Is David Brooks retarded?LOL. David Brooks so bad.
Edit: No but seriously, they did it by mail I assume, does he not read what he type?
Is David Brooks retarded?LOL. David Brooks so bad.
Re: "the best price controls are market-based competition!"
This is true... for commodities. Health and healthcare are not commodities.
Repeat after me, there is no healthcare "market." For a true market to exist consumers have to have the ability to choose to participate. Unfortunately, you don't get to choose when you catch the flu, when you fall and break a bone, or when you get cancer. Everyone will require healthcare services at some point, but they largely cannot predict when or why. You also don't get the option of not participating in giving custom for healthcare services. If you don't seek treatment for pneumonia or cancer, you die. Period.
Likewise you don't really get to choose the service you want. If you have heart disease you don't get to choose a dose of antibiotics over more expensive bypass surgery. There may be a few treatment options, but they are not largely driven by the consumer.
There has never been demonstration that a traditional consumer market will keep down healthcare costs. Purchasing healthcare is not and will never be like buying a phone, TV or toaster.
It's fine if you are philosophically opposed to the concept of any form of central planning or regulation of healthcare, more power too you. But please don't spread the misinformation that healthcare is a traditional commodity market, it is not.
Sorry for shitting up your wall![]()
get ready for 9% unemployment and 40% approval ratings. Recession time
I'm not sure it would actually play out that way. Every poll during the debt ceiling crisis of 2011 showed that people blamed House Republicans for it, but Obama's approval rating still plummeted.Sargent posted a poll showing that it'll be the House GOP that takes the hit.
I'm not sure it would actually play out that way. Every poll during the debt ceiling crisis of 2011 showed that people blamed House Republicans for it, but Obama's approval rating still plummeted.
LOL. David Brooks so bad.
get ready for 9% unemployment and 40% approval ratings. Recession time
All part of the master plan. It'll pave the way for a right-winger to take back the WH from godless socialism in 2016.I'm not sure it would actually play out that way. Every poll during the debt ceiling crisis of 2011 showed that people blamed House Republicans for it, but Obama's approval rating still plummeted.
Sen. M Rubio shocked colleagues and supporters Friday when he abruptly resigned his office to take a job heading Chevron Corp.'s government relations team in Sacramento.
Rubio resigns to take position at Chevron.
Read more here:
You're going to leave the url to show Fresno bee?
Come on man, that's bush (II) league.
We are so, so fucked if this isn't addressed. How many more "recessions" can we suffer until everything goes to shit? What's it going to take for people to realize they can't just be engaged in a fucking Presidential election year? If the people who were asleep in 2010 but not 2008 actually showed up and stuck it to those tea party idiots we'd be SO much better off right now.
Buzzfeed said:Marco Rubio Has Sold More Than 3100 Water Bottles, Raising $100,000.
The Senator has used the viral hit to launch a successful fundraising drive for his PAC, taking in more than $100,000.
When Marco Rubio paused to take a sip from a water bottle during his response to the State of the Union this week, it become an instant viral sensation. The Florida Senator has now capitalized on the moment to raise more than $100,000 for his Reclaim America political action committee by selling branded water bottles.
A source close to Rubio tells BuzzFeed that the water bottles, which were sold on the senator's PAC website to anyone who makes a donation of $25 or more, sold like hotcakes. In the period since they went on sale Wednesday, more than 3,100 of the PAC's "Marco Rubio Water Bottles" have been sold.
"Send the liberal detractors a message that not only does Marco Rubio inspire you he hydrates you too," the donation page reads.
So CNN got rid of Soledad O'Brien they're only credible journalist today.
She's no longer going to host their morning talk show and instead take on a new role where she focuses on documentaries. I'd say that's much more fitting for her.
Nope, Erin is replacing her in the morning.While that idiot Erin Brunnet continues with an evening show
Nope, Erin is replacing her in the morning.
I was going through Justin Amash's Twitter account and came across this article. The author may have a point overall, but she's missing a key point of which Obama and Boehner are trying to say: that $82 billion dollars are going to be taken out of the economy this year and that's why the sequester is so devastating.
Is Amash your rep?
Proud to have him represent me.
No, he's not. Sometimes I like to read the Twitter feeds of crazy representatives.
haha, I see.
I should have known better than to think someone on gaf would like republican like amash.
He's respectable in some areas and he has a good sense of humor. But overall he's crazy. "Who thinks it's time to cut government spending?" Not me! That's a very bad thing to do during a recession.
That's unintentionally insightful though, house republican are in fact play a made up fictional game here."Who thinks it's time to cut government spending?" Not me! That's a very bad thing to do during a recession.
That is where I disagree with a lot of the politicians who want to cut spending. This is definitely not the opportune time.
That's unintentionally insightful though, house republican are in fact play a made up fictional game here.
He claims to be all for liberty, but he, as far as I can tell:
1. Supports DOMA and is against gay marriage
2. Doesn't support a woman's right to choose
I'm not going to get into an abortion argument but I absolutely disagree with him on DOMA.
Ten bucks says he's against requiring insurance companies to cover the cost of birth control.
Both parties would suffer from the economic shock of the cuts. That's why, despite coming perilously close on numerous occasions, neither party has pushed us over the precipice. Whether on the debt ceiling or the innumerable continuing resolutions, both parties have an incentive to prevent calamity. So although presidents receive disproportionate blame for the economy, the consequences for the majority House party are also severe. For either party to assume a measurable advantage would be a mighty gamble.Exactly. The polls are taken in a current vacuum, they don't take into effect how a worse economic situation would impact people's views. Traditionally presidents get blamed when things go south economically, which is what will happen if sequestration isn't addressed.
The most effective method of influencing your representative is a personal visit. Whether at the national office or the local office, a personal visit is more visible to the staff and your representative. I imagine it's a daunting task for many, but they are typically cordial even if you identify with the opposition.Guarantee he will get a stock email thanking him for his interest.
I sent Al Franken an email once on some policy issue (forgot). What did i get out of my time? A stock email and got stuck on his mailing list. Totally not worth it
I like Fallon's wig more than Michelle's
LOL. David Brooks so bad.
So the Free Masons, Five Jewish Bankers, Gary Bettman, The Man and whoever else is in the powers that be these days got together to decide who get to butt bump Michelle Obama and they came up with Jimmy Fallon?
Where's that $2t figure coming from? Most of that's the sequester, right?NPR had their usual segment with him and E.J. Dionne yesterday. Brooks actually said this on the sequester (transcribing):
"This is a piece of mindless anti-government fanaticism, which doesn't separate the good from the bad, it just cuts. In fact, it cuts in the worst of all possible ways, it doesn't cut the things that are actually leading to the long-term debt problem, like Medicare and Social Security. It cuts from things people actually like, the National Institute of Health and stuff like that. So it's a political disaster in the making for Republicans."
Apparently the public don't like Medicare and Social Security, and will punish Republicans unless they cut them.
He goes on to argue that because the GOP gave so much ground on taxes, Obama needs to cut more spending. Never mind the $2t Obama has already cut. It's like opposite day every time he opens his mouth.
So the Free Masons, Five Jewish Bankers, Gary Bettman, The Man and whoever else is in the powers that be these days got together to decide who get to butt bump Michelle Obama and they came up with Jimmy Fallon?
Fuck everything.
We're not talking about Laura Bush here, first lady got back.Well, they didn't want to hurt her to they got as soft of a flat surface as they could.
Where's that $2t figure coming from? Most of that's the sequester, right?
One of the most laughable levels of hypocrisy is that we're trying to avert the spending cuts the GOP forced Obama to sign into law. When they talk about "out of control spending," it really is code for "stuff we don't like." Also, I've been confused by the sequester on some points:
1. Is it really just a reduction in spending and not actual cuts? That's still a cut mind you for this year, because that's $82 billion out of the economy, but why is the federal government projecting increased money being spent? More spending on the elderly, and inflation, right?
2. How is the sequester hitting all the federal departments when it's only supposed to target defense and medicare provider payments?
I saw that article but it doesn't give a clear answer.
The $2tril is from the debt ceiling deal in 2001
1. Increase in Medicare and SS is probably right.
2. It's not. It's half defense and half discretionary and Medicare payments capped.
Here this should help.
Huh. All this time I thought it was just defense and Medicare payments. It says the savings are only 1.1 trillion. Where's the other .9?
Do you mean .1?
The $2 trillion is from the deal to cut spending in 2011, not the sequester. This is additional cuts.
What deal to cut spending in 2011? I'm lost with all these deals and trying to keep track of what's what in my head.
And about the debt ceiling: forgot about this scene from The West Wing.
What deal to cut spending in 2011? I'm lost with all these deals and trying to keep track of what's what in my head.
And about the debt ceiling: forgot about this scene from The West Wing.
But there were only two areas where a majority of Republican respondents were willing to support cuts: unemployment benefits (56 percent) and foreign aid (70 percent).
Link to the original article?