Why does he wear the mask!?
Santa gaf still giving out starter from every gen..
Ask and you'll be given
thanks again
Santa gaf still giving out starter from every gen..
Ask and you'll be given
This is off topic, but is it normal for the 3ds xls' back plate to "squeek" ? I have the gold Zelda edition, and the squeeking coming from the back plate is extremely annoying. I've tried taking it off and securing it again but it still squeeks. I have about 15 days left on my receipt to exchange it.
Hey can you come on now? If not then nvrmind.
Also, anyone who wants ES Dratinis I'll be on for a short while before going to bed.
Yes, i'll turn on wifi right after im done with this battle!
Wait what's your ign?
Hey can you come on now? If not then nvrmind.
Also, anyone who wants ES Dratinis I'll be on for a short while before going to bed.
I've made my decision. Body slam. Torkal (which I'm getting curse from) learns it. Looking at weights Heavy slam gets 120 power against Florgres, Slurpuff and Aromatisse, the rest are 80 power or less (i.e. if I need to slay fairies; poison jab). Steel coverage is too similar to Fighting (which I have superpower).Tepig/Emboar egg moves opinions. Sucker Punch and Superpower are a given. While the other two don't matter so much I was thinking of curse and either body slam or heavy slam (since 5IVs is easy thanks to the uber ditto I might as well go with 4 egg moves). Heavy slam I was thinking Steel coverage but with 65 speed could Gyro ball be better in places or is that "too fast?
I have one left if you want itAre these still up for grabs? I'd love to nab one so I can start Masuda-ing for a perfect shiny Slaking and Milotic!
I have one left if you want it
If you still have one to give out, I'd love an ES Dratini. In game name: David
And Sigmaah, I haven't received a Ditto yet, so dunno who's helping you give it out but I'm online now.![]()
The worst is when it says HA in description and is not HA.Also, fuck GTS. Ask for HA and get non-HA.
Whats your ign? Mine is CharlesAwesome. My FC is in my profile; I'll be online in 2 minutes.
Haha will do man. ThanksThanks for the Super Ditto, Panzon! I hope you make good use of your Nidomonarch!
Hey can you come on now? If not then nvrmind.
Also, anyone who wants ES Dratinis I'll be on for a short while before going to bed.
It took me more than two seconds to figure out what this word was.LAYENDARIZ
Yep. Hidden ability is still cute charm.Um, is Competitive a new ability for Milotic? I thought it could only have Marvel Scale... ;_;
Um, is Competitive a new ability for Milotic? I thought it could only have Marvel Scale... ;_;
I'm trying to level up my O-Powers and I notice they consume less energy when used on friends. Is it OK to spam them on friends or do they get annoying notifications each and every time?
You're going to need to hope to get some good ones then since they aren't egg moves.Are there any fire punch Flygons or Giga Drain Volcaronas yet? Those are the two mons im really wanting from pokebank.
I was kind of hoping that if you a had a Volcarona with Giga Drain it could pass it on to a Larvesta. I guess it wont thoughYou're going to need to hope to get some good ones then since they aren't egg moves.
No. Use this list to see which ones are available (in Gen 5):émon_with_released_Hidden_Abilities_(Generation_V)Silly question: is it possible to obtain the hidden abilities for the Gen 2 starters yet? About to start breeding for a Typhlosion and Feraligatr but those hidden abilities are so much better.
No. Use this list to see which ones are available (in Gen 5):émon_with_released_Hidden_Abilities_(Generation_V)
Old news but it is new to me.
I know everyone hates chaining with the Pokeradar and now that people here can get that 6IV Ditto it is not useful but chains over 60 give the Pokemon at least 3 perfect IVs. Anecdotal info here
No. Use this list to see which ones are available (in Gen 5):émon_with_released_Hidden_Abilities_(Generation_V)
And then laughed, because of this:Only Pokémon which can be caught through regular gameplay, hatched from an Egg, or received from a character within Pokémon X or Pokémon Y or Pokémon which were gifted to you during through official distribution for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y can be used in these battles. You cannot use Pokémon brought directly from Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, or Pokémon White 2 using the Nintendo 3DS downloadable software Poké Transporter.
Firestorm said:You can hack on a Kalos location as the hatch / capture location on a Pokemon and it will come up with a blue pentagon when it's PokeTransferred as if it is a Kalos-native Pokemon.
Is there a list of Pokémon that aren't obtainable in Gen V and VI? Or between the two, is it possible to catch them all? I really don't feel like transferring from Gen IV to V to VI. -_-
I have an up to date one, which separates between X & Y and transfer only. Would link you to it, but I get yelled at by the mods when I do
Would anyone be able to do a quick trade to help evolve my Scyther?
I can if you'll do my Kadabra.
FC is 3153-3730-9713. IGN is Met.
I think that is just how the script works (it looks for pokemon in the same egg group and level ups, then pokemon as egg moves).In any case helping hand is unobtainable.By the way, I'm still confused on how the Hitmon family can get egg move parents that are outside of its family.