Yeah, shell armor iircIs there such a thing as HA turtwig?
Yeah, shell armor iircIs there such a thing as HA turtwig?
Nm. I'll try to hand out the Dittos later tonight if I can get a good connection where Im goingPossibly. Whatever you wanna give me. Everyone here at PokeGAF can have deez.![]()
I really need a calm ditto ivs dont matter just need nature but anything with a relevant ability or move is cool u can even have it free lol
Yes a 4IV one
Adding you.
EDIT : Oh ! already there![]()
I'd love some of them starters Jaeger
I'm back, let's do this!
I have Mudkips ready. Breeding Cyndaquil now. Whomever wants a Mudkip, let me know. Give me your FC and IGN.
3153-4948-0443, IGN is Joe.
I'm back, let's do this!
I have Mudkips ready. Breeding Cyndaquil now. Whomever wants a Mudkip, let me know. Give me your FC and IGN.
3153-4948-0443, IGN is Joe.
Fucking japanese people with Darkrai and Aron in doubles, infuriating stuff.
Aw dammit, of course every Ditto I have doesn't have that Nature :-S
I'm gonna go catch a few and see if I can get lucky.
Sigmaah, bro, thank you!
Sure thing, what's your FC?
2638-0965-2463 ign is Adam
Sure, I'll have a Mudkip if you still have some.
My FC:5000-3009-5859
IGN: Crimson
1048-9257-7593 ign is Jody
Added you both.
Starter list
Gen 1 all
Gen 2 nothing
Gen 3 all
Gen 4 all
Gen 5 all
Gen 6 all
Quote this, ask say what you want and i'll breed
Jaeger, need anything from the list?
Got a spare cyndaquil btw? Aiming for gen 2 starter atm
Starter list
Gen 1 all
Gen 2 totodile
Gen 3 all
Gen 4 all
Gen 5 all
Gen 6 all
Quote this, ask say what you want and i'll breed
Jaeger, need anything from the list?
Got a spare cyndaquil btw? Aiming for gen 2 starter atm
You got a bulbasaur or a squirtle I can have?Starter list
Gen 1 all
Gen 2 nothing
Gen 3 all
Gen 4 all
Gen 5 tepig
Gen 6 all
If you need any of the se just ask, it's gaf so sharing is caring
Starter list
Gen 1 all
Gen 2 totodile
Gen 3 all
Gen 4 all
Gen 5 all
Gen 6 all
Quote this, ask say what you want and i'll breed
Jaeger, need anything from the list?
Got a spare cyndaquil btw? Aiming for gen 2 starter atm
Ha yeah a charizard lol jkUpdate
Starter list
Gen 1 all
Gen 2 totodile, chikorita
Gen 3 all
Gen 4 all
Gen 5 all
Gen 6 all
I have 2 bulba ready, can do the other stuff in 20 mins.. @tehpabz and lashley
Jaeger your oshawott is ready, need anything else?
I checked..
I have bred a chimchar with HA, yours if you want @crimsonn0
Jaeger your oshawott is ready, need anything else?
I'm back, let's do this!
I have Mudkips ready. Breeding Cyndaquil now. Whomever wants a Mudkip, let me know. Give me your FC and IGN.
3153-4948-0443, IGN is Joe.
I have 6 cottonees and most of them are 5 IV, who wants them?
They are bold with infiltrato
I like mudkips
IGN is PBalfredo
Alright I'm back online, but I think Sigmaah has you all set up for dittos. I still have 5 left.
I need one, sir!
3153-4948-0443, IGN Joe. Yours?
Alright I'm back online, but I think Sigmaah has you all set up for dittos. I still have 5 left.
5129 0891 4170 - IGN Zion
Feel free to delete the FC after you add it, it's my bro's DS I'm borrowing for cloning.
Fucking japanese people with Darkrai and Aron in doubles, infuriating stuff.
These the Dittos from the list? If so, I still need one.
My FC:5000-3009-5859
IGN: Crimson
No problem, Sigmaah gave us the opportunity!Thank ya, sir.![]()
Toro dille and chikorita done!I'll take a Totodile, and Chikorita, if you can. Send me the trade confirmation when you are ready. IGN Joe.
Toro dille and chikorita done!
If you manage to triclone dem legendary remember this fool![]()
Didn't see that. Well I didn't need anything in return anyway, just tell me when you are ready to receive Turtwig.
In other news I just got (hatched) my first shiny! Say hello to Shiny Magnemite. It's ability is sturdy (was going for analyzer) and it's nature is calm (+Attack, -Sp.def).
What's your friend code? I got a bulbasaur thru wonder trade just need a squirtle now if you have one availableToro dille and chikorita done!
If you manage to triclone dem legendary remember this fool![]()
Hey everyone, I have some Pokemon to giveaway!
I have 10 Bold Koffings with Pain Split/Toxic Spikes, and 11 Bold Yamasks with Toxic Spikes to give away! The Koffings all have 5 IVs (some have Attack IVs), and the Yamask have 4-5 relevant IVs.
If you want one or both, send me a PM with your FC and ingame name (if I don't have you added already). I don't need anything in return, but I certainly wouldn't mind any breeding leftovers you have.
Ok le i'll breed one straight away!What's your friend code? I got a bulbasaur thru wonder trade just need a squirtle now if you have one available.