Thank you so much. I'll be online shortly.
What's your friend code?
Thank you so much. I'll be online shortly.
What's your friend code?
Nidoking is soo strong with Sheer Force + recoil free Life Orb. Probably my favourite Pokemon I've made so far.
I think they might.Can mothers pass down egg moves now?
Yes!Can mothers pass down egg moves now?
Dunno if anyone noticed yesterday but I have a lot of 4 IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubats with defog and brave bird.
Right now I'm breeding 4 IV Impish Hippopotas' with egg moves slack off and whirlwind.
If anyone wants some just add my friend code and pm me I guess.
Also if anyone has a 5 IV Sap Sipper Goomy I've got a 5 IV Zubat or a Hippopotas to trade for it.
edit: The Zubats are all in Heal Balls and the Hippopotas' are all in Luxury Balls
Sand Veil Garchomp was a great Pokemon to send out after Tyranitar or Hippowdon.
Recoil free Life Orb? How does that work?
Pretty sure it's not in effect.It is. There's a visual on the top screen as to which quadrant is which.
lol I should have just used common sense for the positioning. Magic Bounce is kinda bullshit though. It works towards from the left and makes a sweep to the right. That's why WoW hit. If I were on the left, that burn wouldn't have happened ;_;The moment my Scizor got burned it was all over![]()
Want one? Add me. My FC is 4699-6682-2214.Looks like I gotta breed a Tyranitar!
Next on the list is Rotom! Luckily I got a Japanese one from WT and it has modest. SWAG.
Sheer Force cancels it,
Good Game Boa Toh. I got a bit scared when you used Trick Room.
Recoil free Life Orb? How does that work?
Want one? Add me. My FC is 4699-6682-2214.
I use Modest and it's pretty good with an Assault West. I can get you a 3-4 IV Modest male one if you wantGuys, would Modest be a good nature for Goodra? I'm thinking of breeding a male one with good IV's so then I can go and breed that with a Calm Japanese Goomy I have for hopes at a good shiny.
So yeah, either Modest or Shiny, any thoughts/opinions?
I use Modest and it's pretty good with an Assault West. I can get you a 3-4 IV Modest male one if you want
Larvesta please?Oh swerve bro? I'd love one! I must give something back tho, i got 4v Larvestas, abras, and gibles, want any of those? Or maybe Pokerus with them if u don't already have it?
My FC is 1048-9257-7593
It's no problem I have so many. And we're already friends! I'll send you a trade req once I'm done with this battle. What's your ingame name again?If you wouldn't mind that could be great? I don't have much to give other than a Gastly or a Staryu but not with great IV's. They both have their preferred natures though.
Larvesta please?
It's no problem I have so many. And we're already friends! I'll send you a trade req once I'm done with this battle. What's your ingame name again?
Making all your opponent's Pokemon faint also seems pretty assholish! Seriously though, just use Safeguard / Lum Berry / Chesto Berry / Insomnia / Vital Spirit / Substitute / Grass Type / Safety Goggles / any of the other ways I might not have though of off the top of my head to not fall asleep.Not in effect but it makes assholish to make all of the opponent's Pokemon go to sleep. And thanks for the placement thing.
Check your PM first.Oh shit my bad didn't see this, I'll give u one now! Lmao no wonder u kept showing Larvesta.
Just gonna go to the iv checker real quick and find it, I'll trade u back!
Sand Veil Garchomp was a great Pokemon to send out after Tyranitar or Hippowdon.
Sleep only lasts for three turns max as well, and usually doesn't even make it that far.Making all your opponent's Pokemon faint also seems pretty assholish! Seriously though, just use Safeguard / Lum Berry / Chesto Berry / Insomnia / Vital Spirit / Substitute / Grass Type / Safety Goggles / any of the other ways I might not have though of off the top of my head to not fall asleep.
Edit; Oh thought this was the tournament thread. Yeah when with friends I guess whatever rules are determined beforehand.
Do you want a female 5 IV Sand Veil Gibble with Outrage? PM me what you have to offer.So, evasion clause hasn't bar Sand Veil Garchomp yet? I'm kinda tired breeding a Rough Skin one.
yeah man with random people off Battle Spot I don't really give a crap. Doesn't sit right with me doing the same thing to people on GAF, though.Making all your opponent's Pokemon faint also seems pretty assholish! Seriously though, just use Safeguard / Lum Berry / Chesto Berry / Insomnia / Vital Spirit / Substitute / Grass Type / Safety Goggles / any of the other ways I might not have though of off the top of my head to not fall asleep.
Edit; Oh thought this was the tournament thread. Yeah when with friends I guess whatever rules are determined beforehand.
I serously need one, like Malamar's Attack just keeps on rising.
lol Malamar's Attack just keeps on rising.
lmao GF why didn't you add a spectate option? Battle Video Battle Schmideo, it's all about the heat of the moment.Darn it DaBoss, why would you send in Mawile when Malamar was out...
Darn it DaBoss, why would you send in Mawile when Malamar was out...
No problem, I was suddenly in doubt whether you wanted male or female. Seems I got it rightThanks a ton MicH!
Really hoping I can get a shiny Goomy out of this via Masuda if possible... Goomy has quickly skyrocketed to being one of my favorite Pokemon.
Damn, mackelol just schooled me. I fucked up with my aegislash setup.