ryutaro's mama
Better question is, what will he do when Hillary wins it in 2016? Can't be all doom and gloom trollin when his woman is in charge
HilDawg will bring balance to the Force.
Clean up the mess Barry Obummer made...
Better question is, what will he do when Hillary wins it in 2016? Can't be all doom and gloom trollin when his woman is in charge
I'm not saying that the outrage over the employer mandate in particular was self-perpetuating, although surely it was to some extent. My claim has been that outrage from the religious right is self-perpetuating from event to event. It was initially outraged over the government telling religious universities they couldn't discriminate. This was of course a policy that the government had never done before, and a host of religious leaders and judicial scholars objected. Etc. Then that became a little too obviously racist, and they at least claimed that they didn't even want to racially discriminate anyway, so they moved on to abortion. School prayer was also in there somewhere, and the War on Christmas probably counts. Now we have the "abortion-pill mandate". I'm saying that this is basically all political opportunism at the top; the rank and file on the religious right would not have objected to these things much at all, excepting perhaps the first one, without the opportunists at the top picking targets for them. I also think that a lot of what's determined those targets is the degree to which they brought conservative Protestants into line with Catholics, creating a larger political bloc.The outrage over the employer mandate was not "self perpetuating." The federal government imposed a policy that it had never done before, and a host of religious leaders and judicial scholars objected. Obviously some political opportunists went along for the ride, on both sides. But you are missing the point of the disagreement.
You know who should run for president next time, against Hillary and Biden?
Governor Brown. The national leader of job creation and fiscal stability.
As a bonus, a primary where every candidate is 70+ will do wonders for the democrats in attracting the elderly.
Yes! This give me a chance to post Califonia Uber Alles!
I will have you young kids know that I dove off the stage in the 80's at a Dead Kennedy's show at the University of Minnesota. Still probably one of the most intense moments of my life. I was actually a springboard diver at the time such that it was a full somersault and then caught by audience.
Live version
I would vote for Jerry Brown. California Uber Alles!
And with a successful Obama presidency these 4 years, he will be campaigning for her hard like Bill did for him.
I really believe with a successful 4 years (good economy, nothing bad foreign/terrorism) a Hillary run could be a slaughter.
But anything can change before then.
Nothing will happen. Republicans will kill any reform, conservatives will cry about the "freedom" to kill, and life will go on as it always has. People will continue to die in gun-related accidents and murders day after day without a peep, and then there will be a mass killing at a mall, school, or amusement park somewhere, and the entire country will wonder how something like that could happen, and then things will start from the top again.
Nebraska's Lt Guv just resigned because he used his government phone to make thousands of calls to women not his wife.
Whoops. Now the race is open for a Democrat.
If Hillary runs and Obama's second term is an undeniable success by any sane person, I'm calling 400+ EV total in 2016.
What happened to Gore?
The Supreme Court.
Honestly, the deeper we get into this Senate "primary challenge" by Brooker, the more I dislike him.
I don't like Brooker much, but there's definitely been a smear campaign in the media against him since he's made noise about running. Some people with pull really don't like him.
Because he was hugely disrespectful in announcing that Senate race before Lautenburg announced his plans. He does deserve a spanking.
Lautenburg is 89. 89 years old. If he wasn't going to retire (and I doubt he was), he deserves disrespect. That senate seat ain't his throne.
The Supreme Court.
Doesn't matter how old he is, and no, it's not his throne, but he's brought in a lot of money for NJ throughout his service. It's naked ambition, and people are rightly calling him out on it.
I've posted enough times on why Cory Booker is trouble. It hasn't gotten into anyone's skull. At this point, I'm done with it. The only thing I will say it's hypocritical to criticize Obama and praise Booker, if you are going at it from a left wing point of view. Booker isn't to the left of Obama.
Regardless - Are we as Democrats really ok with charter school pushers and folks who want to "privatize" public resources?
Additionally, because he's running for Senate people are looking at how he's actually done as mayor for his city rather than just a "show horse" as the article I linked to said. He hasn't really done anything noteworthy. When he announced his Senate run, it wasn't, "Lautenburg has done a great job, but I think I can do better because of X, X, and X," it was, "Hey, guys! I'm ready to run for Senate now!"
He still would have lost. It was later found there werent enough votes even if the recount had continued.
Called it. He's been off for months, as if he's desperate. Shortly after the hurricane hit he tweeted a positive fluff piece about himself and basically said "today's a sad day...btw check out this story about me!" And while his MTP appearance was good on the facts, the constant me me me was jarring. He has a huge ego and talent for self promotion, which he has focused in instead of Newark recently.Honestly, the deeper we get into this Senate "primary challenge" by Booker, the more I dislike him.
When Fox is telling you that you're ridiculous, you KNOW you've gone off the deep end
Wow, good on Chris Wallace.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=klzZxOat3mc
When Fox is telling you that you're ridiculous, you KNOW you've gone off the deep end
When Fox is telling you that you're ridiculous, you KNOW you've gone off the deep end
That was a great interview, good on Chris Wallace.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=klzZxOat3mc
When Fox is telling you that you're ridiculous, you KNOW you've gone off the deep end
Fox News is not all Sean Hannity.I didn't expect to see something like that. It's possibly just a fluke for Fox News, but I'm starting to buy the argument that the NRA is becoming less and less influential in terms of shaping the public debate.
That was a great interview, good on Chris Wallace.
Fox News is not all Sean Hannity.
I'm not saying I've never wanted to punch Chris Wallace, but the guy has undeniable journalistic chops (though I don't watch enough Fox News to know how often he flexes them).
For further reading, google Shepard Smith's greatest hits.
Yes! This give me a chance to post Califonia Uber Alles!
I will have you young kids know that I dove off the stage in the 80's at a Dead Kennedy's show at the University of Minnesota. Still probably one of the most intense moments of my life. I was actually a springboard diver at the time such that it was a full somersault and then caught by audience.
Live version
I would vote for Jerry Brown. California Uber Alles!
I didn't expect to see something like that. It's possibly just a fluke for Fox News, but I'm starting to buy the argument that the NRA is becoming less and less influential in terms of shaping the public debate.
When Fox is telling you that you're ridiculous, you KNOW you've gone off the deep end
Generally speaking, I have a strong dislike for politicians prefacing all their statements with "we have to take the politics out of this."
I had the exact opposite story, I too loved the Dead Kennedy dearly, and while I did know the lyrics (like every kid who was in a punk band, we covered it too) from half a world away and the internet more than a decade in the future, I had no frame of political reference.You just blew my mind.
I've heard that song dozens of times, but naturally didn't understand more than two words.
Just looked up the lyrics
I didn't expect to see something like that. It's possibly just a fluke for Fox News, but I'm starting to buy the argument that the NRA is becoming less and less influential in terms of shaping the public debate.
I had the exact opposite story, I too loved the Dead Kennedy dearly, and while I did know the lyrics (like every kid who was in a punk band, we covered it too) from half a world away and the internet more than a decade in the future, I had no frame of political reference.
Needless to say that when I moved to the US and learned who Jerry Brown was and why that song was really written, it had lost some of its appeal to me.
I did get to see Jello Biafra apologize for it years later though.
Because he was hugely disrespectful in announcing that Senate race before Lautenburg announced his plans. He does deserve a spanking.
I had the exact opposite story, I too loved the Dead Kennedy dearly, and while I did know the lyrics (like every kid who was in a punk band, we covered it too) from half a world away and the internet more than a decade in the future, I had no frame of political reference.
Needless to say that when I moved to the US and learned who Jerry Brown was and why that song was really written, it had lost some of its appeal to me.
I did get to see Jello Biafra apologize for it years later though.
Not at all. That's how primaries work, and I don't think we should be discouraging Dems from them. Ideally it's how we get better candidates and make the Senate more accountable to the electorate.
Plus as was said Lautenburg is very old. I think encouraging him to retire by challenging him is a good thing; the Senate needs to tilt younger so as to better represent the country.
Israel.Where are you from out of curiosity?
It's my fault, but I think people here are confusing my dislike for the way Booker announced his decision to run, and how he's been handling it since then, and him actually running
I also like Lautenburg more than Booker. Way more. So the mere fact that Booker is challenging him makes me dislike the challenge. It'd be like someone primarying Daniel Inouye. Kind of. You just don't do that, man!
The NYT has a nice feature on gerrymandering today: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/03/opinion/sunday/the-great-gerrymander-of-2012.html?_r=0
edit: nvm already posted, didn't realize this was Sam Wang's article at first.
and has some great ideas.
What are those great ideas?