Nothing, I use them both, I was just saying it's refreshing to see some unusual Pokemon when battling online instead of the same 12 every timewhat's wrong with Goodra or Greninja >_>
Nothing, I use them both, I was just saying it's refreshing to see some unusual Pokemon when battling online instead of the same 12 every timewhat's wrong with Goodra or Greninja >_>
Try using Taunt. It prevents them from boosting altogether, and also protects you from statuses like Poisoned or Burned!
Streetpass hit. Check the holocaster out in the PSS and claim your reward (2.7 Pokemiles, so basically a waste of time).![]()
what this on Pokemon X icon ? first time i see it
Hey Scrafty, you around to trade?
I'm at work right now, but I'll PM you as soon as I'm ready to trade (I was out late with friends last night and forgot to respond to your message, sorry >_<).
What is a good fourth move for an Assault Vest Togekiss?
Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Congratulations! Welcome to the "Perfect Shiny" club. Doesn't it feel awesome?Just hatched the Shiny Gastly I was waiting for! This took a lot longer than I expected but it was worth it!
Do you have any leftover males with Icicle Crash? I have a variety of stuff to offerDon't worry about it! I've bred a ton since last night so I should be able to give you some good ones. If you want I can give you a male and female with some good IV's to make the breeding process easier for you.
And on that note, I FINALLY got the Swinub I need: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Adamant, and with Icicle Crash!![]()
It's funny how in 5th gen it would take forever to get a right natured and ability mon bred with only 3 perfect Ivs, with flawless spreads only available to those who RNG'd but now, anyone with a bit of patience can get perfect flawless pokemon![]()
If you want I can give you a male and female with some good IV's to make the breeding process easier for you.
Do you have any leftover males with Icicle Crash? I have a variety of stuff to offer
You're a peach, Smed. What would you like in return? I've got a bunch of Calm Serene Grace 3+ IV Togepi if you'd like one.
That would be awesomeAny chance you'd still have one of those Sableyes as well? If not, that's all good, a Togepi is still awesome.
It's just way funnier how all of our annoyance threshold is now "What, ONLY four perfect IVs? Stupid video game."
I think I had 1 pokemon in my gen 5 team that had more than 3 perfect IVs.
Yup, I've got a Sableye with your name on it!
Speaking of names, do you want me to nickname either of the Pokémon I'm trading you, or will you just be using them for breeding.
Pretty sure it's based on language. If you're playing in English you need a Pokemon from someone playing in French, Japanese, German, Korean etcQuestion about the Masuda method. Do the two Pokemon have to be from different countries, or different regions? Basically, can I perform this method with one Pokemon from Canada, and another from the US?
Stupid Eevee gender ratio. They're like reverse Gerudos
Took me forever to get my Timid Female Eevee with Hidden Ability.
I've noticed a warping to the shown representation. The first 50 or so EV look to take up a lot of the space but I think it is a design choice to show you the beginnings. Dunno how to explain it.Theres so many threads on this game and the same type of discussion seems to be happening in all of them so im not entirely sure where to post this.
Is there more of a casual battling scene out there? The whole breeding for IV's and EV training is a whole lot deeper than i care/have time to do. I dislike the fact that there are so many cookie cutter type teams as well.
Also just out of curiosity, i do recall seeing something along the lines that the EV numbers shown in super training arent 100% accurate. If thats the case, has anyone really done a detailed comparison between the old style EV training vs super training?
Body Slam if you want to wait for Pokemon Bank.What is a good fourth move for an Assault Vest Togekiss?
Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
So I need to clean out my boxes and I have a lot of leftover stuff to give away. If you guys want any of it, please PM me. Anything that doesn't get claimed gets released.
PLEASE NOTE when I list multiple IVs (like 3-4) it means I haven't marked the IVs of many of them. Some of them have been used as parents for the other Pokemon and may have had their egg move overwritten. These can be relearned at the Move Reminder in Dendemille
I have the following:
1x 31/31/31/31/x/31 male Hasty Torrent Froakie (excellent to breed other things or Protean Froakies)
19 x 4 IV Hasty Protean Froakies - some are leveled as they have been used as parents - they have no EVs
1 PERFECT Adamant Tyrunt (31/31/31/x/31/31) - level 47, no EVs (daycare) should be able to relearn Dragon Dance at Move Reminder
2x 4 IV Adamant Tyrunt w/ Dragon Dance. One male (level 1), one female (level 24, used as a parent, shuld be able to relearn Dragon Dance)
28x 2-5 IV Modest Gooey Goomy (IVs unknown)
1 PERFECT Modest HYDRATION Goomy (31/x/31/31/31/31) - lvl 1, female
16x 2-4 IV Modest Rotom
12x 3-4 IV Bold Anticipation Eeves w/ Wish. Some have been used as parents and thus no longer has Wish. should be relearnable at Move Reminder
5x 3-4 IV Timid Anticipation Eevees w/ Wish (some have been in the daycare)
12x 3-4 IV Timid Adaptability / Run Away Eevees w/ Wish (also been leveled)
3x 3-4 IV Jolly Anticipation Eevees w/ Wish (some used in daycare)
4x 3-4 IV Jolly Adaptability / Run Away Eevees w/ Wish (some used in daycare)
10x 3-4 IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile
Again, please PM me if you want anything and what you want. You can send me whatever you want in return, but some of your leftover breeds would be nice, of course
Cant wait for pokebank to open so I can get a giga drain Volcarona.
December 26, I think? :/I just want my Infernape and Empoleon!
When does it open? December what?
Cant wait for pokebank to open so I can get a giga drain Volcarona.
In my many battles against Japan, the only "tried and true" Pokémon that has given #TeamCarbink trouble is Mega Kangaskhan (who is now on my team, lol), and to a far lesser degree, Mega Mawile (who I also have, on one of my alternate teams). I never have trouble against Garchomp or Tyranitar -- I usually one-shot those two -- and I rarely have trouble with Bellyjet Azumarill, Talonflame, Mega Gengar, Gyarados and other staple Pokémon. I'm even shutting down Wash Rotoms fairly easily now, thanks to Prankster Sableye.Since I was tired of watching assholes with their Azumarills run wild online with their Belly Drum + Aqua Jet, I decided to breed some. I've got one reject with x/31/31/x/31/31 that I'd like to give away. It has Huge Power and its nature is Adamant.
Since I was tired of watching assholes with their Azumarills run wild online with their Belly Drum + Aqua Jet, I decided to breed some. I've got one reject with x/31/31/x/31/31 that I'd like to give away. It has Huge Power and its nature is Adamant.
Name rater knows what's upDone! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as Failure!
You're right, that does seem to fit it better. Nicely done!
Wow. That's awful, sorry man.Finally, a shiny Chespin!
Adamant/Overgrow 31/0/31/x/31/31. RNG WHY.
Looks like I'm carrying on :/