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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I'm just glad I was dead wrong on the Brown-Warren race. I thought the Dems lost the seat for eternity.
I don't know what all the hype was about Brown. He did better than he should have for that race, but all the hubbub from the left about him being unbeatable was pretty embarrassing.


I don't know what all the hype was about Brown. He did better than he should have for that race, but all the hubbub from the left about him being unbeatable was pretty embarrassing.

He was ahead of her for a decent portion of the race. I dunno about them thinking he was unbeatable, but it looked like he had a good chance to take it for a while.
He was ahead of her for a decent portion of the race. I dunno about them thinking he was unbeatable, but it looked like he had a good chance to take it for a while.
He looked OK at first and got some traction on the native American thing . . . but then totally overplayed with the Tomahawk chop & native American changing. And then his pathetic debate performance against PROFESSOR warren who is a PROFESSOR . . . etc.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yea, I miss the days he was a Muppet with insane ideas about things. Really he's probably the direction the GOP needs to go towards but instead they're going with a leprechaun from the 14th and a half dimension.

Please tell me that's a Reince Priebus reference.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan officials say there was an explosion outside the Afghan defense ministry causing multiple casualties, as U.S. defense secretary Chuck Hagel visits the country.

Afghan police spokesman Hashmat Stanekzai says an apparent suicide attacker on a bicycle hit the main entrance to the defense ministry around 9 a.m. local time. Officials are still trying to determine the number of casualties.

Hagel was in a meeting at a coalition facility in Kabul and defense officials say he is in a safe location and unharmed. Reporters traveling with Hagel were in a briefing when they heard the explosion, and were moved to a lower floor of the same building. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.



Goddamn it, Michael Steele is the only Republican on Real Time tonight. I know some of you may prefer the panels when it's all liberals, but I for one prefer when Maher invites right wingers. The more teabaggier the better. Otherwise it just gets boring. And my man, Mike is far too reasonable nowadays to make shit entertaining to watch.

Avik Roy was a Romney adviser he's just not crazy so it's hard to tell.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Avik Roy was a Romney adviser he's just not crazy so it's hard to tell.

Oh that's Avik Aroy? I thought it was Andrew Ross Sorkin lol.

Nevermind, Aroy will do just fine. The dude's not crazy per se, but he is a disingenuous piece of shit.
Goddamn it, Michael Steele is the only Republican on Real Time tonight. I know some of you may prefer the panels when it's all liberals, but I for one prefer when Maher invites right wingers. The more teabaggier the better. Otherwise it just gets boring. And my man, Mike is far too reasonable nowadays to make shit entertaining to watch.

In hindsight, Steele wasn't really all THAT crazy. He was actually kind of likable in a roundabout sort of way.


No Scrubs
In hindsight, Steele wasn't really all THAT crazy. He was actually kind of likable in a roundabout sort of way.

Looking back it was obvious he was just doing his job and wasn't a true believer. The inter-dimensional reality warping imp running the party now is a real nutter though.


Oh great, now I'm getting that damn "Nidal Hasan Promoted" fake news story from The Duffel Blog invading my Facebook feed with people full of righteous anger. After reading the comment about our "half-muslim president" I just had to interject and ask if any of them realized The Duffel Blog was a satirical website of fake news like The Onion.

The original poster replies, yes, she knows the blog is satire but "I'm at Ft. Hood and this really happened!!" So I'm asking for a citation . . . I'm sure I'll get a million links that all lead right back to the Duffel Blog.


No Scrubs
Oh great, now I'm getting that damn "Nidal Hasan Promoted" fake news story from The Duffel Blog invading my Facebook feed with people full of righteous anger. After reading the comment about our "half-muslim president" I just had to interject and ask if any of them realized The Duffel Blog was a satirical website of fake news like The Onion.

The original poster replies, yes, she knows the blog is satire but "I'm at Ft. Hood and this really happened!!" So I'm asking for a citation . . . I'm sure I'll get a million links that all lead right back to the Duffel Blog.

It's wrong. They just decided that he can face the Death Penalty (as of the end of January). There's also a rumor that he may plead guilty as to avoid it.

Besides, what idiot would promote someone on trial for the shooting of his fellow soldiers? No one is that stupid. The OP in your case is an idiot.
I bet people will pivot from "oh it's fake..." to "well regardless, Obama still basically caused all this to happen by supporting multiculturalism!"


It's wrong. They just decided that he can face the Death Penalty (as of the end of January). There's also a rumor that he may plead guilty as to avoid it.

Besides, what idiot would promote someone on trial for the shooting of his fellow soldiers? No one is that stupid. The OP in your case is an idiot.

Obviously, I just want to see her grasp at straws trying to find a link to further her and the other commenters' confirmation bias.

Or I could spend the weekend unfriending all my old high school acquaintances that have turned into ignorant morons (even if they weren't such in high school).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Avik Roy said that Obamacare should be more like the Swiss health care system.


Avik Roy said that Obamacare should be more like the Swiss health care system.



Swiss are required to purchase basic health insurance, which covers a range of treatments detailed in the Federal Act. It is therefore the same throughout the country and avoids double standards in healthcare. Insurers are required to offer this basic insurance to everyone, regardless of age or medical condition. They are not allowed to make a profit off this basic insurance, but can on supplemental plans.[1]
Regulations also restrict the allowable policies and profits that a private insurer may offer, as noted by healthcare economics scholar Uwe Reinhardt in a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association:
"To compete in the market for compulsory health insurance, a Swiss health insurer must be registered with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, which regulates health insurance under the 1994 statute. The insurers were not allowed to earn profits from the mandated benefit package, although they have always been able to profit from the sale of actuarially priced supplementary benefits (mainly superior amenities).
Regulations require "a 25-year-old and an 80-year-old individual pay a given insurer the same premium for the same type of policy.... Overall, then, the Swiss health system is a variant of the highly government-regulated social insurance systems of Europe... that rely on ostensibly private, nonprofit health insurers that also are subject to uniform fee schedules and myriad government regulations."[3]

Health care spending, in US dollars PPP-adjusted, in Switzerland per capita from 1998 to 2008
The insured person pays the insurance premium for the basic plan up to 8% of their personal income. If a premium is higher than this, the government gives the insured person a cash subsidy to pay for any additional premium.

Sounds like Obamacare with more government, I'm for it.


Can anyone explain why Michael Steele list his job as RNC chair, but Reince Pribus kept his?

Under michaels helm, the GOP orchestrated a takeover of the house and picked up a few senate seats.

Under Riences helm, the GOP lost a bunch of house races and failed to take back the senate, when they had an outside chance of doing so.

I know circumstances were different so you can't make a 1:1 comparison, but Steele got the shaft.
Can anyone explain why Muchael Steeke list his job as RNC chair, but Reince Pribus kept his?

Under michaels helm, the GOP orchestrated a takeover of the house and picked up a few senate seats.

Under Riences helm, the GOP lost a bunch of house races and failed to take back the senate, when they had an outside chance of doing so.

I know circumstances were different so you can't make a 1:1 comparison, but Steele got the shaft.

Most amazing typo ever.


Poligaf, what are the chances of me ever getting back to my normal paycheck after this weeks increase in the "Government Take"?
Poligaf, what are the chances of me ever getting back to my normal paycheck after this weeks increase in the "Government Take"?

i'd say slim to none. afterall, preparations are afoot...


President Obama and his family are likely headed to Martha's Vineyard for a summer sojourn again this year.

A source tells POLITICO that the Secret Service has started booking accommodations on the toney island off the Massachusetts coast. (See update below)

So far, the White House isn't saying anything, but the Vineyard is abuzz with the news. The first family is expected toward the end of August, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.



Poligaf, what are the chances of me ever getting back to my normal paycheck after this weeks increase in the "Government Take"?
The dems generally wants more revenue and the gop will raise payroll taxes 20 times before they remove the cap or touch capital gains, so yeah, seeing how neither party is fighting for you at the moment I would say it's unlikely.

It could happen as part of a bigger tax deal, but I don't see it happening with this congress.
Poligaf, what are the chances of me ever getting back to my normal paycheck after this weeks increase in the "Government Take"?

well that 2% payroll tax holiday was only created in 2009 as part of the stimulus bill. it was never meant to be permanent. so in a way your current paycheck is actually the more "normal" one.

republicans have no qualms with letting temporary stimulative tax cut measures expire . . . as long as they are targeted at the lower classes, of course. so you're out of luck, most likely.
well that 2% payroll tax holiday was only created in 2009 as part of the stimulus bill. it was never meant to be permanent. so in a way your current paycheck is actually the more "normal" one.

republicans have no qualms with letting temporary stimulative tax cut measures expire . . . as long as they are targeted at the lower classes, of course. so you're out of luck, most likely.

I know it was in the original offer, but I think the dems stopped pushing for it rather quickly. Some fault has to fall on them.

The whole tax is a little too flat IMO.
I don't know what all the hype was about Brown. He did better than he should have for that race, but all the hubbub from the left about him being unbeatable was pretty embarrassing.
I was depressed because he seemed to be the next Olympia Snowe, a red seat in a deep blue ink state for a very long time. I was also mad at Democrats for being extremely dumb with Martha Coakley. They were treating all her appearances as victory rallies. Warren, as awesome as she is in the legislature, wasn't the most inspiring and charismatic candidate either. I think me and others (PD) who were apprehensive about the whole thing weren't being unreasonable.
So, I feel that privatized prisons are a major problem and I created a petition on the White House petition site to do something about it. I'd appreciate it if you signed it. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/take-steps-end-privately-funded-prisons/Pbq3LLm1

I couldn't agree more, and I'm glad you started a petition. If a person could only ask one question in order to assess whether a society was well-functioning or a dysfunctional mess, it would be whether the society permits for-profit businesses to run its prisons.
I was depressed because he seemed to be the next Olympia Snowe, a red seat in a deep blue ink state for a very long time. I was also mad at Democrats for being extremely dumb with Martha Coakley. They were treating all her appearances as victory rallies. Warren, as awesome as she is in the legislature, wasn't the most inspiring and charismatic candidate either. I think me and others (PD) who were apprehensive about the whole thing weren't being unreasonable.

All you had needed to do was look at the enthusiasm for her to realize that her not being inspiring (arguable) and charismatic didn't really matter.


You betcha. I'll even facebook it.

I couldn't agree more, and I'm glad you started a petition. If a person could only ask one question in order to assess whether a society was well-functioning or a dysfunctional mess, it would be whether the society permits for-profit businesses to run its prisons.
Thanks guys. Unfortunately, nobody's really signed it yet. It's unfortunate. I hope that we can turn that around somehow.
Signed. We need to get this on reddit or something, get it some exposure.
I put it on r/politics and I only got one upvote. I'm going to resubmit it later. Fucking Reddit. :/


So, I feel that privatized prisons are a major problem and I created a petition on the White House petition site to do something about it. I'd appreciate it if you signed it. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/take-steps-end-privately-funded-prisons/Pbq3LLm1

I signed it.

The existence of private prisons is fucking repulsive, and I've never met a person, conservative or liberal, who disagreed once told of their existence. Most people just don't even know that they exist because it makes so little fucking sense that you wouldn't think it's real.


I signed it.

The existence of private prisons is fucking repulsive, and I've never met a person, conservative or liberal, who disagreed once told of their existence. Most people just don't even know that they exist because it makes so little fucking sense that you wouldn't think it's real.
Thanks. I submitted it on Reddit again to try and get some traction (because let's face it, privatized prisons are bullshit) but for some reason it's not showing up in the new section. Here's the Reddit link. Upvotes please?

I was depressed because he seemed to be the next Olympia Snowe, a red seat in a deep blue ink state for a very long time. I was also mad at Democrats for being extremely dumb with Martha Coakley. They were treating all her appearances as victory rallies. Warren, as awesome as she is in the legislature, wasn't the most inspiring and charismatic candidate either. I think me and others (PD) who were apprehensive about the whole thing weren't being unreasonable.

Agreed. Brown was a classic MA republican who could have survived for awhile if not for the extremism of the national GOP. He's still well liked in MA, he's charismatic, etc. I was concerned about Warren in terms of her retail politics acumen, ie how she was connecting on the stump, at events, etc; what I saw wasn't impressive early in 2012. But she improved over time, held her own in the debates, and Brown made himself look like a fool with the Native American insults.

I didn't anticipate democrat turnout being as explosive as it was in MA, or her winning them by such a large margin; I honestly thought Brown could win just enough dems to sneak out a win.
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