We pessemists are never disappointed, only pleasantly surprised.gcubed said:you are being a little too pessimistic.
We pessemists are never disappointed, only pleasantly surprised.gcubed said:you are being a little too pessimistic.
gcubed said:Swing voters mindset...
Is my situation improving? Yes? Keep the guy in office
I'm personally way better off than I was when Obama took office. 4 more years!eznark said:Likelihood of there being appreciable (or perceived) improvements in peoples economic outlooks by November are slim to slimmer.
Mike M said:I'm personally way better off than I was when Obama took office. 4 more years!
Sounds like you have not reason not invite him to your 30th!eznark said:If enough people are in your situation there certainly will be. Since Obama was elected I got married, built a house and had a kid! Go Barry!!
Some Jewish donors are telling fundraisers for Mitt Romney that while they like him, they'd rather open their wallets for the "Jewish candidate," Michele Bachmann, who they don't realize is actually a Lutheran, the New York Post reports.
"Some in Romney's camp have been wondering whether Bachmann and her allies are pushing the 'Jewish' rumor to help their own fund-raising... She has enjoyed strong popularity among Jewish voters and often talks about her stay on a kibbutz during the summer of 1974, when she was a teenager."
Jason's Ultimatum said:You got married, built a house, and had a kid in less than 4 years? What's the rush?
If he's in his 30s, probably his wife's internal clock.Jason's Ultimatum said:You got married, built a house, and had a kid in less than 4 years? What's the rush?
eznark said:Likelihood of there being appreciable (or perceived) improvements in peoples economic outlooks by November are slim to slimmer.
eznark said:Rush? Shit. I'm annoyed we aren't on kid #2 yet.
Karma Kramer said:Obama has been pretty moderate-right wing in my eyes... he's basically the same old thing, repackaged to please the casual "liberal" audience and to enrage the right wing extremists, which in many ways has brought progress to an even faster stand still. I just know the closer we get to 2012 election the more depressed I will feel, because 90% of you here will support Barack because of fear, not because you really think he is fighting for your principals. But I would love to be proved wrong and see a more determined passionate Obama emerge if he did win his second term.
gcubed said:Nov 2012? There is a chance. As long as its consistently heading in the right direction he can beat the current crop of candidates running against him
completely off topic, has there even be a study showing family sizes of conservative's vs liberals? My own perception would be conservatives have a larger family size. Most of my friends who are liberals have no kids.
Seeing my amazing daughter learn and grow is truly a daily nightmare that sucks all the joy out of my miserable existence.Well good luck with the babies. With no babies I'll continue having fun!
Measley said:Obama is fighting for my principles. I don't believe in anti-gay amendments, retardation of science and education in favor of religion, and cutting beneficial social programs so the rich can make more money.
Measley said:Obama is fighting for my principles. I don't believe in anti-gay amendments, retardation of science and education in favor of religion, and cutting beneficial social programs so the rich can make more money.
eznark said:At some point the economy needs to start heading in the right direction for it to consistently do so...
I think yes, that study exists. We're holding off not because my wife is a liberal but because she has two marathons and two 24-hour relays she is running in the next couple months. She ran a marathon while (unknowingly) pregnant with our first. It did not go well.
eznark said:If enough people are in your situation there certainly will be. Since Obama was elected I got married, built a house and had a kid! Go Barry!!
ToxicAdam said:
Karma Kramer said:Lol, you just listed things you don't believe in... way to prove my point.
Karma Kramer said:Lol, you just listed things you don't believe in... way to prove my point.
Karma Kramer said:Right wing extremism is just a distraction to keep liberals scared. You aren't actually getting your voice heard, you're simply ensuring a continuation of focus on the extremism, to keep the focus away from a failure to lead with progressive policy. Awarding the liberals cowardice and the GOPs attention whoring.
Are members of Congress paid enough?
Everyone complains about their job now and then, and members of Congress are no exception.
A few lawmakers have suggested in recent months that despite a $174,000 annual salary, generous health care and pensions, and perks for things like travel and mail, being one of the elite 435 ain't always what it's cracked up to be. And when you calculate the hours they put in, the pay isn't stellar either, they say.
The Florida Capital News reported last week on a speech Steve Southerland, a Republican representative, gave to a retirement community in Tallahassee in which he complained about some of the parts of his new job:
"He said his $174,000 salary is not so much, considering the hours a member of the House puts in, and that he had to sever ties with his family business in Panama City. Southerland also said there are no instant pensions or free health insurance, as some of his constituents often ask him about in Congress.
"'And by the way, did I mention? They're shooting at us. There is law-enforcement security in this room right now, and why is that?" Southerland told about 125 people in an auditorium at the Westminster Oaks retirement community. "If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I'll just tell you: This job don't mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City.'
"...He added that 'if you took the hours that I work and divided it into my pay,' the $174,000 salary would not seem so high."
Southerland, a freshman, ran a family funeral home business in Panama City and earned about $90,000 before joining Congress in January.
His sentiments were not unlike those expressed by Sean Duffy, a Republican representative from Wisconsin, when he said in March it was a "struggle" to pay his mortgage and student loans with his congressional salary. "At this point, I'm not living high on the hog," Duffy, a father of six, said. (Compared to his colleagues, Duffy is one of the least wealthy members of Congress.)
because all conservatives are the sameRustyNails said:Sorry, I meant TA.
gcubed said:and my option is....
I'd rather have 4 more years of half assed turd sandwiches, rather than 4 more years of trying to dismantle obamacare/finreg/useless bullshit.Karma Kramer said:Obama has been pretty moderate-right wing in my eyes... he's basically the same old thing, repackaged to please the casual "liberal" audience and to enrage the right wing extremists, which in many ways has brought progress to an even faster stand still. I just know the closer we get to 2012 election the more depressed I will feel, because 90% of you here will support Barack because of fear, not because you really think he is fighting for your principals. But I would love to be proved wrong and see a more determined passionate Obama emerge if he did win his second term.
eznark said:
quadriplegicjon said:Yeah... aren't most Jews democrats?
gcubed said:and my option is....
Oblivion said:Has this been posted? Cause it's quite delicious:
This man took hope and change personally.eznark said:If enough people are in your situation there certainly will be. Since Obama was elected I got married, built a house and had a kid! Go Barry!!
mckmas8808 said:Why do they say that Romney will use Perry's words to "scare" seniors? They say that as if Perry didn't say what he said. I can see that we will hear the words "scare tactics" a lot this/next year when it comes to Social Security.
Nobody is trying to scare seniors. They are trying to inform them of what Perry would like to do if he had the chance to.
ToxicAdam said:Romney would make a big mistake to overplay his hand so soon. No need to get nasty until right before Super Tuesday. Keep letting Perry say dumb things and the left-wing media drive his negatives up. Being a front-runner this early in the process is not really a good thing, to be honest.
If my tea party co-worker already thinks Perry is a loose cannon, wait until the rest of America finds out.
Simple: you have to steal billions of dollars from it first.PhoenixDark said:After Ryan's plan was shitcanned nationally, you'd think republicans would chill on all the SS talk; instead they've doubled down. The strategy to turn young people against SS because it "won't be there for them" has not worked; young people are very supportive of SS still. I don't see how a candidate can call SS a "ponzi scheme" and possibly compete in a state like Florida, in the national election or in a primary.
Considering both major parties are using it as leverage to influence the votes of senior citizens I have to agree with you.mckmas8808 said:Why do they say that Romney will use Perry's words to "scare" seniors? They say that as if Perry didn't say what he said. I can see that we will hear the words "scare tactics" a lot this/next year when it comes to Social Security.
Nobody is trying to scare seniors. They are trying to inform them of what Perry would like to do if he had the chance to.
Karma Kramer said:Option is... stand up for what you want. Even if it's un-realistic because of little representation in our government. The GOP sure does a great job of making no compromises on policy, why liberals aren't more enraged by compromises, I don't know. But it's time to get active. You are not at all alone with understanding this, the media does a great job of playing to the GOP's offense, without ever ignoring their irrationality. Rarely do they play offense and propose logical policy with historical evidence to back up its effectiveness. Obama winning a second term won't destroy the GOP, and it won't fix the problems our country faces. Right now we have no options because we keep duping ourselves into thinking electing the democrat will shift the narrative. We have MSNBC talking about Palin all the time and we have Fox News talking about Palin all the time. But where is the liberal maverick that is fighting for extreme progressive ideas and where is his/her coverage? You would think the "liberal" media would want to champion liberal leadership... Why even give someone like Palin coverage at all when everyone already knows what she stands for basically and the liberal audience clearly doesn't benefit from hearing about her latest tour bus stop.
mckmas8808 said:Left wing? You mean main stream media surely right? You don't buy into that left wing media crap do you?
Kenneth Melson, the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, has been replaced today in wake of the embarrassing illegal gun tracking sting named Operation Fast and Furious. Melson will become senior advisor on forensic science in the Office of Legal Policy, according to a Justice Department release.
ToxicAdam said:No, there is clearly a portion of the media that is sympathetic to the left's concerns or will echo their talking points.
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The double-dip is already here.
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The botched ATF gun-running scheme found it's fall guy.
No worries. In D.C., you don't really lose your job .. just get shuffled off to another gig or become a lobbyist.
gcubed said:consumer confidence is such a shitty measaurement
This paper has proposed an empirical assessment of the link between consumer sentiment and consumption expenditures for the United States and the euro area. Overall, the results show that the consumer confidence index can be in certain circumstances a good predictor of consumption.
In particular, out-of-sample evidence shows that the contribution of confidence in explaining consumption expenditures increases when household survey indicators feature large changes, so that confidence indicators can have some increasing predictive power during such episodes. Moreover, there is some evidence of a 'confidence channel' in the international transmission of shock, as U.S. confidence indices lead consumer sentiment in the euro area.
ToxicAdam said:Probably not a definitive predictor, but definitely a snapshot in time. Especially when large movements happen.
Consumer confidence is a coincident indicator, reacting to other indicators (mostly employment releases). In and of itself it's not predictive of anything.ToxicAdam said:No, there is clearly a portion of the media that is sympathetic to the left's concerns or will echo their talking points.
--- /// ---
The double-dip is already here.
--- /// ---
The botched ATF gun-running scheme found it's fall guy.
No worries. In D.C., you don't really lose your job .. just get shuffled off to another gig or become a lobbyist.
eznark said:Go Barry!!
I hadn't noticed, but it makes him seem more affable, like Dubya.Clevinger said:You sure like calling him Barry, huh.
Clevinger said:You sure like calling him Barry, huh.
ToxicAdam said:
Ugh indeed. I really feel that oil is choking our economy. Anytime things start looking better, the price of oil then goes up. People then have to spend more of their money filling their tanks instead of restaurants, movies, shopping, entertainment, etc. And that gas money mostly leaves the country to pay for the oil.mckmas8808 said:Looks like the stock market doesn't care about the consumer confidence measures of today. Oil prices are shooting up too. Ugh!