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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I hesitate to make it literally a left-wing blog. I mean most of us I guess do lean that way, but not necessarily in every fashion, and I wouldn't mind having some more right leaning people on there if they were good posters on here. People like AlteredBeast would be welcome (wherever the hell he went), for instance.

That's a reservation that I have, as well. I mean we can probably guess the audience it will attract, but I feel the same way.


That's a reservation that I have, as well. I mean we can probably guess the audience it will attract, but I feel the same way.

Or you could not have it lean left or right at all, just do it all objectively and fact based. Call out the Dems for their cowardice and call out the GOP for the batshit insanity.

If you have to "lean left" make sure to mark said article as an opinion piece.
Deadheat is absolutely perfect.

I've got some minor interest in contributing, but I don't think I am as qualified. But I will be an ardent follower/commenter at very least.


gaffeprone.com is available :p

I still like Dead Heat the best, I'm just throwing stuff out.

Or you could not have it lean left or right at all, just do it all objectively and fact based. Call out the Dems for their cowardice and call out the GOP for the batshit insanity.

If you have to "lean left" make sure to mark said article as an opinion piece.

This is what I'd prefer.


Or you could not have it lean left or right at all, just do it all objectively and fact based. Call out the Dems for their cowardice and call out the GOP for the batshit insanity.

If you have to "lean left" make sure to mark said article as an opinion piece.

Well, first of all it's a blog, so pretty nearly everything will be an opinion piece.

I don't think anyone's going to give anyone a pass, really. It's not going to lean left or whatever by design, it's more by virtue of the people writing there seem to be mostly that way. Calling out dems for cowardice and GOP for insanity is still usually "left" leaning, just not being a dem lapdog.

But, yes, I wouldn't want this thing to have some sort of agenda, left or right.


I like Dead Heat.

Or you could not have it lean left or right at all, just do it all objectively and fact based. Call out the Dems for their cowardice and call out the GOP for the batshit insanity.

If you have to "lean left" make sure to mark said article as an opinion piece.

A blog can be ideological without being partisan. So in that sense, of course some pieces would go after the Democrats. We just all happen to be left-leaning; why pretend we are something we are not?

I have zero desire to do objective fact-based reporting. If I wanted to do that I would have become a journalist.

That said, it would be cool to get some right-leaning writers on the blog. But the individual posts would be opinion pieces making arguments.
Do they not do paintings anymore? Always thought Kennedy had an awesome portrait

That's a different thing. The Obama picture is the official picture that will hang in federal and state buildings; basically you'll see it when you go to the post office, sec of state office, etc. The JFK one is his official portrait, which all presidents get and hangs in the White House.


Yeah, it's a blog and not a news agency. Opinion pieces still are often backed up by facts and research, and posting here for a while I think most of us have learned to back up what we say with sources.
Yeah, it's a blog and not a news agency. Opinion pieces still are often backed up by facts and research, and posting here for a while I think most of us have learned to back up what we say with sources.

Obama takin' ur gunz

by Black Mamba

sourced by Breitbart.
Regarding the discussion about whether the possibility of armed self defense should be a right:

I think you need to make a distinction between what is the rational choice for an individual in a given society and what is the rational choice for society itself.

If you live in a society where gun ownership is allowed, and which is fucked up enough that you would feel that you actually need a gun in order to defend yourself, and that this would outweigh the risks of owning a gun, I could buy the argument that it may be rational to own a gun.

On the other hand, since it can easily be argued that a high gun density in a society could lead to things such as higher crime rates, higher suicide rates and more gun-related accidents, the rational choice of the government would be to crack down on gun ownership.

In this case, I would argue that needs of the collective outweighs the needs of (some) individuals.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I think the biggest problem will be figuring out what kind of content to focus on. If it's just your opinion on the big news of the day then obviously it'll be hard to avoid making a circle-jerk.


I promised myself if I ever started a left-wing political blog I'd call it "Shrill." But that might be taken already.

From that Politico article:


This is a huge change. Silent holds are effective because you don't even have to show up -- as long as your objection is registered (through the party machinery, currently), the proponents need to get 60 votes on the floor to proceed. Requiring 41 senators to SUSTAIN a filibuster shifts the power dynamic enormously in favor of getting stuff done.

That'd actually be a lot more effective than the talking fillibuster, I think, particularly with how much Congress hates to work when it's supposed to be on break.


It seems like Dead Heat is the presumed frontrunner in this general election.

I envision it being something that is more along the lines of lengthier discussions of public policy and political activity. Not just "the liberal take" on the day's news. I'm sure that will still be there, but my hope is for it to be more editorial-like
It seems like Dead Heat is the presumed frontrunner in this general election.

I envision it being something that is more along the lines of lengthier discussions of public policy and political activity. Not just "the liberal take" on the day's news. I'm sure that will still be there, but my hope is for it to be more editorial-like

Poli-Wonks damn it!
finally some good old fashioned beef
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said on Friday that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will come to rue the day he so publicly criticized the Republican party over objecting to Hurricane Sandy relief and the National Rifle Association over a controversial ad about President Obama's daughters.

“I think criticizing the Second Amendment movement and the over-the-top ‘give me my money’ stuff, ‘I want all 60 billion now or I’ll throw a tantrum,’ I don’t think that’s going to play well in the Republican primary,” Paul said on Laura Ingraham's show, according to the Huffington Post.

We've discussed before whether Christie will end up like Gulianni: a slick east coast republican who goes to the heartland and realizes how out of touch he is with his party. It's hard to imagine Christie gaining much success with crazy Iowa republicans, or (worse yet) South Carolina republicans. Plus he'll likely be the only candidate with a real record. What has Rand Paul done since 2010? What about Rubio? They haven't voted for anything, or accomplished anything...thus ensuring they're safe to the nihilists who vote in GOP primaries. Meanwhile Christie will be stuck defending various compromises he came to with democrats in NJ - you know, actually getting shit done. I'm not defending Christie's legislative record, just saying he actually has to govern whereas most republicans don't.

It's amazing how good Rand Paul is at saying stupid, simple stuff his base can eat up. Christie reprimanding the NRA's idiotic ad targeting Obama's children=criticizing the second amendment movement. I honestly feel bad for moderate republicans.


Wow, this page just gave me a great ad.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Radical homosexuals claim YOU support homosexual "marriage," special job rights and promotion of homosexuality in schools. Please fill out the survey below and let your voice be heard.


finally some good old fashioned beef


We've discussed before whether Christie will end up like Gulianni: a slick east coast republican who goes to the heartland and realizes how out of touch he is with his party. It's hard to imagine Christie gaining much success with crazy Iowa republicans, or (worse yet) South Carolina republicans. Plus he'll likely be the only candidate with a real record. What has Rand Paul done since 2010? What about Rubio? They haven't voted for anything, or accomplished anything...thus ensuring they're safe to the nihilists who vote in GOP primaries. Meanwhile Christie will be stuck defending various compromises he came to with democrats in NJ - you know, actually getting shit done. I'm not defending Christie's legislative record, just saying he actually has to govern whereas most republicans don't.

It's amazing how good Rand Paul is at saying stupid, simple stuff his base can eat up. Christie reprimanding the NRA's idiotic ad targeting Obama's children=criticizing the second amendment movement. I honestly feel bad for moderate republicans.

Hooray for another primary in which it's base completely eats itself to the point where it's unsuitable for the general.
Wow, this page just gave me a great ad.

Yeah, I constantly get the WND or newsmax ones that say 'Vote now'. Of course they are all just phishing expeditions for people to add to the sucker conservative email lists which seems to be a large business in the conservative world.


Hooray for another primary in which it's base completely eats itself to the point where it's unsuitable for the general.

I'm all for it, in particular in the House, since that's going to be pretty much the only way Dems make any headway in the next few elections; Republicans nominating people too far to the fringe for their own base.
Is it possible that by 2016 the tea party will have created an official third party that will truly split the GOP?

I doubt it, but then again GOP establishment guys like Dick Armey are fleeing the tea party. They were the ones who connected the movement to the GOP initially, and now that relationship seems to be breaking. Still, a complete separation would make the tea party irrelevant nationally.

Plus the 2016 nominees will appeal more to tea partiers, ie Rand Paul and Marco Rubio (depending on how immigration goes)


Not even Obama could escape the Presidential Grey Hair Accelerator

edit: jesus christ I went to check his age on wikipedia and his portrait is already updated to that picture.


You know that right before elections, they dye his hair so he looks younger, right? All presidents have this done.

I don't think it's disingenuous and I don't think all break-ins are economically motivated. Nevertheless, many societies--themselves not ideally functional--get along fine without individual members arming themselves against each other. This is not to say that I believe there is not a right to self-defense, just that I am not prepared to say that there should be a right to possess a firearm for self-defense. That to me represents the relinquishment of social responsibility.
What if, for example, a guy who legally owns a gun breaks into your house for malicious reasons. At that point should you just let the guy steal or injure and instead rely on civil services that can't respond instantly? Isn't taking matters into your own hands by following the rules set in the constitution (protection of life and property) better? I'm not saying when you have the gun to level the playing field that anyone has to die, but that at that point anything less than a gun brings you to a disadvantage.

Wolves do that. Well, they did. We shot a lot of them.

In some places, there are an overabundance of Wolves and mountain cats. So much so that they'll come near people's land.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What if, for example, a guy who legally owns a gun breaks into your house for malicious reasons. At that point should you just let the guy steal or injure and instead rely on civil services that can't respond instantly? Isn't taking matters into your own hands by following the rules set in the constitution (protection of life and property) better? I'm not saying when you have the gun to level the playing field that anyone has to die, but that at that point anything less than a gun brings you to a disadvantage.

Depends on your priorities. Statistically confronting someone who is armed with a gun of your own increases your chances of getting shot.


Regarding a PoliGAF blog, I would totally follow and read it regularly, but I doubt I would have time to contribute between school, work, and personal life.

I don't post in here often, but I lurk nearly every day to see PoliGAF's take on things, so I would definitely like to see a blog with all the regulars posting in it.


Depends on your priorities. Statistically confronting someone who is armed with a gun of your own increases your chances of getting shot.
Right, I know that but here's another thing: How many people who've bought a gun have had training in how to fire it?

When you buy a gun, there's no requirement on how to fire a gun properly.


I'm all for it, in particular in the House, since that's going to be pretty much the only way Dems make any headway in the next few elections; Republicans nominating people too far to the fringe for their own base.

I dont think that makes a difference for the majority of districts thanks to gerrymandering. Most people will vote dem or repub just because thats how they always vote. Personally, I would like to see every primary adopt Cali's primary reforms. That way our congressmen will be less worried about getting primaried to the right or left because the top two will go onto the general election and the more moderate candidate will probably have the better chance of winning


Right, I know that but here's another thing: How many people who've bought a gun have had training in how to fire it?

When you buy a gun, there's no requirement on how to fire a gun properly.

If that's not part of the bill, that should definitely be part of the bill - and not only that, but requirements on owning and knowledge of how to store/unload weapons safely.

How many incidents have been reported because of dumbfuck accidents where the gun is not safely stored or leaving a fully loaded gun unattended?

Goddamn, so many basic knowledge and safety things that the NRA and House GOP fuckers have scrapped away in order to sell more guns.


Goddamn, so many basic knowledge and safety things that the NRA and House GOP fuckers have scrapped away in order to sell more guns.
Like any other corporation, they don't give a fuck about people, they care about their bottom line.

(neither are corporations, but they get paid by those corporations for taking their side)



Anyone from Oregon care to comment how they think this is working so far? Pretty crazy that they estimate that if every state adopt Oregon's reforms the US govt would save 1.5 trillion with no real loss in benefits or cuts in doctors payments.

St. Charles noted that 144 patients tended to use the emergency room the most. Taken together, they averaged 14.25 trips each over 12 months. These patients drove much of the area’s Medicaid spending.

Thats pretty insane to me. 14.25 trips a year to the ER for those 144 patients? You're not forced to go to the ER if youre on medicaid, are you?

Be nice if we could implement some cost saving measures in the private sector since medicaid is stupid cheap compared to that. Oh well, one can dream...


No Scrubs
Hooray for another primary in which it's base completely eats itself to the point where it's unsuitable for the general.

I've been saying Christie is a paper tiger for a while now, looks like the rest of the world has finally started to catch on.
Can someone here explain to me how Obamacare helps to make the system more efficient and reduces the deficit? I knew a few months ago but I'm having an argument with a friend right now and struggling to remember
Zimbabwe! Wiemar!
Well, no.

Earlier this week the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly inflation report. The numbers came in at 1.7 percent a year for all items. Excluding the ever-volatile food and energy, it was 1.9 percent.

That's about as low as inflation has been in the last 50 years. Only 1986 (1.1 percent), 1998 and 2001 (1.6 percent), 2008 (0.1 percent) and 2010 (1.5 percent) have come in lower, and a few years in the mid-2000s registered the same.

The disappearance of inflation over the past 20 years, however, has barely dented the pervasive belief that inflation remains one of the greatest threats to economic stability. These convictions persist in spite of all evidence to the contrary: Inflation is nowhere visible. For many, that is just proof that we are living in a lull -- a phony war soon to be disrupted when that age-old enemy reappears and wreaks havoc.

Angry Fork

Who thought 'alien' was a name that should be given to another person who is in your country illegally. And why did that name stick.


Who thought 'alien' was a name that should be given to another person who is in your country illegally. And why did that name stick.
I can't tell if you're joking, but -
alien (adj.) 14c., "strange, foreign," from Old French alien "alien, strange, foreign; an alien, stranger, foreigner," from Latin alienus "of or belonging to another, foreign, alien, strange," also, as a noun, "a stranger, foreigner," adjectival form of alius "(an)other" (see alias). Meaning "not of the Earth" first recorded 1920.

Angry Fork

Right but everyone knows alien implies they're not human. If it's a foreigner say foreigner. It feels like people say alien to increase the negative connotation, as if they're not even worthy of human rights.
Right but everyone knows alien implies they're not human. If it's a foreigner say foreigner. It feels like people say alien to increase the negative connotation, as if they're not even worthy of human rights.

alien didn't mean extraterrestrial till later. It doesn't imply non-human


Right but everyone knows alien implies they're not human. If it's a foreigner say foreigner. It feels like people say alien to increase the negative connotation, as if they're not even worthy of human rights.

It's meant foreigner for longer than it has meant extra terrestrial. I don't think anyone who uses the term alien is trying to purposefully dehumanize foreigners.
Right but everyone knows alien implies they're not human. If it's a foreigner say foreigner. It feels like people say alien to increase the negative connotation, as if they're not even worthy of human rights.

It is when someone simply refers to them as "Illegals" that they are purposely bringing in negative connotations.
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