Did you guys know Blaziken has other moves besides the A button..
You sure we're not talking about Spamdelure.
I wish I wasn't completely broke so I could buy this because all the footage I'm seeing of Braixen makes her look super fun to play XD
damn this game is blurry as fuck lmao
Depends on what you find fun...
Braixen isn't nearly as fun to actually fight as she is to play, and even then playing as her requires a certain type of person.
Do peoples tv just suck?
The game looks fine on my 50 inch. Anyone else?
damn this game is blurry as fuck lmao
Wouldn't surprise me tbhIsn't it 540P?
I have a 50" 1080p TV and most games look crisp (example SSB4). This looks blurry as hell. You can still see the artistry and it's not an offensive image by any means but it's very blurry.Do peoples tv just suck?
The game looks fine on my 50 inch. Anyone else?
how do you unlock new stages and things?![]()
Awesome, thanksplay the league. assists and stages unlock upon league completion and I think you have a random chance to gain cosmetic stuff throughout
Awesome, thanks![]()
you saying Garchomp isn't sexy enough?So when can we expect a sexy Garchomp mod?
I don't think this is true. I set the training dummy to block after getting up from a knockdown by changing the reaction settings and used a very active move to try and hit them as they're getting up and they didn't get hit and were still able to block.
Is this game good? Worth buying for someone with a backlog who like sighting games?
Wouldn't be surprised if UI's 720p, battle graphics like 576p knowing Bandai Namco. They have no qualms doing that sort of thing to maintain FPS when porting.Isn't it 540P?
Isn't it 540P?
Is this game good? Worth buying for someone with a backlog who like sighting games?
Who else is using the Reshiram/Cresselia support set regularly? I like to use Cress on the first round, recover HP and boost synergy at the first opportunity, and regardless of what happens in the first round, I switch to Reshiram and deploy it in duel phase, preferably when the opponent is either in the middle of an attack or airborne, which leaves them a sitting duck and knocks off a big chunk of their HP instantly. Reshiram is also fantastic for forcing an opponent to waste their synergy burst on either defending or getting knocked back, because blocking is literally the only option in duel phase against that attack.
What is a sighting game?
Isn't it 540P?
I wish this game was compatible with Pokebank and I could bring in my Pokemon to level them by fighting.
I wish this game was compatible with Pokebank and I could bring in my Pokemon to level them by fighting.
lol would've been nice if this had a Pokemon Stadium style system for specific Pokemon.
That doesn't make any sense lolI wish this game was compatible with Pokebank and I could bring in my Pokemon to level them by fighting.
But it's an entirely different game concept...
in field phase for the beam try to either dash left or right and try to avoid it it also has a long cool down time so if u want to just get in dash and shield and homing attack if your opponent is really trigger happy since the move has a long cool downI'm getting better at using Brax's moves and I'm starting to win more matches online, but I get pretty stuck on Blaziken and Mewtwo players. For Blaziken I get hit with the same kick move over and over, and for Mewtwo I get hit with his beam over and over (some people spam it).
What are peoples' strategies against those two?
So I sacked up and tried some online. Anyone got any tips on dealing with Pikachu? I was fine with Machamp, but I'm having some trouble beating that Thunder lock down with Garde and Gengar.
in field phase for the beam try to either dash left or right and try to avoid it it also has a long cool down time so if u want to just get in dash and shield and homing attack if your opponent is really trigger happy since the move has a long cool down
in duel mode just shield and dash u could try to jump and air dash but its so big 9 out of ten ure just gonna end up eating it since braxien has a really weak jump
as for blaziken (i dont know the kick move you are talking about is it duel more or field phase)
if its that linkable kick my best advice is try to bait it
also air dash into the air strong move is a pretty nifty tool that gets a lot of use out of me