Mind blown.
*looks around in the thread*
Well, shit. Guess I'll have to be the one to ask.
Are you hawt, Dax?
J/K of course!
Seriously, though.
Come on poligaf, hot? Where all my January real-pic heads in this thread? Their silence speaks volumes![]()
Come on poligaf, hot? Where all my January real-pic heads in this thread? Their silence speaks volumes![]()
D'aw. Thanks!It's not the size of the binder, it's the quality of its contents.
:|*looks around in the thread*
Well, shit. Guess I'll have to be the one to ask.
Are you hawt, Dax?
J/K of course!
Seriously, though.
You know what's also bullshit? The President get his own private jet while I have to haul my ass on coach. What's up with that?
Obama's going to be presenting his proposals to the public in a minute, right? Is there a livestream somewhere I can watch while at work?
I can't believe over *two-thirds* of the House Republican caucus voted against the Sandy relief bill. What the hell.
I want, so badly, to be able to go into the voting booth and have an actual choice. I really do. I dream of a world where its not a choice between a flawed but often well intentioned party and a cabal of supervillains.I can't believe over *two-thirds* of the House Republican caucus voted against the Sandy relief bill. What the hell.
Dax is a female?
I want, so badly, to be able to go into the voting booth and have an actual choice. I really do. I dream of a world where its not a choice between a flawed but often well intentioned party and a cabal of supervillains.
I can't believe over *two-thirds* of the House Republican caucus voted against the Sandy relief bill. What the hell.
I do, too. If there's any part of it that I'll accept as a bargaining chip, it's that. The universal background checks will undoubtedly do the most good of anything else proposed.
Watching the live stream.
Edit: WHAT?! 900 people died in the USA already this month by guns?!
Fund research into the connections of violent video games and violence? Meh... I suppose that research will probably come out that there isn't much of a connection, but whatev.
The one issue I have is that in redneck states like mine (Idaho), you can buy and sell guns without restriction through classified ads.
ExcellentRAYGUN quote lol.
Hey if it shuts them up...
Youarealreadygunless.jpgIs Obama takin my gurnz right now?
I feel like he's literally throwing everything into this, so everyone has a slight problem, but also everyone sees it as reasonable. The media will eat it up because it makes him look like a very serious person.
Is Obama takin my gurnz right now?
Is Obama takin my gurnz right now?
Youarealreadybleedingoutyourass.jpgOBAMA GOING IN DRY
I'm so tired of listening to Obama try and be reasonable because it never fucking matters.
So true.I'm so tired of listening to Obama try and be reasonable because it never fucking matters.
I can't believe over *two-thirds* of the House Republican caucus voted against the Sandy relief bill. What the hell.
I can't believe over *two-thirds* of the House Republican caucus voted against the Sandy relief bill. What the hell.
It is a dangerous precedent. What happens when Texas, Mississippi, or Alabama gets hit by a hurricane next? Are they gonna vote no then? Why not? Are they just regionalist assholes?
It is a dangerous precedent. What happens when Texas, Mississippi, or Alabama gets hit by a hurricane next? Are they gonna vote no then? Why not? Are they just regionalist assholes?
Well, he did get re-elected.
That kind of shocked me too (although it probably shouldn't have). I'm wondering if at this point the only things that will pass these next 4 years will only do so with majority Democrat support plus 20-40 House Republicans. Of course I'm not sure how many more times Boehner can justify to his fellow party members bringing up bills for a vote that a majority of his party opposes.
I'm seriously worried that Republicans in the House will make it impossible for any single issue to get resolved in Obama's second term and they'll keep creating self-inflicted economic disasters like the Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling for four years. I'm scared about what kind of impact this level of dysfunction will have on the economy.
Of course Dems winning the House in 2014 would fix that, but I have absolutely no hope of that happening right now.
It doesn't matter if the he can't translate the win into actions. Can't you see that? We're going to have another 4 years of the same in-fighting because the House despises him, and that's never going to change.
I'm really confused - why does everyone think Obama has broad dictator-like powers through the Executive Order again?