The Autumn Wind
We all knew it was only a matter of time before the Fox News influence would spread beyond the Opinions section.
We all knew it was only a matter of time before the Fox News influence would spread beyond the Opinions section.
Are they serious?Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
It's been mentioned but I can't get over how the black family are the only ones with no tax increase. Very subtle WSJ.
If I'm not mistaken the single woman is also Asian and she has the next lowest raise in her taxes. Minorities have it easy under Obama eh?
Obama's China.
I'm honestly wondering how a single parent of two could have the time, energy, and the opportunity to make the money she does.
It's not like she couldn't afford a nanny on what she makes.
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
Obama's China.
I'm honestly wondering how a single parent of two could have the time, energy, and the opportunity to make the money she does.
Those are probably "New York salaries" so divide it by 4 to see how much u would make it in whatever shitty ass town you live in.
They are probably BARELY middle class living check to check just scraping by and these new taxes are crippling them
Those are probably "New York salaries" so divide it by 4 to see how much u would make it in whatever shitty ass town you live in.
They are probably BARELY middle class living check to check just scraping by and these new taxes are crippling them
Yes, it's sarcasm. Poe's Law.![]()
The official transcript confirms that Justice Thomas spoke, for the first time since Feb 22, 2006. It attributes these words to him, after a follow-up comment from Justice Scalia concerning a male graduate of Harvard Law School: “Well – he did not —.” That is all the transcript recites.
Nothing will happen. Republicans will kill any reform, conservatives will cry about the "freedom" to kill, and life will go on as it always has. People will continue to die in gun-related accidents and murders day after day without a peep, and then there will be a mass killing at a mall, school, or amusement park somewhere, and the entire country will wonder how something like that could happen, and then things will start from the top again.
You wouldn't try to fight a tank. That's too movie esque. You'd run and hide.
Also, I just noticed today that some people on my Facebook are starting to believe that Sandy Hook didn't actually happen (everyone involved were just paid actors) and it was all set up by the government to take away guns. Fucking idiots.
Why do you say that a rifle is more effective at killing waves of people? It's easier to grab the barrel of a rifle and wrest it away from a shooter than it is with a handgun, handguns are easier to conceal, you can get high capacity magazines for handguns and easily carry more than one and because rifle bullets travel at such a high velocity they sometimes pass straight through a persons body doing less damage than a handgun. I don't own any guns and I may be wrong, but a handgun seems just as dangerous as a rifle to me.
This is what I never got with what the Righties always say about the 2nd amendment:
1. It says right there in the amendment itself about a "well regulated" militia so that alone would make one thing the 2nd amendment isn't absolute with no restrictions whatsoever.
2. George Washington himself used the militias to quell Shay's Rebellion. Doesn't this negate the whole fucking rationale for the 2nd amend. entirely?
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
It's been mentioned but I can't get over how the black family are the only ones with no tax increase. Very subtle WSJ.
edit... dude, Poligaf is slow, 40-minute double post!
edit... dude, Poligaf is slow, 40-minute double post!
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
edit... dude, Poligaf is slow, 40-minute double post!
As a head of household, double income and three kids.......I'd love to have the higher taxes that come with making $600k a year. GTFOOH.
If youre Tina Fey, maybe you follow your colleagues in the comedy world, and maybe you follow your favorite writers, too. Do you like reading Ezra Klein? I like Ezra Klein. Everybody likes Ezra Klein. I suspect even the people who hate Ezra Klein secretly like Ezra Klein. He's very well informed! So I follow Ezra Klein on Twitter, and if he (or any of the writers tilling the soil on his burgeoning blog empire) writes anything, hell send the link out on Twitter, and also share some interesting observations. So if youre watching, say, a presidential press conference or something, you can use Twitter to watch it along with Ezra Klein and other the people you pick to follow.
The little people need to pay their fair share.My annual tax burden went up 1800 dollars a year due to the payroll tax holiday expiration. I make a fraction of the pay those fictional examples make. Where is my sad "thanks Obama" face cartoon?
Reminds me of The Queen of Versailles. Amazing documentary on Netflix. (trailer at link)I just LOVE how sad the children in the 650,000 parent list
"Mommy... how can we go on?"
"I don't know...I just don't know."
"But... Mom, you said I could have a new Jet Ski for my birthday..."
"We'll just have to do without a jet ski this year, honey. And maybe for your sisters fifth birthday, we'll have to hold off on the second pony she wanted."
"But we can still go on vacation in Maui for a month, right?"
"Yes, honey. And don't worry, nobody is going to reduce your monthly allowance!"
"Phew, it's already pretty hard to budget my $150 a week! Thanks Mommy!"
Those are probably "New York salaries" so divide it by 4 to see how much u would make it in whatever shitty ass town you live in.
They are probably BARELY middle class living check to check just scraping by and these new taxes are crippling them 2019!Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion of that sentence!
TALLAHASSEE — Shortly after winning the GOP nomination in 2010, Rick Scott announced to the world through Facebook that his family had rescued a Labrador Retriever.
And, with help from his Facebook friends, Scott gave it a name: Reagan.
"The Scott family is proud to announce that the name (chosen by you) for their newly adopted pup is Reagan! Thanks to everyone who participated in the fun contest,'' read Scott's announcement on his Facebook page.
Commenters were ecstatic, congratulating Scott for getting a rescue dog instead of a pure bred like Bo, the Portuguese Water Dog President Barack Obama adopted in 2009. And friends saluted the dog's name, an homage to former President Ronald Reagan.
"What a great looking dog! Glad you rescued him. Reagan will like the Governor's Mansion!" wrote Christine Haut of Fort Myers.
"Welcome Reagan! What a great family," wrote Debbie Wiest, a friend of Ann Scott's for 40 years.
But where is Reagan today?
The last time Reagan made the newspapers was the day before Scott was sworn in as governor in January 2011. John Kennedy, then a reporter for the News Service of Florida, reported seeing the governor-elect walking Reagan in Tallahassee.
Asked last week what had happened to the dog, Scott's current and former communications directors refused to answer.
Brian Burgess, communications director during the campaign and for more than a year after Scott took office, now holds a similar position for the state GOP. When a Times reporter asked him where the dog is, Burgess said he thought it "weird'' that two Times reporters would contact him six minutes apart with questions dating back to the 2010 campaign.
But he wouldn't say where the dog was and accused reporters of "surfing some old Facebook or website pages.'' At one point an exasperated reporter asked Burgess if he had killed the dog, and Burgess denied ever killing a dog, but still wouldn't say where Reagan was.
The governor's staff obviously is aware of publicity that dogged Republican Mitt Romney last year over reports that he once tied his dog, Seamus, to the top of a car while going on a family vacation.
On the other end of the spectrum, dogs can be a political plus. In California, Gov. Jerry Brown's Corgi, Sutter Brown, has a cult-like following of nearly 5,000 Twitter followers. Last year, Sutter became a mascot of sorts for a campaign to raise income taxes on wealthy Californians. (The proposition passed.)
Late Wednesday, Burgess testily emailed that he was working on an answer and recognized "the potential for a PR nightmare if the Tampa Bay Times doesn't receive a photo of Reagan next to today's copy of the Tampa Bay Times. So take it to the bank I'm getting you every bit of info I can lay my hands on.''
On Thursday Burgess said he was referring all questions about the dog to Melissa Sellers, the governor's new communications director. Sellers responded over two days that she was far too busy to find an answer to the question.
A spokesman for the governor's wife also declined to respond to questions about Reagan, saying only that they have one dog.
"Her name is Tallee and she is a 7-year-old rescue Lab,'' said Jackie Schutz, a spokeswoman for Mrs. Scott.
Where Tallee came from and where Reagan went were still unknown.
On Monday, the Times asked the governor to clear up the mystery.
"He was a rescue dog,'' Scott said, "and he couldn't be around anybody that was carrying anything, and so he wouldn't get better."
Scott said Reagan never bit anyone but "scared the living daylights'' out of people at the mansion. He said one kitchen employee threatened to quit and photographer Eric Tournay was frightened when the dog "barked like crazy'' every time he saw him with a camera.
So the Scotts gave the dog back to his prior owner, Scott said, about a month after the family moved to Tallahassee. The governor's office on Monday told the Times it was trying to find Reagan and its new family.
Now the Scotts have Tallee.
"This dog is the neediest dog. When I worked out this morning, he wants to be right next to you the whole time. If you do a pushup, he wants to be underneath you as you do a pushup. He's a sweet dog,'' Scott said.
After learning that Times reporters had talked to the governor, a spokeswoman called to say Reagan had been returned about a year ago to All Pets Grooming and Boarding, a business in Naples.
Rick Scott is an asshole, reason #356 gets a dog for an election, returns it a month after winning
I know y'all don't like Sharpton, but he just took that "Gun Appreciation Day" (on MLK Day, no less) douchebag to the woodshed.
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) is threatening to file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he moves to change gun regulations through executive order.
I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment, Stockman said.
In a statement, Stockman didnt hold back, saying Obama is launching an attack on the very founding principles of this republic.
The Presidents actions are an existential threat to this nation, Stockman said in a statement. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.
Obama said in a Monday morning press conference that he will make public recommendations from a task force run by Vice President Joe Biden to curb gun violence in the wake of shootings in Newtown, Conn. Last week, Biden said some of those restrictions may be achieved through executive order instead of the legislative process.
Stockman - a former House member who returned to Washington after 15 years this January to oppose John Boehner as speaker - said taking away guns requires due process and the consent of Congress.
The Presidents actions are not just an attack on the Constitution and a violation of his sworn oath of office they are a direct attack on Americans that place all of us in danger, he said. If the President is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist.
Rick Scott is an asshole, reason #356 gets a dog for an election, returns it a month after winning
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who increased his national profile in September when he chaired the Democratic National Convention, is turning his sights to Washington, D.C.
Nearing the end of his final term as mayor of the largest city in the West, Villaraigosa, days before his 60th birthday, is openly talking about a next movethough he won't say what the move will be.
"With each passing week I take another step toward the transition from 'Who's Who' to 'Who's He?'" Villaraigosa joked during a luncheon at the National Press Club on Monday, where he spoke about immigration reform. "The sun may be setting on my administration, but I'm not riding off into the sunset just yet."
As a charismatic mayor with a growing national presenceand an impressive resume that includes leading the United States Conference of Mayors and working as an adviser and surrogate for President Barack ObamaVillaraigosa has a range of options ahead of him. He has openly expressed interest in becoming the next governor of California and is rumored to be a contender to join Obama's Cabinet.
When pressed about his future, however, the traditionally eloquent veteran politician melts into a nervous, stuttering mess.
"I expect to be in Washington quite frequently over the next few months," he said during the luncheon when asked if he would accept a job in the Obama administration. "I can't tell you. I don't care to comment on any future job. I'm focused on the job I got, and I want to finish as strong as I can on the challenges that we face."
Remember when I told you so?
I told you so.
Remember when I told you so?
I told you so.
Because it frustrates me that people this idiotic get elected and re-elected:
First I'd like to point out that Stockman is attacking the President for something that he hasn't done yet nor will he do. Once again the Republican party is arguing with an imaginary President Obama that exists only in their minds. Second, the Supreme Court itself with Justice Scalia in agreement, the court's most conservative justice, have ruled that the federal government can place restrictions and requirements on gun sales and ownership without those restrictions constituting an infringement of the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment does not mean that anyone and everyone can own any kind of gun free of any and all restrictions. Last, I hate that for a lot of Republicans "everything should be on the table" in a conversation about how to respond to these tragic massacres. Everything from mental health, violent movies, violent video games, and school safety procedures but if you dare mention any form of gun control you're "politicizing tragedy to push an agenda".
Did the Democratic base or Liberals even hate Bush as much as the right hates Obama, even at the height of the Bush administrations fuck ups?This is why we may never see republicans truly working with Obama: their base hates him with the power of 1000 suns. And because of that, multiple senators and representatives pull shit like this as a means of satisfying their base. Instead of coming out and saying "no one is taking your guns away" they simply fan the flames of ignorance and anger. I feel like someone is going to get shot over this.
Politico also has a story about Biden saying there are 19 potential executive orders coming on guns
Nothing extraordinary: allowing the CDC to conduct national research on guns, sharing of info among state and federal governments, and enforcing laws already on the books.
It seems like republicans could simply reject all potential legislation as a protest of Obama using executive orders, and then pull the "it was all going so well until Obama ruined everything!" card.
The New York Sun these days is little more than a blogging platform for failed journalists, it's best to ignore it.
Isn't this guy a huge (corrupt?) scumbag, or am I thinking of someone else?
Did the Democratic base or Liberals even hate Bush as much as the right hates Obama, even at the height of the Bush administrations fuck ups?
No, that guy is already president
The Onion: Gorilla Sales Skyrocket after latest Gorilla attack,30860/