
Just got a Honedge with 31 on hp, attack, sp atck, and sp def. and brave. Could it be better??? Or this is a perfect one??
I was challenged by a Passerby with the most generic team ever; Delphox, Lucario, Mega Blaziken, Yveltal, Zygarde and MewtwoEven in Free Battle, there's not much variety.
The only legendary anyone ever uses outside of Rotation Battles is Mewtwo.
Use Xerneas or Yveltal or any of the birds, c'mon!
Let's do this. I will challenge youBattle me, my team rules.
I was challenged by a Passerby with the most generic team ever; Delphox, Lucario, Mega Blaziken, Yveltal, Zygarde and Mewtwo
Once I beat his Mewtwo, Zygarde and Blaziken he forfeited the match
Anyway, anyone else up for a battle? I don't think I can stand anymore breeding for now
Or mass Wonder Trade them...I wish we could mass release Pokemon. :/
Or mass Wonder Trade them...
I'd disconnect on people for the fun of it.Or mass Wonder Trade them...
Huge Power on my shiny Marill get!
That is so evil.I'd disconnect on people for the fun of it.
Male Meowstic?Is there a viable Prankster Encore partner to go with Mega Gengar? I want to shut down that Fake Out Intimidate shit as hard as I can.