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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I would say that Obama parallels Nixon most closely (in reverse, of course). Hopefully that bodes well for the future in marking the end of an excruciatingly painful conservative era.
Call me a cynic but I don't believe that the country, or at the very least the right, stop being so right wing until the minority get close to being the majority. Politics in this nation are very much a race war with Romneys voting base being 90% white with a majority of all demographics of white people, even young women, voting for Romney. Let's not forget a key catalyst for how the rise of the right even started in the first place.


Michigan GOP rejected the district split of EC votes, now Ohio follows suit

It doesn't take a genius to recognize such a change could really end up biting republicans in the ass, so I'm not surprised most have rejected the plan.

Thank God. Crisis averted for now.

Also, Scalia saying that a judge who always reaches a verdict he likes is a bad judge.

When has Scalia ever not sided with his fucking political viewpoints in any case? I admit I'm not even close to an expert on all the cases he has covered, but it seems to me a case of talking to talk but not walking the walk (especially given how blatantly unconstitutional his desired opinion in the Health Care case was, and 98% of constitutional experts saying that Obamacare and its mandate was legal.)

Also, big surprised, Lou Barletta is still a huge scumbag:

"Right now, when we're trying to balance a budget in Washington, the cost of a pathway to citizenship for 10 to 12 million illegal aliens will be about $2.7 trillion dollars, when you consider Medicare, Social Security, unemployment compensation, food stamps and other welfare programs."

"So I think we're rushing. I think this is a political fix, more than it is a practical policy decision, that we're going to secure the borders, we're going to make sure we track people and we're going to make sure we can afford what this is going to cost."
So rubio went on Rush today it seems and says the enforcement mechanisms have to be first or he wont support the plan. Of course they have southwest governors on the panel and what it means to say the "border is secure" is vague and any one of the governors can just veto and say the border isn't secure so they'll try to pass something that does nothing in a cheap ploy to get votes and brewer will sit there any let nothing happen.

I hope if they stick with that dems call the bluff and make it only advisory and not binding. I'd rather they not pass a bill and pin it on republicans than pass a bill that won't help a single immigrant.

Call me a cynic but I don't believe that the country, or at the very least the right, stop being so right wing until the minority get close to being the majority. Politics in this nation are very much a race war with Romneys voting base being 90% white with a majority of all demographics of white people, even young women, voting for Romney. Let's not forget a key catalyst for how the rise of the right even started in the first place.

The thing is that group you're refering to doesn't have the numbers to do what it once did. Its over and their numbers are getting smaller there is no going back LBJ and the imigration act of 1965 changed america more than anyone ever could have imagined. It probably is one of the single most important congressional acts in history. The number of white voters in the electorate goes down .5% every year and 2% every presidential election. The dems will have an even GREATER advantage in 2016 if they keep their coalition and again a better one in 2020 and so and so forth. The GOP cant win on the white vote anymore.

The only thing they can do is reform the party or rig the game. They can't win fair anymore.
Guy on Facebook said he wanted to kick everyone on welfare off because of the people "mooching" and abusing the system.

I reply, "Okay, well in that case. Let's ban all guns and abolish the Second Amendment. After all....because a few lunatics with a gun misuse and abuse them we should ban everyone from having them. Sounds like a fair trade off, no?"

He didn't respond.
So rubio went on Rush today it seems and says the enforcement mechanisms have to be first or he wont support the plan. Of course they have southwest governors on the panel and what it means to say the "border is secure" is vague and any one of the governors can just veto and say the border isn't secure so they'll try to pass something that does nothing in a cheap ploy to get votes and brewer will sit there any let nothing happen.

I hope if they stick with that dems call the bluff and make it only advisory and not binding. I'd rather they not pass a bill and pin it on republicans than pass a bill that won't help a single immigrant.

The thing is that group you're refering to doesn't have the numbers to do what it once did. Its over and their numbers are getting smaller there is no going back. The number of white voters in the electorate goes down .5% every year 2% every presidential election. The dems will have an even GREATER advantage in 2016 if they keep their coalition.

The only thing they can do is reform the party or rig the game. They can't win fair anymore.

Durbin has specifically said that's not the case
"Let me -- let me clarify this. What we -- we haven't written the section, but what we envision is -- is to create metrics, measurements, in terms of progress on border security that could be certified or at least attested to by local officials. But the ultimate decision will be by the Department of Homeland Security. So it isn't going to be something as generic as safe and secure borders. We'd never agree on that. But metrics, in terms of resources on the border and the impact it has on illegal immigration."

The border gets its drones and the immigration process begins. I'm fine with that.

I do agree with you that Rubio is looking for an excuse to jump ship. Whether it's same sex couples getting treated like married (and non-married) heterosexual couples or something else, he is clearly looking for an exit if things get too hot. Same with Graham. I think McCain is genuinely interested in reform and sees this as perhaps the final chapter of his senate legacy.


If you ever dreamed to see a young Governator having sex, then today's your lucky day! Some hedge fund manager recently found a cache with photos and home videos:

Sex Picture of Schwarzenegger Found
The New York Post reports that a hedge fund manager "who began buying unclaimed storage lockers as a hobby has uncovered a treasure trove of artifacts from the estate of late Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione... The possessions, still being cataloged, even include a pic of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger engaged in what appears to be a sex act, as well as boxes of home movies."


Guy on Facebook said he wanted to kick everyone on welfare off because of the people "mooching" and abusing the system.

I reply, "Okay, well in that case. Let's ban all guns and abolish the Second Amendment. After all....because a few lunatics with a gun misuse and abuse them we should ban everyone from having them. Sounds like a fair trade off, no?"

He didn't respond.



The GOP's whining about Obama "taking credit" for immigration reform is funny. This is from the party that killed immigration reform back in 2005 with GWB!!!
The GOP's whining about Obama "taking credit" for immigration reform is funny. This is from the party that killed immigration reform back in 2005 with GWB!!!

Graham is now blaming Obama for killing the 2007 bill, by bowing to labor. Obama voted for the final bill...
Limbaugh's losing relevance. It's a slow process, but it's happening.

Needless to say, I'd be happy with that development.
Thank God. Crisis averted for now.

Also, Scalia saying that a judge who always reaches a verdict he likes is a bad judge.

When has Scalia ever not sided with his fucking political viewpoints in any case? I admit I'm not even close to an expert on all the cases he has covered, but it seems to me a case of talking to talk but not walking the walk (especially given how blatantly unconstitutional his desired opinion in the Health Care case was, and 98% of constitutional experts saying that Obamacare and its mandate was legal.)

Also, big surprised, Lou Barletta is still a huge scumbag:

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld might be one. One example Scalia gave in his book was United States v. Eichmann. (flag burning case)

I would also suspect his pro-defendant stance in many Confrontation Clause cases also strike against his political leanings. You would love his rulings there (and I sincerely mean this).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Tea Party toolbag, Ted Cruz, who has never served in the military voted against Kerry's confirmation cause he was too "anti-military".


When has Scalia ever not sided with his fucking political viewpoints in any case? I admit I'm not even close to an expert on all the cases he has covered, but it seems to me a case of talking to talk but not walking the walk (especially given how blatantly unconstitutional his desired opinion in the Health Care case was, and 98% of constitutional experts saying that Obamacare and its mandate was legal.)

Presumably what he's saying here is that when he finds that states have the right to be anti-gay, that leaves a bad taste in his mouth because he'd really like to mandate that they be anti-gay. Or when he finds that Obamacare is unconstitutional, that's a compromise for him, since he'd really just prefer to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid entirely.

He's pointing at how his acknowledging that the Constitution obviously doesn't require (all of) his own policy preferences puts him above liberal judges who find that the Constitution does require (some of) their policy preferences. He doesn't stop to think that probably some of the liberal Justices would go a lot farther if they were just dictating their own preferences.
To Scalia's credit, he has mentioned in the past that the Constitution will be interpreted by the values of the current society.

His argument is that the Constitution is dead and should never be interpreted differently for the changing times but acknowledges that changing times makes it inevitable.

That said, his opinion in Raich was some convoluted bullshit that seemed to compromise his own position that the Constitution is dead.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm just shocked at how much of an unabashed partisan hack Scalia is. He supported the idea of an individual mandate quite literally all the way up to a few months before the SC was about to rule on it. A good while before the verdict was out, Scalia tried to explain why he changed his mind on that, and his excuse was "with age comes wisdom".

Easily the worst SC justice in history.
But, as rival MSNBC was quick to point out, and BuzzFeed was quick to trumpet, Fox News had its worst primetime ratings in the coveted 25-54 demo since August 2001, and its lowest total day ratings since June 2008.

To a seasoned watcher of cable news ratings, there were other surprises. Rachel Maddow, for instance, came in 10th, beating "Studio B" and the 11 PM repeat of "The O'Reilly Factor." In January 2012, she came in 14th. It may not seem like much, but the top of the cable news field has been extremely stable — and if Maddow were to continue creeping up the list, it would mean a real sea change. Overall, MSNBC — perhaps powered by liberal euphoria over President Obama's inauguration — was the only cable news channel to grow its ratings from 2012.

lol CNN is doing so poorly. Barely made the top 20.

Seeing the top 9 go to Fox News is still annoying.
Scalia's not even the worst current Justice. That goes to Thomas. You just think Scalia is the worst because he actually talks. If Thomas had his way we'd still be an agrarian society.

It's a glimpse into the world of a Ron Paul presidency.
Graham is now blaming Obama for killing the 2007 bill, by bowing to labor. Obama voted for the final bill...
Who was president? And I'm amazed how fast the right organizes talking points. I'd love to study how for example they manifest themselves they are so fast but at the same time so organized and consistent

And on Rush Limbaugh. He's not dead he's lost other debates in the past. Namely Obama got elected but he's still a good voice for the angry white man. If you see him as an entertainer his actions make so much more sense. He's entertainment value doesn't decrease because a bill passes.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Scalia's not even the worst current Justice. That goes to Thomas. You just think Scalia is the worst because he actually talks. If Thomas had his way we'd still be an agrarian society.

It's a glimpse into the world of a Ron Paul presidency.

Doesn't Thomas just follow whatever Scalia does? I thought he was essentially his mentor.
Michigan GOP rejected the district split of EC votes, now Ohio follows suit

It doesn't take a genius to recognize such a change could really end up biting republicans in the ass, so I'm not surprised most have rejected the plan.
The result of these plans would be Democrats focusing their efforts in toss-up/Lean R states like NC/Georgia (where a split EV plan would help them, and thus unlikely to be enacted) instead of throwing money at Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. They'd make up for those lost EVs elsewhere.

So Warren is now the senior senator from Mass. Heh.
But she's a professor! And lied about having Native American heritage on forms sort of! I DRIVE A TRUCK!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol what the hell? Dunno if this has been posted:

Marriage should be limited to unions of a man and a woman because they alone can "produce unplanned and unintended offspring," opponents of gay marriage have told the Supreme Court.

By contrast, when same-sex couples decide to have children, "substantial advance planning is required," said Paul D. Clement, a lawyer for House Republicans.


Gay marriage should be illegal because the gays aren't capable of spontaneously or accidentally creating babies? WAT
Doesn't Thomas just follow whatever Scalia does? I thought he was essentially his mentor.

To an extent but he's even further right than Scalia. Thomas actually disagreed with Scalia on Raich and if it were up to him he'd completely overturn Wickard v. Filburn and undo nearly everything we understand the Interstate Commerce Clause to mean today (granted he was right on Raich but for the wrong reason).

There have been cases they've been on different sides on.

Gay marriage should be illegal because the gays aren't capable of spontaneously or accidentally creating babies? WAT

I've seen this legal argument in the previous cases. In fact, one judge agreed IIRC. This isn't a new position.

It's also insanely fucking stupid.

edit: The idea is that unintended babies compel people to get married and since gay people can't get pregnant accidentally, they don't have that right. The reasoning is mindboggling.

it's like marriage is a punishment and they're saying it's not needed for gay people.

That aside, even if all that is true, it's a complete non-sequetor to the issue of gay people marrying. It doesn't matter at all if they can't have babies.
"The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican."

-BO in an interview with Univision.


No Scrubs
I had to look the guy up, assuming he was some Liberty University allstar. Dude is a graduate of Georgetown and Harvard, and former solicitor general for Bush.

Well they can't all be winners. Maybe he's throwing the case on purpose?

It's more likely there are no good legal arguments against gay marriage though, only bad ones.

Do you think they teach law student at Harvard to not accept stupid people's money?

I'm pretty sure the first lesson is to take ALL of their money.


Hamdi v. Rumsfeld might be one. One example Scalia gave in his book was United States v. Eichmann. (flag burning case)

I would also suspect his pro-defendant stance in many Confrontation Clause cases also strike against his political leanings. You would love his rulings there (and I sincerely mean this).

Very interesting. I actually will read more into it. There's so many cases these guys have been on and since I don't have all the time in the world I only really have time for a refresher speed course on what they've done.

Thanks for the information.
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