finally some good old fashioned beef
We've discussed before whether Christie will end up like Gulianni: a slick east coast republican who goes to the heartland and realizes how out of touch he is with his party. It's hard to imagine Christie gaining much success with crazy Iowa republicans, or (worse yet) South Carolina republicans. Plus he'll likely be the only candidate with a real record. What has Rand Paul done since 2010? What about Rubio? They haven't voted for anything, or accomplished anything...thus ensuring they're safe to the nihilists who vote in GOP primaries. Meanwhile Christie will be stuck defending various compromises he came to with democrats in NJ - you know, actually getting shit done. I'm not defending Christie's legislative record, just saying he actually has to govern whereas most republicans don't.
It's amazing how good Rand Paul is at saying stupid, simple stuff his base can eat up. Christie reprimanding the NRA's idiotic ad targeting Obama's children=criticizing the second amendment movement. I honestly feel bad for moderate republicans.