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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Fight the power!
President Barack Obama’s official armored limo will bear license plates with the pro-D.C. statehood slogan “taxation without representation” starting this weekend, the dawn of his second term in the White House, a spokesman confirmed Tuesday.

"President Obama has lived in the District now for four years and has seen first-hand how patently unfair it is for working families in D.C. to work hard, raise children and pay taxes, without having a vote in Congress,” Keith Maley said in a statement.

“Attaching these plates to the presidential vehicles demonstrates the President's commitment to the principle of full representation for the people of the District of Columbia and his willingness to fight for voting rights, Home Rule and budget autonomy for the District," Maley said.
so I was randomly reading an article about the good folks in my home state of Texas introducing Anti-Obama-Taking-Mah-Guns legislation, and found this in an old related article:

Why Texas would flourish as an independent Republic based on liberty, not debt

some choice quotes:

(NaturalNews) Citizens from all 50 U.S. states have now filed petitions with the White House asking for "peaceful secession" from the union. According to Daily Caller, more than 675,000 petition signatures have now been collected.

The Texas petition now has over 100,000 signatures, and more signatures are appearing by the hour.

It raises the practical question: Could Texas survive as a nation state if it secedes from the union?

The short answer is YES.

Texas has the capability of defending itself against threat of invasion or military force. Tens of millions of firearms are already owned by well-skilled farmers, ranchers and military veterans. Any attempt to occupy Texas with a military force would be far worse than trying to occupy Afghanistan.

• Texas citizens have a sense of ethics and morality that's simply missing from many other areas (most notably the Northeastern USA). In Texas, people generally know the difference between right and wrong, and they typically seek to do the "right" thing.

• Texas has Ron Paul! (Need we say more?)

What would Texas look like if it became its own nation?

• For starters, Texas could abandon the failing U.S. currency and create its own honest money system. This effort should, of course, be led by none other than Ron Paul, the man who should also be considered for the role of President of Texas.

• Any who did not wish to be part of Texas as a new independent nation would be free to leave the state and continue their lives in the collapsing economy of Obammunism, with all its police state tyranny, oppression and destruction of the Bill of Rights. This would include the entire City Council of Austin, a cabal of corrupt communists and Big Government apologists who would likely be marched to the border of Texas at gunpoint. As Obama's nation collapses under debt and tyranny, Texas will be growing by leaps and bounds under a renewed philosophy of economic freedom for the People.

• Imagine 268,000 square miles of FREEDOM…

This whole article is amazing


^ Texas unscrambled is taxes, wonder if they'll decide to rename their new country.


Reading the Cuomo Fact Sheet, I like pretty much everything in this ban except banning assault rifles (stupid) and lowering magazine capacity to 7 rounds (why not, but there are better things to do).

Ammunition checks are a must, it's about time a state implements them. I didn't see if it was the case, but it should be a crime to try to buy a weapon or ammunition when you are banned from doing so (right now you don't even get a slap on the wrist).

Background checks for all gun sales (except to immediate family), finally!

Statewide recertification every five years for pistols and rifles, finally! (why not shotguns though?)

Mandatory safe storage at home where people convicted of a crime etc live (why not mandatory safe storage for everyone?)

Pre-emptive confiscation when someone has a restraining order against them.


No Scrubs
A lot of hunters in upstate NY use shotguns to hunt. Messing with that just isn't worth it, they aren't used in many shootings in the state (handguns and rifles are the weapons of choice). As for safe home storage, people would flip their shit if we tried to implement it for everyone and this likely would have failed. All in all I like a lot of what's in here and don't hate any of it.


Heard an interview with a psychologist on NPR on the way home talking about the provision in the New York gun law that says they have to report anyone that might cause a problem to the authorities. That whole thing seems really, really problematic. There's a clause that exempts them if they don't because they were "reasonable," but after the fact assessments of what's reasonable don't really assure me. I wouldn't like to be a mental health professional in New York after this, I think. Also, that might mean more people with mental problems won't seek help, because it will no longer be confidential.


A lot of hunters in upstate NY use shotguns to hunt. Messing with that just isn't worth it, they aren't used in many shootings in the state (handguns and rifles are the weapons of choice). As for safe home storage, people would flip their shit if we tried to implement it for everyone and this likely would have failed. All in all I like a lot of what's in here and don't hate any of it.

Oh no, let's not make things safer to try to avoid home accidents, kids bringing guns to school, and gun theft! How can non-crazy people argue against that one? I know crazies will hate it because it's the first step towards Hitlobama taking their guns away, but surely the sane majority wouldn't object to it, right?
I know people tend to post stuff on facebook here and there, but my friend's political views since moving to a different station in the military (was at El Paso and is now in the deep south) is worrying me.


He also is starting to say "nigger" out and the open when he refers to some people. Yes that one.
I know people tend to post stuff on facebook here and there, but my friend's political views since moving to a different station in the military (was at El Paso and is now in the deep south) is worrying me.


He also is starting to say "nigger" out and the open when he refers to some people. Yes that one.

So the first guy killed himself, the second guy died in a car crash, and the third guy got a gunshot to the head . . . and this is all Obama's fault?

Apparently there are conspiracy theory tropes. This is the same as the old Bill Clinton body count.


Oh yeah, Scott Walker's doing his state of the state address tonight, and apparently he's going to push for a big income tax cut. He's claiming it's for the middle class, but I'd be willing to guess a good chunk of it goes to pretty well off people. It's pretty shitty to see the playbook coming out like this... claim that we have to cut all these things because, omg we can't afford it. Then when you've cut so much claim you've got extras, and so you can give it to people with income tax cuts. Those cuts will have some benefit to the middle class, but mostly will be a bit of a giveaway. It just comes down to they don't want to pay taxes for education, etc.

Seriously, if we have a surplus, fucking put back some of the money you gutted from programs back when you claimed you couldn't afford it and we had to make sacrifices...
Throws up devil horn sign.

Satanists planning rally for Florida Gov. Rick Scott

Florida Gov. Rick Scott may have earned himself a new constituency, but the devil is in the details.

Local news site WPBF.com reported that a group of Satanists plans to hold a rally outside Scott's office on Jan. 25 to support the governor’s signing of a bill that allows students to pray at school events.

"We've gotten such a response, it's just impossible for me to know what that translates into," Satanic Temple spokesman Lucien Greaves told WPBF, regarding how many will show up at the rally.


No Scrubs
Oh no, let's not make things safer to try to avoid home accidents, kids bringing guns to school, and gun theft! How can non-crazy people argue against that one? I know crazies will hate it because it's the first step towards Hitlobama taking their guns away, but surely the sane majority wouldn't object to it, right?

It's the crazies, they'd have found a way to spin something like that pretty easily. "Cuomo says you need to spend $5000 on stuff to lock your guns up," I can practically write their spin myself. I'd rather everything else go through and lose this than lose everything. I do agree with you though, this does need to go through eventually. This'll just make it easier in the future.


Oh yeah, Scott Walker's doing his state of the state address tonight, and apparently he's going to push for a big income tax cut. He's claiming it's for the middle class, but I'd be willing to guess a good chunk of it goes to pretty well off people. It's pretty shitty to see the playbook coming out like this... claim that we have to cut all these things because, omg we can't afford it. Then when you've cut so much claim you've got extras, and so you can give it to people with income tax cuts. Those cuts will have some benefit to the middle class, but mostly will be a bit of a giveaway. It just comes down to they don't want to pay taxes for education, etc.

Seriously, if we have a surplus, fucking put back some of the money you gutted from programs back when you claimed you couldn't afford it and we had to make sacrifices...

How's Wisconsin's economy doing anyway? I recall this he got elected even when the economy in the state was doing below than what it should have been. Has the economy improved since the recall.
How's Wisconsin's economy doing anyway? I recall this he got elected even when the economy in the state was doing below than what it should have been. Has the economy improved since the recall.

Wisconsin's economy is doing pretty good, to the disdain of liberals. Pretty low unemployment rate too


Because I can't make my own money to pay my bills?

This is always the first response to this kind of question, but I think that, when it comes down to it, the most important difference is something that Black Mamba's link doesn't even get to until its last two reasons, and even then it only addresses it in a roundabout way.

The major difference is this: the federal government's budget matters to everyone else's budget. Deficit spending in a recession would make sense even if the US were on the gold standard because government spending has a huge impact on the overall economy. Me tightening my belt doesn't really hurt anyone else, but we have a collective action problem when everyone tightens their belts. We use government to solve this problem - it can enforce a certain amount of belt-untightening on everyone, so that no one can defect.
Just got out of class with james Carville. Awesome dude.

Jindal is coming next week.hes also getting chait, eric erikson, eliot spitzer, mitts pollster to come by throughout the semester.

The class is like poligaf come to life.

Need to prepare questions for Jindal.


Need to prepare questions for Jindal.

Ask Jindal why does he hate America and the citizens of his state so much that he would reject the super sweetheart deal the Federal Government is offering with The Affordable Care Act, considering how horrendous his state is when it comes to health care and how many people are uninsured/underinsured/WAY over paying. Make sure you quote him that CBO about how this is going to save the country money over time, and how it'll be an unbelievable savings for Louisiana.

Then walk up to him, punch him as hard as you can in the face, and tell him "Sorry I'm just doing to you what you're about to do to tens of thousands of people in your state. Thought I'd let you know how it felt before you answered."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wow, the House actually passed a $50 billion relief package.

Wonder how shitty they made it...
Ask Jindal why does he hate America and the citizens of his state so much that he would reject the super sweetheart deal the Federal Government is offering with The Affordable Care Act, considering how horrendous his state is when it comes to health care and how many people are uninsured/underinsured/WAY over paying. Make sure you quote him that CBO about how this is going to save the country money over time, and how it'll be an unbelievable savings for Louisiana.

Then walk up to him, punch him as hard as you can in the face, and tell him "Sorry I'm just doing to you what you're about to do to tens of thousands of people in your state. Thought I'd let you know how it felt before you answered."
Lol I live in Louisiana so I dont think that would go down too well. Thinking about questionimg him on his tax plan.

Also Carville is inviting the class over for dinner. I hope his wife is there.

Tomorrow I have class with harris perry so my final semester is gonna be amazing


Need to prepare questions for Jindal.

"How did you prepare for your response to the State of the Union?"

"Sorry, I have a followup. In light of the fact that people widely agreed it was a debacle that permanently ended any national aspirations you might have had, would you do anything differently?"


How's Wisconsin's economy doing anyway? I recall this he got elected even when the economy in the state was doing below than what it should have been. Has the economy improved since the recall.

Not really. I mean it wasn't completely awful to begin with, so that's its saving grace. It hasn't got any better, though.

Wisconsin's economy is doing pretty good, to the disdain of liberals. Pretty low unemployment rate too

Yes, to the disdain of liberals we're ranked 39th in the number of fast-growing companies and 47th in entrepreneurial activity in the latest New Economy Index.

I'm also pretty sure we're still ranked in the 40s as far as job growth, and also lag behind a few of the states directly around us, too.
So uh, Rubio is receiving praise from republicans for...basically adopting Obama's immigration plan
Knowing that many Republicans are leery of any plan that allows the 11 million illegal immigrants in this country to earn citizenship, Rubio emphasized to The Wall Street Journal that the path would be arduous. He said undocumented workers would be required to undergo a criminal background check, pay fines and back taxes, and prove longtime residency and knowledge of English before obtaining legal status. Then they could apply for permanent residency and citizenship, though the wait would be longer than if they had come here legally. Border security would also be stepped up.

Rubio is choosing his words carefully, insisting his plan “is not blanket amnesty or a special pathway to citizenship.” Advocates of immigration reform under former President George W. Bush and during President Obama’s first term say the same about their own plans, which also called for illegal immigrants to pay their dues, so to speak. What’s different is the language Rubio is using to try to avoid the pressure points that have doomed previous efforts.

There's an opportunity here. Let Rubio be a major face of this alongside Obama, give him a shout out during the SOTU, etc. Obama's cosign alone would sour many republicans on the plan - which as I said, is basically Obama's anyway. If it passes Obama gets to secure his legacy, and Hispanics for years to come. If it fails he gets to scapegoat republicans, and Rubio's 2016 prospects will be damaged.


The Autumn Wind
It's good to know that the one of the most powerful men in the world and someone in a position to actually "change" the situation is instead putting a meaningless bumper sticker on his car.
Because the two are so clearly mutually exclusive.
Honestly, I don't believe politicians should have repercussions for what they do in their personal private relationships. Cheating on his spouse is wrong, but it's really none of our business. As long as he's doing a good job in his PUBLIC position, that's what should be judged. Not that he was doing that either, of course ;)

Plus, Anthony Weiner needs to get the fuck back to Congress, so yeah let's hope that a little fuck up is overlooked down the line

Well, problems arise when politicians cheat on their spouses using government funds (as Mark Sanford did). David Vitter broke the law by hiring prostitute(s), but didn't face charges due to the statute of limitations (whether or not you agree with prostitution being illegal is besides the point). I'm not sure whether or not Anthony Weiner used Congressional computers for his tweeting, but that obviously plays a role (it's still dumb that he had to resign, but Vitter didn't).


I love that Republicans have no leverage with the debt ceiling at all and are now scrambling to find ways to create some. After the tax increase they all said "wait til the debt ceiling debate". Now we just need Obama to stick to his guns.



No, not the Onion.

100% real.

Mind is full of fuck

I would so go up to that counter, puff my chest out and pretend to be the biggest gun toting conservative of all time, and then buy my object for the cheaper price. Then the moment I received my order I'd rip my overshirt off revealing a huge GAY PRIDE t-shirt, pull out a framed picture of Michael Moore and then piss on my copy of the Bible.

Then I'd sing about the good ol' days coming when all the guns are taken and Obama can finally turn this into a communist country and slowly skip out the doorway while the owner yells in a rage
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