Democrats need something like 50 to 52 votes to change the filibuster. Harry Reid, usually a useless fuck (who refused to change the filibuster earlier when he had the chance), has said he wants to change it in the future. Democrats are looking pretty decently for those numbers in the senate.
So, best case scenario, Democrats change the filibuster, get some stuff done.
Why are people trying to decide PoliGAF titles? Didn't we already decide on one?
PoliGAF |OT5| Please proceed, Gaffers
Compromise of the precinct optical scanner can be easily gained. An
unauthorized individual with sufficient knowledge could easily overcome the
tamper seals and either modify or replace the operating system files or memory
card. Highly resourced individuals could then introduce malware that
could affect the integrity of the election.
The security of the PCMCIA memory cards used to carry the elections data
between the precincts and the board of elections is inadequate. (Id. at 12.)
Unauthorized individuals who gain access to the memory cards can easily tamper
with the data and affect election integrity.
At the board of elections level, both computers used with the Hart voting
system were easily compromised. Unauthorized individuals could easily
circumvent any existing protections.
Barack come out and confirms it.
Then, he and Michelle go on The View together and emotionally recollect the hard times and profess their enduring love. Barbara Walters and the girls are openly weeping on live televison. This moment gets replayed on other TV channels endlessly for 72 crucial hours.
The unspoken parallel political theme? "Stick with us - it really is going to get better."
Gender gap makes this race go kablooey.
Why are people trying to decide PoliGAF titles? Didn't we already decide on one?
PoliGAF |OT5| Please proceed, Gaffers
Didn't they already have 51 before? And that wasn't enough? 52 is the magic number? I just want them get SOMETHING done. Closing Guantanamo would be a start, Obama said on the Daily Show that that's still in his plan. So I hope that gets done.
It was basically used for the debate thread, it's in bad taste to re-use it.
Didn't they already have 51 before? And that wasn't enough? 52 is the magic number? I just want them get SOMETHING done. Closing Guantanamo would be a start, Obama said on the Daily Show that that's still in his plan. So I hope that gets done.
The filibuster was a problem early in the term when democrats controlled the house. They could write bills, but those bills would die in the senate.
After 2010, republicans control the house of representatives, which is a bigger issue than the filibuster at the moment. now they can't even write the bills that have to originate in the house (like the budget).
ABC's daily tracker out at 5. Yesterday O was +1 over Mitt.
if Obama gets a bump thank white voters
So we don't have too many poor people voting.
Try to think when was the last time either candidate mentioned the poor and you can see it's working.
That's what I was asking initially though: Regardless of what happens about Obama winning, or the Dems getting a bigger majority in the Senate, is there even any hope for a REAL change in how politics/decisions are gonna be made over the next 4 years, if Republicans keep going with their "Fuck Americans, we're not gonna work with Dems" narrative?
So we don't have too many poor people voting.
Try to think when was the last time either candidate mentioned the poor and you can see it's working.
WOW!!! No wonder the debate in our country is tilted towards people that make more money.
WOW!!! No wonder the debate in our country is tilted towards people that make more money.
WOW!!! No wonder the debate in our country is tilted towards people that make more money.
It makes sense, how often does a guy making 10k a year have the free time to go and vote? Or the guy working two jobs? Or the single mother working and taking care of her kids? You make voting a national holiday all of a sudden it becomes about those voters, which is why it won't happen.
WOW!!! No wonder the debate in our country is tilted towards people that make more money.
I still find it odd that someone making $150,000 has an 80% to vote.
i said it before, it may have gotten lost in the shuffle.
This election isn't just about Obama vs. Romney, its also a referendum on whether or not the republican strategy of "obstruct everything" is effective.
If Romney wins, expect to see republicans and democrats abuse the hell out of it for decades. Nothing will get done, ever. If Romney loses, that strategy is perceived as a failure. moderate members of congress move towards some level of compromise as they did pre 2008.
eh...if you're making 10 to 14 grand a year, you're under the poverty line and are likely thinking about more immediate issues than presidential elections. like say, not starving to death, getting evicted, or getting shot by drug dealers that day.
but I guarantee you that if you charted "education level" to income as seen there it would be a 1:1 correlation.
October Surprise Revealed: Gloria Allred Heads To Court, Attempts To Unseal Mitt Romney Testimony And Lift Gag Order
Created 10/23/2012 - 3:57pm
By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor
Famed civil rights attorney Gloria Allred will be in a Boston area courtroom Wednesday in an attempt to unseal the sworn testimony given by Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, in a prior court case, is exclusively reporting.
"The Boston Globe is headed to court tomorrow morning for an emergency hearing in an attempt to obtain a court order to unseal the sworn testimony given by Mitt Romney in a prior court case and to lift a gag order so that the parties can speak about Romney. Gloria Allred will be in court representing one of the parties in the case," a source close to the situation tells
The emergency hearing will take place at the Norfolk Probate & Family Court in Canton, Massachusetts, and Justice Jennifer Ulwick will oversee the proceedings which will begin at 9 a.m. EST.
As previously reported, Drudge Report founder and respected politico, Matt Drudge, tweeted Thursday: "Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move. After all, it's her time of the campaign. Team O at the ready!!"
Allred, an outspoken supporter of President Barack Obama refused to confirm, or deny, Drudge's prediction, telling "I have no comment at this time about Mr. Drudge's Tweet. I don't discuss meetings with potential clients."
President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are locked in a dead heat according to most polls.
Gloria Allred had no comment on this story.
I still find it odd that someone making $150,000 has an 80% to vote.
PoliGAF 2012 OT5: Obamacare covers Pre-existing anxiety.
why? if you're making $150,000 a year you have all the time in the world to go and vote, a vehicle to get to the polls is not an issue, and all the information you need to make a decision. I'd be willing to bet a very large chunk of that class makes that money from investment income (be it stocks or real estate) and not working a 9 to 5.
30K? not so much.
No wonder the policy is tilted towards people that make more money.
WOW!!! No wonder the debate in our country is tilted towards people that make more money.
The only reason it would make any logical sense to bring up the divorce would be if there was something in the documents that makes Barack look just awful. I don't think anything like that is in there though, so I don't see a reason to even bring it up. Romney would have to counter it by helping to defend Obama, and even with that it would likely help the President than hurt him at all.
So either something damning is in the documents about Obama, or Trump is a moron.
We all know it's the latter.
I'm saying 80% chance to vote seems really fucking low for someone that's doing pretty goddamned well. I mean I really don't get how we can fall below ~70% turnout in general, but if you're making enough to be well off it seems especially weird not to take the small amount of time to learn things and get over and vote one day every couple years.
If something damning was in the the documents, that shit would have appeared 4 years ago.
Wow we've got 2 October surprises. Any idea what this case is about?
Or maybe those with higher incomes are generally more educated and well-informed, and thus more likely to vote.
There's no conspiracy here.
Yeah, reading the report from Jennifer Brunner (former Ohio Secretary of State, the one before this asshole Jon Husted) where they audit all the voting tech.
The Hart machines (Hart is the company that has purported ties to Romney, though the links seem fairly weak) are used this year in Hamilton and Williams counties. Hamilton Co. is the big fish with 565k voters. Articles have been written than Hamilton County (home to Cincinnati) could determine the next POTUS, as it is a swing county (major shift from Bush 2004 to Obama 2008) in a swing state. The ground ops are pretty big here.
Anyhow, these two counties are only using the Hart touchscreen machines for the disabled (accessible) polling, and scanned paper ballots for the rest of the polling. Here is some of what the report says about the Hart scanned paper system:
I do not know what changes may have been made since the report publication date of December, 2007, to further secure this system.
And I'm not freaking out, just passing along info.
Romney 49 - Obama 48
Romney gained a point and Obama lost a point.
Romney gained a point and Obama lost a point.
Romney 49 - Obama 48
There's the debate bump - for Romney.
Is it possible Romney will show a popular vote lead in the 538 nowcast.
Oh I see you starting again with you nonsense.Seems safe to say the second debate had no impact on the race, and Romney's momentum continues. Obama is now below 50% in nearly every national tracker. Pretty sure incumbents don't win like that
If this is the same on Monday, the election is over