Finally finished it!
Took me 45 hours to finish the main story without goofing
that much around. Most of the time it was pretty damn fun too!
I've never played a pokemon game, here's what I take from it:
+ Interesting, deep and complex battle system
+ lots of secrets, tons of collectables (pokemons duh)
+ lots of options for customization
+ pretty good pacing, despite being a looong game with lots of repetition
+ lots of postgame content, and a fantastic online community. You can basically play this game forever if you want to, breeding and battling (I wont - too much stuff going on! to much stuff to play

- too damn easy - pokemon games need a "hard" option for those who mainly just play the story through (like me I guess)
- a bit too repetitive (but what can ya do)
Overall: It was a really nice and fun experience, even for a pokenoob like myself. I also played Animal Crossing for the first time ever this year, and I have to admit I wasn't quite as much "captured" by Pokemon as I was by AC. But it's nice to know what it's all about (or at least a small part of it

[pic of my hall of fame team would go here if that damn game sync sentre wasn't down all the time
