Do those moves always hit 5/5 when Cinccincio uses them?
Yep, it has Skill Link so it does that. : p
Do those moves always hit 5/5 when Cinccincio uses them?
Do those moves always hit 5/5 when Cinccino uses them?
So I'm already signed up, right? I guess I got lucky and OHKO'd your Cinccino when we battled (you still went on to beat me, though), but my Carbink was Skill Lind Bullet Seeded to death in a Battle Spot encounter with a Japanese player, so I know what they can do. Color me interested!Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
I use Life Orb (ever mon needs Life Orb lol) and it works great. I've gone a little sour on Volcarona though, she dies so easy
Whichever ones your 3 IV Dratini doesn't have. I think that was Def/SpD? Basically you want to get a 5 IV Dratini using the Power items, then breed that one with your Jolly 4 IV Dratini (give it an Everstone) until your get your 5 IV Jolly Dratini with Marvel Scale.Thanks!
Holmes, did you mean Def/SpDef instead of Attack/SpDef? If you did mean the latter, I'm not sure I understand the rationale.
Sign me up! I'll pay it forward with the next mon I breed.Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
I'll take one if you don't mind!
Will they have Skill Link?
Can I have one? My FC is 3582-9174-6197 and name Hibi.Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
Word to the wise, Busaiku, from the guy who did the Carbink giveaway:
Signups get crazy. :-\
That being said, I think it's AWESOME what you're doing.
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
Sign me upIt's cool.
Cinccino eggs hatch relatively fast.
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
I am not a fan of that Bisharp or that Muk. EughI completely forgot about shadow sneak. Good game!
U-Turn in your face!Darn I completely forgot that greninja was protean lol
Up for another? LolI am not a fan of that Bisharp or that Muk. Eugh
U-Turn in your face!I love that move on other Greninjas. But I was surprised that yours was faster than mine
Yeah they packed quite a punch. I wasn't expecting that poison jab to take out half my HP.I am not a fan of that Bisharp or that Muk. Eugh
Good game Boa Toh. I was destroyed...
Alright, so I checked and saw only 1 Skill Link Cinccino left, but Neteio and MicH both want one.
So, what I'm gonna do is have my Coat mate with his mother and produce an army.
I'm taking signups now.
I don't need anything specific, so don't worry.
And they'll all be in Premier Balls!
So far I've got...
I was surprised I got that trick room off, that really messed up your team. If I didn't get it off, that match would've been a lot different.
You've reminded me that I need to make a lv 100 Espurr, thanks.Got my friend Safari, now I can start work on this Meowstic. Mwuhahaha. I know it's not as effective as a lot of things on here, but it'll be an improvement over my Gardevoir. More bulk, more health, more speed, which is all I need from it (on top of movepool of course.)
Trick Room has been scaring me by the bones since Tower 4th gen. Scary stuffI didn't realize how dangerous trick room was. You've beaten me like three times already, but I'll win the next one!
I use lum berry on mine.I've found Volcarona pretty sturdy when it isn't dealing with Rock. I've got a Life Orb on my Greninja so he can actually 1 shot stuff. I thought you couldn't have multiples of items online?
Thanks 7echnicolor!
This should go faster now.
So I've got...
Fury Sense
So far.
Just for convenience, I'm gonna go in order for those already on my Friend List, sorry for discriminating!
Everything I'm breeding is Jolly.
I have 2 spare Technician Minccino right now if anyone's interested.
Both 31/31/31/xx/31/31, Female, in Premier Balls.
Thanks 7echnicolor!
This should go faster now.
So I've got...
Fury Sense
So far.
Just for convenience, I'm gonna go in order for those already on my Friend List, sorry for discriminating!
Gimme one. I need better IVs and nicer looking balls. FC is 0404-6055-6338.