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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Completely random question, but why is there a payroll tax cap? I'm guessing it had something to do with Ray-gun.

There's been a cap since it was passed in '37. it was $3k that year. Before Reagan it got sort of indexed to wages (1975 i think).

My guess is it was instituted because it was an idea of forced retirement where you would get out what you put in and they didn't want to force people to put in a lot more than they'd get out (which is why the whole payroll tax itself is a stupid thing to do that just allows the wealthy to confuse regular people and make them pay too much).


Completely random question, but why is there a payroll tax cap? I'm guessing it had something to do with Ray-gun.

Remember that the original idea was to have something resembling social insurance. Even after it became universal, it was (and is still) thought of as forced retirement saving rather than redistribution. Yes, it's somewhat progressive, all in all, but that's not really the point. So there's a tax cap because there's a benefit cap; it doesn't make much sense to force people making ridiculous amounts of money to do more saving.



wake up to CNBC pundits yelling and screaming, can only mean one thing, another good jobs number

dow futures up triple digits...


construction number being good is beyond huge,

I work in said industry, as IT, but commercial and residential construction have been dead, it's a really good sign for the economy at large. Also anecdotally at work, things have been picking up too.

Wow, best construction number in six years.


Blonde guy will only support continuing resolution if it defunds Obamacare.

‘This is the last continuing resolution, the last stop-gap measure that I am going to vote for. I will only vote, from here on, on something serious,'" he told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. "But here is what I’ve said about this continuing resolution, you know Senator Cruz from Texas is offering this amendment to defund Obamacare. If that gets onto the bill, in essence if they get a continuing resolution and we vote on that and we can pass it onto a bill, I will vote for a continuing resolution, even if it’s temporary, because it does something permanent and that is defund this health care bill, this Obamacare bill that is going to be an absolute disaster for the American economy."



construction number being good is beyond huge,

I work in said industry, as IT, but commercial and residential construction have been dead, it's a really good sign for the economy at large. Also anecdotally at work, things have been picking up too.

Wow, best construction number in six years.

Housing is going to underpin much of the recovery for the next few years. It's been forecast for a while, but it looks like that's finally playing out. Should continue for a while.

Blonde guy will only support continuing resolution if it defunds Obamacare.


It's going to be an absolute disaster for Republicans, that's for sure.


So PPP tweeted something about a nipple bill in North Carolina. I looked it up:
North Carolina state representatives have introduced a bill that would "clarify" state law to specifically prohibit the baring of women's breasts. Women worried about showing too much of their "private area" should use pasties, or perhaps duct tape.

The proposed legislation, House Bill 34, would make it a Class H felony to expose "external organs of sex and of excretion, including the nipple, or any portion of the areola, of the human female breast."

Rep. Rayne Brown (R), who co-sponsored the bill, said that while it may seem frivolous and even funny, "there are communities across this state, there’s local governments across this state, and also local law enforcement for whom this issue is really not a laughing matter," according to WRAL in Raleigh, N.C.

Brown said that she was prompted, in part, by Asheville's second annual topless protest and women's rally this past August. Asheville is around 130 miles from Brown's district, the Associated Press writes.

According to the Asheville Citizen-Times, the event last year drew around a dozen women, who took off their shirts to "promote women's equality."


WRAL writes that Rep. Sarah Stevens (R), who chairs the North Carolina House Judiciary Subcommittee C, downplayed the impact the bill might have, but that committee member Rep. Annie Mobley (D) worried it might penalize women for wearing “questionable fashions."

Rep. Tim Moore, (R), on the other hand, said to WRAL, “You know what they say –- duct tape fixes everything."
Do you know how much that would hurt to rip duct tape off your boobs?


Why is this limited to only females?
Blonde guy will only support continuing resolution if it defunds Obamacare.


This is so stupid. I'm just going to link to this article on healthcare spending by the CBO: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/12/us/politics/sharp-slowdown-in-us-health-care-costs.html?_r=1&

In figures released last week, the Congressional Budget Office said it had erased hundreds of billions of dollars in projected spending on Medicare and Medicaid. The budget office now projects that spending on those two programs in 2020 will be about $200 billion, or 15 percent, less than it projected three years ago. New data also show overall health care spending growth continuing at the lowest rate in decades for a fourth consecutive year.

Health experts say they do not yet fully understand what is driving the lower spending trajectory. But there is a growing consensus that changes in how doctors and hospitals deliver health care — as opposed to merely a weak economy — are playing a role. Still, experts sharply disagree on where spending might be in future years, a question with major ramifications for the federal deficit, family budgets and the overall economy.

If this continues, then we will be saving as much money as the sequester. And this is all before Obamacare was ever fully implemented. I hate how much Republicans have become ideological maniacs, instead of using reason to solve problems. The only two things people know about Republicans is that they are against taxes and spending. But no one ever knows what they want the government to do outside of social issues. They have to change to something that the government can do for the people. Bush had education at least. Unless they can come up with programs that solve problems, then Democrats can always paint them as taking away of benefits.
So this is the Romney Recovery.
Can you imagine how this would be covered if Romney had won? I'd imagine he would have lowered taxes with the fiscal cliff deal so that would be the cause for UE falling. I can imagine Jennifer Rubin's "this is what a recovery looks like" article.


Can you imagine how this would be covered if Romney had won? I'd imagine he would have lowered taxes with the fiscal cliff deal so that would be the cause for UE falling. I can imagine Jennifer Rubin's "this is what a recovery looks like" article.
There's still plenty of time for them to try and wreck the economy and try to ruin Obama to weaken Dems in 2016, but yeah the biggest thing that irks me in elections is how the next people in office will often try to ride the coattails of the last administration.


If this continues, then we will be saving as much money as the sequester. And this is all before Obamacare was ever fully implemented. I hate how much Republicans have become ideological maniacs, instead of using reason to solve problems. The only two things people know about Republicans is that they are against taxes and spending. But no one ever knows what they want the government to do outside of social issues. They have to change to something that the government can do for the people. Bush had education at least. Unless they can come up with programs that solve problems, then Democrats can always paint them as taking away of benefits.

The problem is that they've become so far to the right that they literally want the government to do nothing. They don't think the government can do anything for the people, and it shouldn't do anything for the people. The only programs they've come up with recently aren't programs. They're just taking government functions and handing them to the private sector. That's it.
Can you imagine how this would be covered if Romney had won? I'd imagine he would have lowered taxes with the fiscal cliff deal so that would be the cause for UE falling. I can imagine Jennifer Rubin's "this is what a recovery looks like" article.

Conisdering that the economy was going to recover regardless, had Romney won and implemented his tax cuts in the eyes of public they would think that lowering taxes=better economy in greater numbers.

That could've set the country's mentality back ANOTHER 20-30 years.


I always hear the argument on Fox news, last night for example, that the president should take fewer trips on air force one to save money and i was just thinking that we should not have a president at all. Think of how much money we would save tax payers by not having a president or a white house? Billions. Trillions? Let's just not have one, then we won't have to worry about cancelling white house tours.


I always hear the argument on Fox news, last night for example, that the president should take fewer trips on air force one to save money and i was just thinking that we should not have a president at all. Think of how much money we would save tax payers by not having a president or a white house? Billions. Trillions? Let's just not have one, then we won't have to worry about cancelling white house tours.

Then how else is Michelle going to mooch off taxpayers if she's not the flotus?


No need to try. That's already sealed and sent, just not quite delivered, in the form of the sequester.
Well that's going to hurt, no doubt, especially where I live and what I do (lots of government/nonprofit/charity clients.) But the sequester isn't on the level of European austerity measures, and we aren't Greece.
Do you know how much that would hurt to rip duct tape off your boobs?
Honestly? ...no, I don't. Most of the pain I associate with ripping off something adhesive off of my skin comes with pulling on the hair it gets inevitably stuck to, so I don't have much experience with ripping it off of mere skin.


Do you know how much that would hurt to rip duct tape off your boobs?

My LadyFriend has put tape on when going running when she didn't have pasties or something else available, but the sweat from running already loosens the adhesive so taking them off apparently wasn't that painful. Dry would probably hurt a bit. I'm sure she would be thrilled if she knew that I just shared that on an internet forum. Oh well.
My LadyFriend has put tape on when going running when she didn't have pasties or something else available, but the sweat from running already loosens the adhesive so taking them off apparently wasn't that painful. Dry would probably hurt a bit. I'm sure she would be thrilled if she knew that I just shared that on an internet forum. Oh well.

Was it duct tape she used?


Please tell me these aren't shopped. Please.

This kind of stuff just makes me feel bad. Cmon, guys, he's not trying to bomb anybody any more. He just wants to be left alone to paint! Like, I guess that it's his fault for becoming President and destroying the Republican Party and most of Iraq, but I feel like we've pretty much won that fight at this point. Let's focus our derision on the Republicans who are still trying to destroy the world, and leave the Britneyed out Republicans alone.
In the latest edition of WELP:
Research released Thursday in the journal Science uses fossils of tiny marine organisms to reconstruct global temperatures back to the end of the last ice age. It shows how the globe for several thousands of years was cooling until an unprecedented reversal in the 20th century.
What an amazing coincidence!
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