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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Ending a self-imposed silence about the November election, 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that he and presidential running mate Mitt Romney lost not because of ideas, but due to ineffective communication.

Ryan said Democratic President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden also prevailed because they did a better job with "technology and (voter) turnout."

"We have to learn that," said Ryan, chairman of the House of Representatives Budget Committee. "We have to fix that."

Dat self-reflection.

It won't be til after 2016 the GOP realizes the problem is them and their ideas.
So you're clearly a cup half-full kinda guy...

haha, I guess. I am hoping with an economic recovery and perhaps Hillary running that the GOP will suffer a massive defeat in 2016, much bigger than the ones that Obama delivered, that will be so demoralizing they will have no choice but to self-reflect.

I think these 4 years will be them kicking & screaming on their way out and hopefully 2016-18 the reformation, if you will.

I won't guarantee it. But if 2016 plays out as I hope with Hillary and the defeat, if they don't reform they will become irrelevant, anyway.
haha, I guess. I am hoping with an economic recovery and perhaps Hillary running that the GOP will suffer a massive defeat in 2016, much bigger than the ones that Obama delivered, that will be so demoralizing they will have no choice but to self-reflect.

I think these 4 years will be them kicking & screaming on their way out and hopefully 2016-18 the reformation, if you will.

I won't guarantee it. But if 2016 plays out as I hope with Hillary and the defeat, if they don't reform they will become irrelevant, anyway.

I will have to wait for PD's response to your post and whatever his expectation is going forward I will believe the opposite.
Hey guys. I've been out of the loop for a week due to having a baby and what not. Did I miss anything major? Inauguration and Malia photobomb aside?
LBJ didn't want the Vietnam war, no president except Kennedy did, it's just that no one until Nixon figured out how to untangle that mess (though in no small part it was the almost 60k dead have moved the public opinion to a place where such withdrawal was possible)
Yeah, he mismanaged the shit out of it and a lot of good people died, and yes, he should get shit for that, but I think that pinning Vietnam on him and making it his legacy does him injustice.
Especially when you consider the political realities of the time - just pulling out support for the (oh so very corrupt but we didn't care because communism) southern Vietnamese regime and let it get overrun by the north would've been a political suicide.

Just saying "Viet Nam" misses the point. He escallated the war dramatically. Gulf of Tonkin incident happened under him, and it was his personal 9/11 to justify war.

Johnson is certainly a hard President to rate, but make no mistake, most of the blame of Viet Nam falls on him first, then Nixon.
Speaking of Jindal, I have a feeling this will be going into oppo research files of both democrat and republican operatives

NEW ORLEANS -- Starting Feb. 1 Louisiana will stop offering hospice care services to most patients on medicaid.

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is eliminating the service to families in the state due to state budget cuts.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals say the elimination of hospice care for medicaid patients will mean nearly $3.3 million in savings this year alone. In 2014, it'll mean $8.3 million in savings.

However, Burns believes the state will end up paying much more with terminally ill patients forced to turn to local hospitals.

Disgusting. Good luck explaining that to suburban voters
Hey guys. I've been out of the loop for a week due to having a baby and what not. Did I miss anything major? Inauguration and Malia photobomb aside?




Just saying "Viet Nam" misses the point. He escallated the war dramatically. Gulf of Tonkin incident happened under him, and it was his personal 9/11 to justify war.

Johnson is certainly a hard President to rate, but make no mistake, most of the blame of Viet Nam falls on him first, then Nixon.
He escalated it for the same reason Nixon did, so he can have a military victory that would allow them to withdraw while saving face, like De Gaulle did in Algeria.
That's what the generals told him is needed in order to "win" and that's what he did.
Now it's true, in retrospect he should've pulled everyone out and say "sorry guys, have fun with communism", but I think it's understandable why he didn't.
And it's important to remember that he hated the Vietnam war and wanted nothing more than to for it to go away.
Speaking of Jindal, I have a feeling this will be going into oppo research files of both democrat and republican operatives


Disgusting. Good luck explaining that to suburban voters

Saw this earlier in the week. Would like to preface this only affects those under 65 and hospice is covered under medicare part A.

That said, I find that disgusting. If you aren't willing to make the sacrifices to help those in pain and dying from awful diseases to be comfortable without crippling the rest of the family, you've failed as a state/nation.

It's pretty much sadistic.



Rep. James Lankford (R-OK), the fifth-ranking House Republican, laid the blame for gun violence at the feet of an unusual suspect: the children of “welfare moms” who commit fraud.
In a meeting with constituents earlier this month in Oklahoma City, a woman asked the GOP congressman what he was doing to combat all the children who were committing gun violence because they were high on psychotropic drugs. Lankford replied that he “agree with that” and then went on to blame Social Security disability fraud for the rash of gun violence around the country. “Quite frankly some of the overmedication of kids are because welfare moms want to get additional benefits,” Lankford said:
CONSTITUENT: My question is regarding the guns and is Washington at all aware of the psychotropic drugs that these children are taking? I guarantee it 100 percent that’s our big problem. [...]
LANKFORD: I agree with that. I think there’s a bunch of issues that, quite frankly, most liberals are afraid to talk about. [...] Where are we on all those psychiatric drugs? We’ve overmedicated kids. Quite frankly some of the overmedication of kids are because welfare moms want to get additional benefits and if they can put them on SSI through maintenance drugs, they can also put them on Social Security disability and get a separate check. That is wrong on every single level. Not only is it fraudulent to the government, but it also tells a kid with great potential, “don’t try because you’re disabled.”
He escalated it for the same reason Nixon did, so he can have a military victory that would allow them to withdraw while saving face, like De Gaulle did in Algeria.
That's what the generals told him is needed in order to "win" and that's what he did.
Now it's true, in retrospect he should've pulled everyone out and say "sorry guys, have fun with communism", but I think it's understandable why he didn't.
And it's important to remember that he hated the Vietnam war and wanted nothing more than to for it to go away.

My point is, he escalated it from minor action to full scale war. Regardless of why or how he felt, he caused something completely avoidable.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Why does everyone think ssris are the cause of all the worlds problem? First alex jones now this guy.

Narrow minded people like to believe conspiracy theories about mind control or brainwashing to explain why their opinions are not popular. The alternative is accepting that there's a logical reason why people don't want every teacher to have to be armed.


My point is, he escalated it from minor action to full scale war. Regardless of why or how he felt, he caused something completely avoidable.
There were more American soldiers in Vietnam when Kennedy died than there were in Afghanistan at 2006, it was hardly a minor action.
And while it's true that it could've been avoided, you need to consider how it could have been avoided - specifically it would have required a president to admit defeat ("the first American president to lost a war!") and then sit and watch our ex-allies getting slaughtered.
Now don't get me wrong, I think that's exactly what he should've done, but I understand completely why it was almost impossible to do politically.

Crazy eyes
Cold hearts
Can't truth
So stealing this, that's going to be my new Bachmann shtick.
Al Sharpton makes Ed Schultz look like Walter Cronkite. WTF. Why does Sharpton stutter on every other syllable of every other word? Why does he have his own show on MSNBC? Why does MSNBC keep giving shows to these guys?
What happened?

She's my professor and just an all around awesome person. Felt people should know and watch her show

Was talking to her today about the women in the military thing and how it seems that Obama's having an out-sized influence on the shape of the military. He's completely transforming it and nobody is really paying attention to it.

Hopefully the senate change gets reversed and this dies


Al Sharpton makes Ed Schultz look like Walter Cronkite. WTF. Why does Sharpton stutter on every other syllable of every other word? Why does he have his own show on MSNBC? Why does MSNBC keep giving shows to these guys?
I'm still trying to figure out why they have Hardball run at 5 p.m. and rerun at 7 p.m. They can't put together another show?
He escalated it for the same reason Nixon did, so he can have a military victory that would allow them to withdraw while saving face, like De Gaulle did in Algeria.
That's what the generals told him is needed in order to "win" and that's what he did.
Now it's true, in retrospect he should've pulled everyone out and say "sorry guys, have fun with communism", but I think it's understandable why he didn't.
And it's important to remember that he hated the Vietnam war and wanted nothing more than to for it to go away.
I don't understand why people look at the Vietnam War so negatively. The Vietnamese had potential to turn into a mass murder state ala Stalin Soviet Union. And after getting in power the Vietnamese killed nearly one million people.
And while it's true that it could've been avoided, you need to consider how it could have been avoided - specifically it would have required a president to admit defeat ("the first American president to lost a war!") and then sit and watch our ex-allies getting slaughtered.
Now don't get me wrong, I think that's exactly what he should've done, but I understand completely why it was almost impossible to do politically.

Just to nit-pick for the sake of accuracy, by "ex-allies" you are referring to an extremely narrow sliver of the South Vietnamese population. The overwhelming majority of South Vietnamese were opposed to the puppet government installed there by Western powers.
This. Is. Awesome. I'm guessing we don't know what he said to elicit this response?

Report: Boehner's inauguration smoke joke had first lady's eyes rolling

A lip-reader claims Speaker John Boehner’s question about cigarettes at the inaugural luncheon is what triggered an eye roll from the first lady.

Larry Wenig, a lip-reading expert, tells “Inside Edition” that his analysis shows the Ohio Republican asked President Obama if he had a cigarette before the Monday luncheon.
According to Wenig, Boehner was referring to Michelle when he quipped to the commander in chief, “Somebody won’t let you do it.”

A silent video of the exchange shows the first lady then rolling her eyes.

When asked by ITK about the lip-reader’s assertion, Boehner spokesman Michael Steel told The Hill in an email, “That is not true.”
Whoa seriously? You need to high five her for me or something. Tell her someone you know on the Internets is a big fan.

Yea, I posted about it a few weeks ago I think it was a bottom of the page post though so no one saw it. I have both Carville and her this semester. Its pretty damn awesome.

Once I write something for dead heat I might try to get her to RT it or something. I'm definitely gonna mention the blog to her and I'll mention a video game site loves her work.
She's my professor and just an all around awesome person. Felt people should know and watch her so

Was talking to her today about the women in the military thing and how it seems that Obama's having an out-sized influence on the shape of the military. He's completely transforming it and nobody is really paying attention to it.

Hopefully the senate change gets reversed and this dies

Wow!! Thats awesome! See if she'd be willing to write an article for Dead Heat Politics.
I know the SCOTUS gives states freedom to gerrymander like crazy, but is there any chance this kind of thing would get shot down? Awarding someone who won the majority of the votes in the state 4 of 13 electoral votes? It's as blatantly undemocratic as you can get.

There doesn't have to be an election to select electoral voters. There's no chance the SCOTUS takes it down. Presidential elections are not democratic just by the words of the consitution.

constitution said:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Also am I the only one who hates how the Constitution uses commas and capitalizes words?


There doesn't have to be an election to select electoral voters. There's no chance the SCOTUS takes it down. Presidential elections are not democratic just by the words of the consitution.

Also am I the only one who hates how the Constitution uses commas and capitalizes words?

Is there precedent for this in past elections? Where a state sends electors that are totally out of sync with the election results?
Is there precedent for this in past elections? Where a state sends electors that are totally out of sync with the election results?

I don't think their precedent though they almost messed up the VP because of Racism. There have been faithless electors that didn't vote who they were elected to vote for though. Its just you're not going to get the courts to overturn this. Its clearly legal. Public outrage is a different story and I'd imagine they'll be an election inbetween now and 2016 that could help get rid of this plan


I don't understand why people look at the Vietnam War so negatively. The Vietnamese had potential to turn into a mass murder state ala Stalin Soviet Union. And after getting in power the Vietnamese killed nearly one million people.
But the Vietnam war didn't even achieve that, I don't want to play the grim math game and guess the Vietnamese death toll in a hypothetical, but I'm pretty damn sure 58,220 Americans would've have not died in the jungles of Indochina.
I know there at times there is an urge, usually in chicken hawks who never been to war, to "do something", but if your actions isn't improving the situation, there is no point in doing it (see also - the war in Afghanistan).

And that's without getting into the moral minefield which is self determination.
Just to nit-pick for the sake of accuracy, by "ex-allies" you are referring to an extremely narrow sliver of the South Vietnamese population. The overwhelming majority of South Vietnamese were opposed to the puppet government installed there by Western powers.
That's not a nit pick, that's an important point worth making.

Ya'll better get your Vietnam arguing out of your system now, because once Caro publish his next book, it's game over.



Huh. Why now? Is it expected that the Democrats are going to win the governorship or lower house anyway in 2013? I suppose then the Republicans can block any attempt to revert it with their new majority in the state Senate. Still seems like something Republican gubernatorial hopefuls should be strongly against. And Republicans in other states aren't going to like this happening before 2013/2014/2015 elections.
Huh. Why now? Is it expected that the Democrats are going to win the governorship or lower house anyway in 2013? I suppose then the Republicans can block any attempt to revert it with their new majority in the state Senate. Still seems like something Republican gubernatorial hopefuls should be strongly against.

It's possible, if not likely, that Terry McAuliffe beats Ken Cuccinelli in 2013. This becomes even more likely if Bob Bolling runs as an Independent. NoVA has seen extensive growth and it's mostly blue. Plus, there's a lot of college students in D.C. who knock on a lot of doors.

In other news, there were a couple of Benghazi protesters on the Hill this morning with a giant picture of Obama with mustache similar to Hitler's, and comparing Benghazi to 9/11. They tried to hand me some lit when I walked past them on the way to work. Kinda felt bad, since it was really cold today!


Huh. Why now? Is it expected that the Democrats are going to win the governorship or lower house anyway in 2013? I suppose then the Republicans can block any attempt to revert it with their new majority in the state Senate. Still seems like something Republican gubernatorial hopefuls should be strongly against. And Republicans in other states aren't going to like this happening before 2013/2014/2015 elections.

One aspect to keep in mind is that McDonnell has said he doesn't support the gerrymander -- so he's probably facing lobbying pressure from the GOP to sign it anyway. Stapling electoral votes to the map adds incentive for the national GOP to defend them. Not sure it's a good idea, though.


If this electoral allocation shit picks up, then the National Democratic Party needs to start a nationwide movement to once and for all always award the election to the one who gets the most votes, period, eliminating the college once and for all. It's a wasteful relic of days past.

Granted, it will make elections less exciting at the micro level, but it'll turn the presidential election into a Nation wide race, and that'll make candidates hopefully far more pliable to the will of the people.
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