jamesinclair said:
I'll vote for other offices, for sure.
As for president, maybe a third party. Depends if any of them are good.
But again, I do not want to see Obama win and say "hey look, the people like what Im doing!"
I'm pretty sure I'll be voting for whomever the Greens nominate (a first for me), but I have the luxury (ha!) of doing so since I'll be voting in Louisiana.
If I were in a swing state? Damn. The realist/doomer in me and the old/sleepwalking me would have a battle of the ages.
{cue the fantasy/dream sequence music and fuzzy clouds around the screen..}
Realist HylianTom: "Sure. Let's let Perry win.
We're driving this fucker right over a cliff, and it doesn't matter in the end if we're going 60mph or 120mph. Better that those asswipe GOPers get the blame anyway! I think I'll vote Green and leave it to fate. Fuckit!"
Old HylianTom: "Hmm.. that's what the GOP wants you to think. Believe it or not, there's a difference, and you shouldn't be rewarding the likes of Cantor and Bachmann for their antics. Hold your nose and vote for Obama."
RHT: "OOhh... got me right in the weak spot! I hate the little Cantor douche! He can die in a flood for all I care!"
OHT: "Uh-huh!"
RHT "But then if Obama wins, he'll see it as a stamp of approval on his actions. And his actions as of late have been, to borrow from Mad Dog Tannen, those of a
gutless, yellow turd! And again.. what exactly has he done to address the big issues? Yeah.. exactly.. nothing of consequence."
OHT: "Truuue... but there's still the Supreme Court - Justice Ginsburg says hi! If the court takes a sharper right turn, you can say goodbye to it until you're an old, old man, at best. Plus, you never know what Obama will do when he's no longer faced with another re-election campaign. And just think of the great right-wing meltdowns you'll get to see - that'd be worth the price of admission alone!"
RHT: "Pssht. This assumes that the court and the country are still around when I'm an old man. But still, I'll vote for him. It doesn't matter in the end. You
do know we're still royally fucked as long as he ignores our energy predicament, right? But I'd rather him in charge as the lights are going out - Perry with emergency executive power is a scary prospect."
OHT: "Good man!"
RHT: "Hmph. Four more years.. of sleepwalking into the future. Great."