Krugman on Obama's redistribution from rich to poor. AKA socialism.
This gives me much hope. It's not huge, but it's definitely nothing to sneeze at.
Krugman on Obama's redistribution from rich to poor. AKA socialism.
I think what was confusing to me was the 2 or 3 musician threads I've seen where they post their own stuff. Specifically I remember that Timberwolf guy doing it. I figured it was kind of a fine line thing where new posters couldn't come in and do that, but if a poster who's been around does something noteworthy it was fine. I dunno.
It was a primary debate, as I recall.Not true at all. The thread exists here because it was acting as a vacuum for all political news and discussion on the Off-Topic forum. What was it, the state of the union address last year that didn't even get a dedicated thread? Only served to alienate the general GAF population and stifle discussion at large for the sake of the convenience of a small core group of dedicated PoliGAF members who lived in the megathread.
Consistency is fucking overrated.I think what was confusing to me was the 2 or 3 musician threads I've seen where they post their own stuff. Specifically I remember that Timberwolf guy doing it. I figured it was kind of a fine line thing where new posters couldn't come in and do that, but if a poster who's been around does something noteworthy it was fine. I dunno.
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Sunday that Democrats in the Senate intend to draft a budget this year that will include revenues, regardless of House Republicans use of the debt ceiling to force the Senate to come up with a budget.
"We're going to do a budget this year, and it's going to have revenues in it," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "And our Republican colleagues better get used to that fact."
Schumer said Democrats always intended to come up with a budget blueprint this year and that they would take advantage of the opportunity to include tax reform and bring in more revenues by closing loopholes.
It'll still be there. No rush.Edit: to clarify, I understand and support the ban on using GAF a view promoting platform, I have no idea what's the best way to enforce it, but again, considering that at this very second, someone, somewhere is posting furry porn, I think there are more pressing issues.
Holy crap
Consistency is fucking overrated.
Those are all judgment calls, they make it the best they can.
Do they sometime get them wrong?
Sure, but unless it's something critical, I think it's in everyone's interest to just get on with their fucking life.
Have you seen this forum?
Have you seen the type of threads there are out there?
Do you really think they need to deal with crap from the political junkies crowd as well?
Edit: to clarify, I understand and support the ban on using GAF a view promoting platform, I have no idea what's the best way to enforce it, but again, considering that at this very second, someone, somewhere is posting furry porn, I think there are more pressing issues.
Here come the blue balls. Democrats are wankers. Look at Reid and his filibuster. All of these people need to have their balls pierced before I believe anything that sounds remotely good from their mouths.Holy crap
It was a primary debate, as I recall.
So, again, this is the internet and whether something is self-promotion or just sharing info and starting a discussion is always going to be a judgment call. But I would strongly recommend not getting into the habit of linking to your blog posts. To use Oblivion as an example again, he's linked to his blog a few times, but it's been when there was some interesting reason to do so, like when he got a response from the guy from National Review. If he were tossing up a link every time he blogs something, that'd be a problem.
So, again, this is the internet and whether something is self-promotion or just sharing info and starting a discussion is always going to be a judgment call. But I would strongly recommend not getting into the habit of linking to your blog posts. To use Oblivion as an example again, he's linked to his blog a few times, but it's been when there was some interesting reason to do so, like when he got a response from the guy from National Review. If he were tossing up a link every time he blogs something, that'd be a problem.
Just completed my first post regarding the GOP as the party of God. This is one of the areas that I am most passionate about. The union of the GOP and evangelicals has done so much damage to both groups it's disgusting. I find it so hypocritical that the GOP so often argues going to war against a theocratic government when they are members of a party who in the last few decades has gotten closer and closer to arguing for such a system here, though they haven't said t outright.
The gist of your post is something I've had to struggle with in the past, too. My parents are definitely of the notion that if you're Christian you have to be Republican. They've often said straight out to me that they can't vote Democrat because they're Christian. My mom helps out with an elderly lady, and she and my dad have often said they didn't understand how she could be a devout Christian and a Democrat.
At some point I want to sit down and lay out for them how you can be, and specifically why I am. Point for point.
Arguing for a more theocratic government also has me perplexed, because the same sorts seem to worship the constitution and founding fathers. A few of those founding fathers were really not the sort of religious people they these people think they are. There are some Jefferson quotes out there that would make a tea partier's eyes pop.
Yep. Many of the fathers used Christian speak, may have liberally referenced scripture and even used the term God at points, but weren't theists. Yet to hear it from today's GOP you would assume that Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others were diehard evangelicals.
Good point. Evangelicalism has changed even in the last 5-6 years. Many groups under the banner of evangelicalism are much more antagonistic towards government and are approaching tea party levels of paranoia and being martyrs, at least in their own minds.The stranger thing about that is that even if they were diehard evangelicals, that sort of evangelical has changed. Abortion was Biblically acceptable until Falwell came along, and that's kind of one of their biggest pillars.
LOL. Johnson once kicked Hubert Humphrey in the shin for not carrying out one of his orders on the Senate floor fast enough.
LOL. Johnson once kicked Hubert Humphrey in the shin for not carrying out one of his orders on the Senate floor fast enough.
I've seen several of these pro-gun pictures using Andy Griffith. I wonder if anyone making and sharing these images knows that he was a huge Democrat his entire life.
We didn't get many of his shows here in NZ, but wasn't he known for doing wholesome "family values" stuff? I assume this is an appeal to suggest gun control goes against the small town, Apple pie eating, "normal" family values America "we grew up with". In other words, more evidence Obama is changing traditional America and it needs to be taken back.
BOSTON—A study published Monday by a group of linguists, historians, and semioticians has proved the concept of "the good old days" can be traced back to the weekend of June 19, 1948. "After extensive interviews, analysis of personal correspondence, and repeated viewings of that week's Ed Sullivan Show, we have pinpointed the precise time period this phrase signifies," said researcher Patrick Washington, explaining that during the 48-hour period, no hard work went unrewarded and normal folks could count on hope for the future. "During this brief window, a man was a man, a woman was a woman, and people had the decency to stop you on the street and say hello. At least until Sunday at 11:53 p.m." The study also confirmed that throughout these two "good old days" singer Peggy Lee was on the radio and the weather was just perfect.
At an Iowa ball, Biden said he was "Proud to be President."
After Biden taking control with the gun control proposals and the fiscal cliff negotiations in addition to him schmoozing with Iowa officials, I absolutely think he's going to run in four years.
O'Malley was also at the event.
It's time for another stupid chain Facebook picture.
What the hell does this even mean?
I've seen several of these pro-gun pictures using Andy Griffith. I wonder if anyone making and sharing these images knows that he was a huge Democrat his entire life.
If he does and I have a different sort of job, I'll be donating my time for sure.
At an Iowa ball, Biden said he was "Proud to be President."
After Biden taking control with the gun control proposals and the fiscal cliff negotiations in addition to him schmoozing with Iowa officials, I absolutely think he's going to run in four years.
O'Malley was also at the event.
That strategy didnt exactly pan out, as witnessed by a second Obama inauguration to take place Monday. In retrospect, to me it would not seem an effective strategy, said Tom Coburn, a Republican senator from Oklahoma and a guest at the 2009 dinner.
Finally got around to putting my post up. We can still mention that we posted an article like Oblivion does, right?
I discuss how people look at Congressional Republicans (and party as a whole) so poorly, how it's their own fault, and really how they're kind of fucked by it for a little while.
Basically, the party's ideas are no longer mainstream, they bring little to the actual table, and they've brainwashed their base so badly that now that they're forced to play ball with Obama, they simply can't.
It's time for another stupid chain Facebook picture.
What the hell does this even mean?
I've seen several of these pro-gun pictures using Andy Griffith. I wonder if anyone making and sharing these images knows that he was a huge Democrat his entire life.
This is extra funny because Sheriff Any was known for not carrying a gun! During the entire run if the show he strapped on a gun maybe once or twice.
It's time for another stupid chain Facebook picture.
What the hell does this even mean?
I've seen several of these pro-gun pictures using Andy Griffith. I wonder if anyone making and sharing these images knows that he was a huge Democrat his entire life.
I don't see anyone on the dem side running for sure until Hillary has made up her mind on a possible run. After all of the campaigning Clinton did for Obama last year not to mention the great work Hillary did as SoS, I have a hard time seeing Obama supporting Biden over Clinton if both were to run, especially if Bill decides to call in his chits. If Hillary sits 2016 out, its Biden's to lose.
Guys, we found Bill Clinton's account! Which reminds me of Biden's comments during one of the debates when he was shown a video of a gun enthousiast who refered to his (I guess assault rifle?) as ''baby''.I don't think Biden makes for a particularly strong candidate![]()
10 years from now, they'll realize how far the right they could have pushed Obama, and conservatives will kick themselves. Not to mention how a few of them could have supported the health care bill to get provisions that they have long faught for into the bill, but instead chose blanket opposition, and the bill still got passed.
Not to get all Phoenix Dark, but blanket Republican opposition saved Obama from himself a few times in negotations. They seemed like masterful negotioators, till you realized they were just insane.
Whoa, what did he say?Guys, we found Bill Clinton's account! Which reminds me of Biden's comments during one of the debates when he was shown a video of a gun enthousiast who refered to his (I guess assault rifle?) as ''baby''.
Definitely watch the video, because it is one of the most amazing moments in debate history.
This is some damn good salt: