The Librarian
Like their House counterparts, Senate Republicans voted against aid for Sandy victims by over a two-thirds margin.
This'll be one boring election if/when Hillary announces her candidacy.
liberal overconfidence, gotta love that shit
liberal overconfidence, gotta love that shit
She has been google bombed by reality.If you type "wall street shill" on Google, the second search suggestion is "erin burnett wall street shill".
I know you guys like those shitty Facebook conservative memes. Here's an entire page of them.
I can only really speak about my experience at Occupy Trenton, not the situation in NYC, Oakland, or elsewhere. Our site was directly across the street from the State Capital building, and we had people there 24/7 for over 4 months straight, livestreaming the whole thing. Around the time we ended the vigil, we got together donations and leased an office space just a little bit down the street. I'm pretty sure the active members still use that spot for various meetings; I know they hosted Occupy Sandy Relief there last month.
The way we ran the Occupy site was like a public forum, where everyone was encouraged to come sit and have an open dialog with us and each other. This included residents of the surrounding area, politicians, lobbyists, Tea Partiers, charity organizers, gang members, civil rights leaders, union members, the homeless, students, teachers, business owners... you name it. In those four months, I got to hear so many perspectives from so many walks of life, it was truly awe-inspiring. Still, as different as we all were, when we actually talked to each other we were always able to find common ground. That was the point. We just don't do that enough in this country; we keep ourselves 'safe' within our own little groups and tend to assume the worst about the other groups. We don't listen as much as we put words in each other's mouths.
Occupy Trenton didn't do our own "direct actions" (walking protests) like they did in Zuccotti, we opted instead for a vigil, and a place for others to comfortably exercise their own First Amendment rights. We never egged on the cops or whatever. In fact, plenty in the city police dept supported us, though they obviously couldn't do so officially. Other groups approached us wanting help for a protest, such as Occupy the Highway, the 99 Mile March, anti-fracking demonstrators, the March Against the War on Women, MoveOn, and the Progressive Democrats. Even if our members didn't necessarily agree with what they were about, we would always do what we could to help, which usually meant sharing our equipment and internet connection. We weren't there to play king of the mountain, after all. Everyone had as much of a right to be there as we did.
We got some local news coverage from newspapers, websites, and TV. I suppose the biggest story was when the State Police confiscated everything on the site. We took them to court and won everything back, which set a precedent for other Occupy sites in similar situations. NJ State Senator Shirley Turner, after stopping by a couple times to talk with us, introduced a Resolution that "Supports Occupy movement's protest against economic inequality and excessive money in politics, and their right to assemble peaceably," which also got some notice in the local news. Of course we weren't expecting anything to happen with it, but it was pretty cool nonetheless. One of our members hosted a discussion with local Tea Party and Libertarian leaders in an effort to get people to focus on what these 'diametrically opposed' groups have in common rather than what divides us. As it turns out, none of us are thrilled about how corporations and special interests are running the government, and we're equally frustrated that banks have been given carte blanche. That story got very favorable local TV news coverage, and helped bring in people who had previously assumed we were radical hippies.
I'm leaving out a whole slew of things, of course. Memories keep flooding back faster than I can type them. So I'll just say, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular: If your local Occupy group wasn't doing what you think they should have, then what did you do about it? What were the proposals that you brought forward to them? How did you help the situation? I know exactly what I did, what it accomplished, and I'm perfectly fine with all of it. I also wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
liberal overconfidence, gotta love that shit
If you type "wall street shill" on Google, the second search suggestion is "erin burnett wall street shill".
Republican state Sen. Stacey Campfield last week introduced the legislation, which calls for the state to cut welfare benefits to parents whose kids don't do well in class. Critics are already panning the proposal as unfair, and one that could hurt students in the end -- but Campfield is defending his idea, which he says would force parents to take a more active role in their children’s education.
“We’re not asking children to re-write the Magna Carta,” Campfield told Monday. “A D-minus gets you through.”
Tennessee lawmaker wants families on welfare (with children) to get passing grades or face a cut in their welfare check.
Helping to turn children in poverty into bonafide breadwinners.
liberal overconfidence, gotta love that shit
Oh man, I can't wait to see this clip when I get home:
Kthug spittin troof.
Because starvation helps kids get good grades!
liberal overconfidence, gotta love that shit
Damn, kthug was in top form, nice destruction of the stupid ass "this is like climate change" analogy I've been hearing lately.Oh man, I can't wait to see this clip when I get home:
Kthug spittin troof.
That weird student at the end of the class who licks the radiator.Joe actually sounds more like a curious student who heard things and is asking questions.
When are liberals ever confident about anything? They are typically the biggest bunch of defeatist babies in politics.
That weird student at the end of the class who licks the radiator.
When are liberals ever confident about anything? They are typically the biggest bunch of defeatist babies in politics.
Krugman's always been an arrogant dickhead.
If I were as right as often as he, I'd be one cocky son of a bitch, too.
Also certainly wouldn't make teachers artificially raise grades because they don't want to see kids starve ever
No one quote or comment on that.
well, I guess we know what will kill progress now
Krugman's always been an arrogant dickhead.
Oh I see poligaf is not free from posters who will claim they don't know any single one of occupy's stances.
Tennessee lawmaker wants families on welfare (with children) to get passing grades or face a cut in their welfare check.
Helping to turn children in poverty into bonafide breadwinners.
I see poligaf is not free from posters whose posts I have to read twice because they don't avoid awkward negatives.
You're welcome.I see poligaf is not free from posters whose posts I have to read twice because they don't avoid awkward negatives.
Sometimes the only way to get the poors to reach for their bootstraps is to f@&ck them in the ass.Ugh, and it's always in the States with high poverty rates.
Oh I see poligaf is not free from posters who will claim they don't know any single one of occupy's stances.
We're barely a week into this presidential term and you guys are already talking about 4 years from now.
FFS you guys, this is why America lags behind the rest of the developed world in so many areas. The elctions are over. Stop talking about them and start talking about issues.
Can you name one specific policy proposal and not a really simplistic stance like pro 99%? I seriously don't know any.
There was a lot of talk about an anti-corporate personhood amendment in Oakland. We also wanted to repeal Prop 13, but that's California-specific.
Ok I wasn't really trying to just provoke, I literally didn't know any. I'm not the biggest fan of OWS but that's at least something (that I'd btw support). I never really heard that any time during the campaign though and I think thats why they failed.
Hmm, I wonder what might have corporate interests yet be in a position to stifle OWS' message.
OWS is viewed as a failure because it is in 'news' corporations best interest to make sure it is viewed as such. Report the negative, ignore the positive. Corporations have great power to shape public opinion, they will continue to use it to stay in power.
What's troubling is how little play the failure of not just austerity measures around the world but specifically in the UK, since they were like a mini-version of us, has gone. The media should be hammering this home constantly to educate people. And why aren't Democrats pounding on this? And Obama? And anyone who gives a fuck about jobs in this country that has a voice?
It's scary how right Krugman is re: United Kingdom and it's not being played up.
I mean, the UK was doing the same as we were, basically. They installed the austerity via spending cuts people here asked for (specifically on welfare). the UK hit recession and now is threatening to be in recession again for the 2nd time in the past 12 months. The IMF is warning them about this. It should be big news!
It's like the US got a free experiment out of the UK which never happens in economics and no one is paying attention.
I can guarantee that if the media wasn't afraid of being liberally biased and did their jobs the republicans would've been utterly massacred last November. I'd put fucking money on that.It is astounding how Republicans have got away with essentially repeating "We don't want to end up like Greece! Let's do exactly what Greece did!" over and over again for years with nobody calling them out on it.