I hope you get all stages via Chroma League too :/
I just checked and all the spots are filled for me, so I'd imagine so.
I hope you get all stages via Chroma League too :/
Thanks!I just checked and all the spots are filled for me, so I'd imagine so.
I really like Yveltal's support attack too but a lot of the people I face online have a habit of blocking through the whole thing. I've ended up switching back to either fennekin/emolga or diglett/cubone.lol the Champion couldn't handle Gardevoir's projectile game.
I think Yvetal/Latios is my new favorite combo. Locking out someone's Synergy gauge is really strong, and the attack itself is plenty damaging on its own.
And with only 1 recorded loss the grindfest that is the Ferrum League is finally done. And what's the big reward for putting up with the iron league in addition to more pointless clothes??A santa outfit for Nia... >.>
I really like Yveltal's support attack too but a lot of the people I face online have a habit of blocking through the whole thing. I've ended up switching back to either fennekin/emolga or diglett/cubone.
Started getting into ranked today. Got 21 wins in a row, but eventually lost to a good Charizard player. > . <
also, neat Gardevoir combo using Farfetch'd support:
Tried doing this for half an hour, but those instant air shots are really hard to get down consistently. If your timing is even a little bit off then the opponent goes into the air.
Pachi helps gengar a lot in those sorts of matchups, IMO. I wish he could hold his invincibilty effects for longer though (haunt is useless at waiting out suicune unless I missed something).Sometimes I don't even bother with low win rate Chandelure, Lucario and simliar 'mons since they just keep spamming their attacks and I have to slowly work my way towards them since all pursuit moves risk of teleporting him right into their projectiles and his own projectile attacks largely suck IMO.
EDIT: And yeah he's slow. It doesn't help that his limbs are so ridiculously short.
chandelure, shadow mewtwo will ruin the competitive aspect of this game.. i DONT want to see top 8 being all chandelures and mewtwos spamming the hell out each other.
chandelure, shadow mewtwo will ruin the competitive aspect of this game.. i DONT want to see top 8 being all chandelures and mewtwos spamming the hell out each other.
I am super surprised with how few Charizards I've seen online. I was expecting it to be this game's Ken
Started getting into ranked today. Got 21 wins in a row, but eventually lost to a good Charizard player. > . <
also, neat Gardevoir combo using Farfetch'd support:
Tried doing this for half an hour, but those instant air shots are really hard to get down consistently. If your timing is even a little bit off then the opponent goes into the air.
Yeah you use the knock down as an opportunity to force the opponent to guess grab or attack.Played about 20 games with Lucario, and I can't really figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with him (even though my W/L record ended up decent). His projectiles are actually quite good for a non-zoner and the bo staff rush has a lot of reach, but I think it's punishable. He doesn't seem to have any special counter or grab moves like some of the other characters get.
It's kind of a shame he has so many awesome follow ups to his X attacks but ONLY in Synergy form.
EDIT: And what do I do when I get a knockdown? With Gardevoir I take the chance to set up traps but with Lucario I'm just standing there and guessing. I guess that's just what you do with other characters? Lol
There's no disconnect rate.So yeah, is there a disconnect rate? I don't want people to think I'm a quitter because I had 3 shitty disconnects in one night.![]()
Streaming some more pokkenhttps://www.twitch.tv/qistoptier
heart shaped tail
Finally gave up on Sceptile... its just not working for me. Tried a few of the others until I gave Luchachu a chance.
I'll be honest, I was salty he took Hawlucha's place, but when I picked him... it made sense. It felt just right. His grabs, his counters, everything about it...
I don't really play her, but I can't get over the throw animations. The elbow drops, the stunners, the tiny pikachu dropkicks. This character is genius.
Oh, speaking of animations, it recently struck me as kind of amazing that Machamp looks so natural. It's got an extra set of arms just popped in there, but all of the animations are perfect for the extra limbs and they never really jump out at me as being weird/out of place. It's sort of hard to describe in text.
Oh, speaking of animations, it recently struck me as kind of amazing that Machamp looks so natural. It's got an extra set of arms just popped in there, but all of the animations are perfect for the extra limbs and they never really jump out at me as being weird/out of place. It's sort of hard to describe in text.
Finally gave up on Sceptile... its just not working for me. Tried a few of the others until I gave Luchachu a chance.
I'll be honest, I was salty he took Hawlucha's place, but when I picked him... it made sense. It felt just right. His grabs, his counters, everything about it...
Streaming some more pokkenhttps://www.twitch.tv/qistoptier
Just found out Garchomp has Bryan Fury's laugh as one of his victory animations so i'm inclined to pick him up now. Having Jet Upper got me interested in him but now I'm sold.
I got better with Sceptile when I stopped trying to use him as if he's a combo heavy character. Sceptile works best for set-ups. Swing away when your up against the wall, create some space so that you can use Giga Drain, launching opponents in the air with Bullet Seed and following it up with a Leaf Storm. Sceptile is a pain in the ass to learn but can be worth it.
Is cresselia the only support people in ranked ever use??? I just played 10 matches in a row where that's all people called out, every damn round.
only a week or so left till i can get in on this
what are the most popular characters so far online
Is cresselia the only support people in ranked ever use??? I just played 10 matches in a row where that's all people called out, every damn round.