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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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This Hispanic Leadership Network lady on Up with Chris Hayes is an idiot. There's so many times they've all just kind of turned to her like "Wtf are you talking about? Are you being serious here?" She just repeats the Republican talking points without being able to really back them up with much of anything at all.

And she just seems to have this angry looking, condescending smile the whole time.
I don't think he's going to be content in the Senate so I would not be surprised to see him run for president. He's an extremely talented politician and would carve up many of his GOP opponents in a primary. Look no further than his campaign against Lt. Gov Dewhurst down here in Texas.


The Autumn Wind
Not sure if you're being serious because you're, well, you... but Cruz was born in Canada. He can't run for president.


The Autumn Wind
At the time of his birth his mother was a US citizen so he qualifies.
Pretty sure both parents have to be US citizens in that case.

EDIT - And it has to be on American soil abroad anyway. I'm sure you're just fucking with me though. I know you're familiar with this stuff.
The way people go on about drones and privacy got me thinking on how mundane CCTV got in London after it was implemented.

Not that I'm a fan of using drones unlimited.
Pretty sure both parents have to be US citizens in that case.

EDIT - And it has to be on American soil abroad anyway. I'm sure you're just fucking with me though. I know you're familiar with this stuff.

Naw, mayne.


Bottom line: Despite being born in Canada, Cruz can be considered a natural-born U.S. citizen because his mother was also a U.S. citizen who lived in the United States long enough for him to qualify, according to constitutional experts.
Sounds more like wishful thinking to me. Never gonna happen.

That he qualifies for the presidency or that he will run? I think he qualifies, runs for the presidency, and the courts (if there's a challenge) will hold that his eligibility meets constitutional requirements.


The Autumn Wind
That he qualifies. But with the way he's going, even being a viable candidate won't be within the realms of reality. Dude is gonna flame out fast.
Wait. So my mom was a US citizen, and my dad was a Guatemalan citizen when I was born in Guatemala. Can I still become a US president?

You're entitled to the American dream, and that's it!

That he qualifies. But with the way he's going, even being a viable candidate won't be within the realms of reality. Dude is gonna flame out fast.

I don't think he's a viable general election candidate, but primary? That's a different story.
If Ted Cruz becomes President I will buy a plane ticket to leave this country to go anywhere else the next day.

Live it up illegally anywhere else if need be.

The Nationality Act of 1940 outlined which children became “nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.” The law stated that a person is a U.S. citizen if he or she were born in United States; born outside the U.S. to parents who were both citizens; found in the United States without parents and no proof of birth elsewhere; or if a person has been born to one American parent, provided that parent has spent a certain number of years in the United States.

The single-American parent requirement has been amended a few times, said UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh. As it applies to people born between 1952 and 1986, they must have a parent who was a U.S. citizen for at least 10 years, including five after the age of 14, in order for the baby to be considered a natural-born citizen.

Wait, so by this logic... even if Obama WAS born in Kenya he would still be able to become president, right? What am I missing here, other than the fact birthers are batshit?


Wait, so by this logic... even if Obama WAS born in Kenya he would still be able to become president, right? What am I missing here, other than the fact birthers are batshit?

Obama's mum was traveling abroad alot, I think that's part of them trying to get through that loophole.


I meant that the premise is good. A group of journalists trying to do the best news show they can in a world of lazy journalism and obsession over rating and appearing unbiased. I just feel like a show like this should be far better than it actually is. I think there were all of three episodes I didn't roll my eyes at the whole way through.
The premise is good, but I honestly don't think Sorkin can write nuanced political drama.
He's not making good arguments, he's writing the people who disagree with his opinion to be assholes.

Also, that entire show seem to be based on the technique mastered by political blogs trolls everywhere, you know the "I'm a Republican, but even I...".
Sure you are, buddy, and I'm a Tea Party member, but even I am disappointed of the Ryan budget!
Cruz running for president makes sense; he clearly has no intention of actually legislating in the senate. I watched his debates during the Texas primary, he's very good; think Bachman but far more controlled, and thus more ruthlessly effective. We know he'll vote against any immigration bill he sees, so he could pull Rubio to the far right like Gingrich and Santorum did to Romney.

I'd love to see Christie v Cruz, that would be fascinating.
This Hagel thing is so embarrassing. I can't believe the republican party still has national relevance. It's absolutely disgusting. They've become nothing more than vindictive, small-minded, petty, immature fucks who are willing to torpedo anything and everything when they don't get their way, at the expense of the country and the greater good. Also, McCain just needs to shut the fuck up and retire somewhere. I can't believe he still has authority and is taken seriously. Blocking confirmation of Hagel because of "unanswered" questions over Benghazi, just to undermine the current administration? These same fucks not ONCE showed interest in holding the gvt accountable for 3000 deaths on American soil, or a useless war with tens of thousands of Americans dead- it was "unamerican" according to them to ask questions. Yet now, their entire world is turned upside down over 3 dead in Benghazi and are using this as leverage for absolutely everything. Does anyone believe you give a shit about the deaths in Benghazi? Go fuck yourselves, bunch of despicable hypocrites. McCain had no problem with Palin becoming President. No problem with confirming Condi Rice after 9/11. Yet they're using the witch-hunt Benghazi to torpedo and taint all the President's nominees.

Oh, and it's clear McCain and Graham are fuckbuddies.


Cruz running for president makes sense; he clearly has no intention of actually legislating in the senate. I watched his debates during the Texas primary, he's very good; think Bachman but far more controlled, and thus more ruthlessly effective. We know he'll vote against any immigration bill he sees, so he could pull Rubio to the far right like Gingrich and Santorum did to Romney.

I'd love to see Christie v Cruz, that would be fascinating.

Is Cruz your new Rubio?
I think this might be thread worthy

"You know what we should use as a model for compromise today?
The 3/5's "compromise""
-President of Emory University


Yet, as our alumnus pointed out, the language of the Constitution is itself the product of carefully negotiated compromise.

One instance of constitutional compromise was the agreement to count three-fifths of the slave population for purposes of state representation in Congress.
Southern delegates wanted to count the whole slave population, which would have given the South greater influence over national policy. Northern delegates argued that slaves should not be counted at all, because they had no vote. As the price for achieving the ultimate aim of the Constitution—“to form a more perfect union”—the two sides compromised on this immediate issue of how to count slaves in the new nation. Pragmatic half-victories kept in view the higher aspiration of drawing the country more closely together.

Some might suggest that the constitutional compromise reached for the lowest common denominator—for the barest minimum value on which both sides could agree. I rather think something different happened. Both sides found a way to temper ideology and continue working toward the highest aspiration they both shared—the aspiration to form a more perfect union. They set their sights higher, not lower, in order to identify their common goal and keep moving toward it.

I just can't even comprehend someone writing this in the 21st century. Arguing over how best to dehumanize blacks is a model compromise.


No Scrubs
so Hannity and Fox seem to be anointing Ben Carson as their savior. Don't know much about him. what does poligaf think of him ?

He's a successful Black Conservative, of course they love him. Can't say I could find a whole lot about him out there (usually a quick google search will tell you everything you need to know about a guy getting hyped up by the media). The guy has written a few books I couldn't be bothered to look up though.

Carson is a Seventh-day Adventist
. In a debate with Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins, and Daniel Dennett, Carson stated he doesn't believe in evolution: "I don't believe in evolution...evolution says that because there are these similarities, even though we can't specifically connect them, it proves that this is what happened."

I know we have had a mormon but Seventh-Day Adventist and their sabbath practices seem to me to hard to over come. Romney can't drink beer or coffee, this guy can only work 6 days a week.


I think this might be thread worthy

"You know what we should use as a model for compromise today?
The 3/5's "compromise""
-President of Emory University


I just can't even comprehend someone writing this in the 21st century. Arguing over how best to dehumanize blacks is a model compromise.
That idiot deserves all the flack he's about to get.
Even historically that's retarded, this country kept compromising on slavery every few years - the compromise of 1790, the Missouri compromise, the compromise of 1850, the Kansas Nebraska act, and all we got is this stupid Civil War (well, we also got three quarter of a million dead people, but we got that for free!).
I'm not saying that compromising isn't an essential part of politics, I'm just saying that slavery is literally the worst example for the value of compromise I can think of (yes, more than the Munich Agreement, much more).
That idiot deserves all the flack he's about to get.
Even historically that's retarded, this country kept compromising on slavery every few years - the compromise of 1790, the Missouri compromise, the compromise of 1850, the Kansas Nebraska act, and all we got is this stupid Civil War (well, we also got three quarter of a million dead people, but we got that for free!).
I'm not saying that compromising isn't an essential part of politics, I'm just saying that slavery is literally the worst example for the value of compromise I can think of (yes, more than the Munich Agreement, much more).

There's literally an example of a similar compromise (balancing two opposed view) in the constitution he could have used. I seriously don't understand how he got slavery to be his go to.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fuck the connecticut compromise. The states should not have equal representation. And I say this someone in Minnesota.
I think this might be thread worthy

"You know what we should use as a model for compromise today?
The 3/5's "compromise""
-President of Emory University


I just can't even comprehend someone writing this in the 21st century. Arguing over how best to dehumanize blacks is a model compromise.

Looking at it from a purely historical standpoint, that compromise was very much necessary to create the Union, so I could see how someone could point to that to being a good example that compromise. Of course he definitely didn't think it through though as that sort of topic should be avoided just to be safe as even though it was a good compromise it was a pretty vile policy.
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