I'm breeding Charmanders right now. What would be a good nature for them?
I'm breeding Charmanders right now. What would be a good nature for them?
Shiny breeding is taking forever. I don't have enough PC boxes for this...
I'm breeding Charmanders right now. What would be a good nature for them?
What Mega form do you plan on using?
What are you going for? X or Y? I've been thinking adamant with DD for mine (I want to go X)
Edit: Nevermind, I have to go ... xD
Definitley go for DD if you're using X. I've dominated in singles with him however you need to watch out for fairy's If you decide on outrage over dragon claw.
Modest/Timid for Charizard Y. Adamant/Jolly for X. Naive if you're going mixed with either.
Modest or Timid then. Unless you want to use physical moves as well, then go Naive.
Sorry to ask again, but does anyone have a Joltik? No one on my friends list has an electric friend safari, and I tried the gts but didnt have any luck.
Sorry to ask again, but does anyone have a Joltik? No one on my friends list has an electric friend safari, and I tried the gts but didnt have any luck.
I just got a male 31/31/31/31/X/31 Modest Charmander right now. If I give this guy the Everstone to pass down his nature, and the Destiny Knot to its mate (currently just a Ditto, haven't breed any good females yet) will the Destiny Knot potentially pass down Charmander's IV's as well as Ditto's, or just Ditto's?
Is 5 31's the most a pokemon can have, or can you get them 6 31's across the board?
6 is hard as hell but doable. I think the knot will just pass down the stats of the one holding it. If you have an extra charmander with those sorts of stats left over after you're done I'll trade you something for one.
Nope, it passes stats from either parent at random.
I was thinking DClaw, FBlitz and Steel Wing to cover the faries.
Really? That sounds slightly annoying.
Hey Bus, do you have any extra Cinccino's?
Dclaw is smart. I'm starting to question using outrage since it's very risky. Anyway, I use flame burst since it helps in doubles and it doesn't damage me. It's also good so that you don't make contact if you happen to hit a Aegislash using kings shield. I also opted for Eathquake since it takes care of electrick, fire, rock ,etc. I do wonder how Steel wing would work competitivley.
6 is hard as hell but doable. I think the knot will just pass down the stats of the one holding it. If you have an extra charmander with those sorts of stats left over after you're done I'll trade you something for one.
Contact me whenever you want your Minccino.
The males aren't entirely useless.I have like 7 31/31/31/x/31/31 Fletchlings.... with Big Pecks...
Sure. I'll try for a 6 IV Charmander, and in doing so I'm sure I'll have plenty of 4-5 IV's left over. It would be a plus if you have any good IV Eevees to trade, or Dittos with more than 2 IVs to make my breeding easier.
I think I already got a Minccino from you.
I have one with 5 IVs if you still need one. I don't need anything in return.Looking for HA Sableye. I can offer 4 iv Goomy, Aron, 3 iv Protean Froakie, Magician Fenniken.
(Reposting on this page since I assume barely anyone saw it on the other page.)
Also, I'm playing Super Triples in Battle Maison now. Just went up against a team of what looked like the most frightening mofos. Hydreigon, Nidoking, Tyrantrum. I was actually kind of worried. My team then proceeded to one shot all three of them. (Noivern, Goodra, Klefki)
FFWG-WWWW-WWW2-Q3TG for anyone whos bored.
Dang son. You have much more patience than I. I'm only on several hundred...Coming up on 1350 Froakies now.
Believe, man. It's all we have left.
I have one with 5 IVs if you still need one. I don't need anything in return.
Sweet. I'll be home from work in 3 hours so I'll contact you around then(if you won't be on at that time it's coo)PRjumpman124
Contact me whenever you want your Minccino.
I hope your Shiny Ralts gets better IVs than mine.Yeah, I'm only at like 125 Ralts or so (stopped counting as I'm just releasing them though). Gimme that blue Ralts!
I hope you're Shiny Ralts gets better IVs than mine.![]()
Special Sweeper
Isulven @ Focus Sash
Ability: Slipstream
4 HP / 252 Sp. Attack / 252 Speed
- Soak
- Scald
- Frost Breath / Freeze Dry
- Substitute / Numb / Calm Mind
The obvious objective here is to use the Speed increase to get in at least one Calm Mind or possibly a Substitute while the opponent sets up, with a bare minimum of one boost being all but ensured thanks to Focus Sash. Afterwards, you can Scald to hopefully burn and reduce the Attack of any beefy threats. Frost Breath, once again, is helpful against buffed opponents, while Soak / Freeze Dry can hit virtually everything for super-effective damage thanks to Freeze Dry hitting water-types hard.
edit: NVM, saw you had a blog post in CommunityI just wrote up a Smogon strategy-length post on a fakemon. Would you guys mind if I post it here, or would you rather I save you the wall of text and just make a blog post about it and link it?
Once you're done with that Japanese one, I would LOVE to get my hands on it if you'd be willing to let me!Spoiler: I already have one in White 2 (from Pokeradar in Diamond). Mild nature, shitty ass IVs.
But the parents I'm using for this are two 5 IV ones (thank you Japanese dude!) and most have 5, some have 4 max IVs. So it better be a good one![]()
Whoa that's great! Good luck!Spoiler: I already have one in White 2 (from Pokeradar in Diamond). Mild nature, shitty ass IVs.
But the parents I'm using for this are two 5 IV ones (thank you Japanese dude!) and most have 5, some have 4 max IVs. So it better be a good one![]()
I have two 5 IV Japanese Ralts, a male and a female who, together can make a perfect 6 IV child (theoretically). But both are in Pokeballs so I'm using the male, of course. If/when I get one you can have (borrowOnce you're done with that Japanese one, I would LOVE to get my hands on it if you'd be willing to let me!As long as it's either male or in a Luxury Ball...
Well, you got one at leastWhoa that's great! Good luck!
My Ralt's Japanese mother only had 2 Max IVs...
That ability seems so broken... awesome Pokémon though!Credit to Neiteio for the ability idea - Slipstream kicks up a five-turn Tailwind (doubles speed of all party members) in a similar vein to weather effect abilities.
That ability seems so broken... awesome Pokémon though!
An equally broken fakemon ability could be Tangled Web -- upon entering the battlefield, a Sticky Web is immediately deployed.That ability seems so broken... awesome Pokémon though!
I would love that! I won't be needing it until after Pokébank comes out though. (I'll take you up on that female Luxury Ball Raltz as well. =P)I have two 5 IV Japanese Ralts, a male and a female who, together can make a perfect 6 IV child (theoretically). But both are in Pokeballs so I'm using the male, of course. If/when I get one you can have (borrow) it, sure
I needed that Luxury ball as well, so if anyone needs Ralts I have about 20. All Timid, most with Trace, some with Synchronize 4-5 max IVs.