Fucking score. Wow. :lol
It kinda makes sense that the ugliest tie in existence is a confederate flag tie.
He was involved with that racist CPAC thing today.
Lolz http://www.nationalmemo.com/this-week-in-crazy-march-15th-edition/2/
So GOP didn't demonize Obama enough personally, right...
That poor man's Carlson Tucker solved racism!Lolz http://www.nationalmemo.com/this-week-in-crazy-march-15th-edition/2/
So GOP didn't demonize Obama enough personally, right...
He gets to come to CPAC but Chris Christie doesn't. Please proceed, GOP. Please proceed
Considering where we are today . . . what the fuck happened in 2010?
I guess that was during the phase where Obama was the evil guy who is going to indoctrinate your kid into communism when he talks to the schools? How have things changed so much since then?
I guess it was a big wave of digruntled people and an off-year election? I just wonder how much 2014 will be like 2010?
Probably no one gave much credibility to the thought that the GOP could reclaim the House, or considered the impact of such a thing. In fact a lot of people were probably okay with it because they like the idea of an opposite party congress keeping the president in check - worked for ClintonConsidering where we are today . . . what the fuck happened in 2010?
I guess that was during the phase where Obama was the evil guy who is going to indoctrinate your kid into communism when he talks to the schools? How have things changed so much since then?
I guess it was a big wave of digruntled people and an off-year election? I just wonder how much 2014 will be like 2010?
Great New Rules segment tonight:
Considering where we are today . . . what the fuck happened in 2010?
I guess that was during the phase where Obama was the evil guy who is going to indoctrinate your kid into communism when he talks to the schools? How have things changed so much since then?
I guess it was a big wave of digruntled people and an off-year election? I just wonder how much 2014 will be like 2010?
You can tell he knew he fucked up after he said it, due to him stumbling over his words
You call that curvy?
Goddamn @ that tweet.
By the way, actual quotes from Mitch McConnell:
oh lordy
It's never to late to come to your senses and realize that Led Zeppelin are a bunch of overrated plagiarists.
It's never to late to come to your senses and realize that Led Zeppelin are a bunch of overrated plagiarists.
It's never to late to come to your senses and realize that Led Zeppelin are a bunch of overrated plagiarists.
I think this actually all worked for Clinton.worked for Clinton!when they weren't trying to impeach him or shut down the government and nothing he accomplished past 1995 actually helped the economy or balanced the budget
Um unemployment was at 10%? Sure healthcare was unpopular and Obama was spending a lot of money but ultimately the economy determined 2010. And I can't let dumbasses like myself off the hook: ie people who voted for republican candidates for no good reason. Others stayed home because of dispair and disinterest.Considering where we are today . . . what the fuck happened in 2010?
I guess that was during the phase where Obama was the evil guy who is going to indoctrinate your kid into communism when he talks to the schools? How have things changed so much since then?
I guess it was a big wave of digruntled people and an off-year election? I just wonder how much 2014 will be like 2010?
Considering where we are today . . . what the fuck happened in 2010?
I guess that was during the phase where Obama was the evil guy who is going to indoctrinate your kid into communism when he talks to the schools? How have things changed so much since then?
I guess it was a big wave of digruntled people and an off-year election? I just wonder how much 2014 will be like 2010?
The worst incidence of mass idiocy in recent U.S. history. Those fuckers have caused so much damage, and I don't think they even realize it.
It's never to late to come to your senses and realize that Led Zeppelin are a bunch of overrated plagiarists.
Just looked up a random song of theirs. Stairway to Heaven.
Meh? Die.
It's not even that their views are so extreme, it's that they literally don't know how government works. It's like a bunch of nuts that just kept screaming "Obama bad! Less government good!" were voted in and now they're all just running around uncensored.The worst incidence of mass idiocy in recent U.S. history. Those fuckers have caused so much damage, and I don't think they even realize it.
The No. 3 Republican leader in the Idaho House says he made a slight mistake when he described Rosa Parks as a champion of states rights.
One little lady got tired of the federal government telling her what to do, Assistant Majority Leader Brent Crane of Nampa said during Wednesdays debate on Gov. Butch Otters bill establishing a state-run health insurance exchange. Ive reached that point, Mr. Speaker, that Im tired of giving in to the federal government.
Crane called his misstatement a slight mistake regarding a little fact. Five times in our five-minute conversation he said he was disappointed about my writing about his error. You knew my heart, you knew what I was trying to say. Im saying, just like Rosa Parks, Enough is enough.
I don't like it for my own selfish reasons. I really like the 2-hour format and talking about a topic for more than 5 min. Hopefully he brings the spirit of Up into primetime and not the usual bullshit cable shows.Chris Hayes is getting a week night show! OMG
I don't like it for my own selfish reasons. I really like the 2-hour format and talking about a topic for more than 5 min. Hopefully he brings the spirit of Up into primetime and not the usual bullshit cable shows.
Chris Hayes is getting a week night show! OMG
MEHEDIT - Also, Led Zeppelin is amazing, wtf is wrong with you people?!
So...Ben Carson is a terrible person, who knew? He gave a hypothetical on how he would destroy this country if he were president and named some bull and then said coincidentally that's what Obama has been doing. Pitting people against eachother, ridiculing people with moral standings, weakening our military ( what crap), and hurting our countries financial stability ( as if that was obama who crashed the economy).
Uh, no? He said that's been happening for more than the last 4 or 5 years and to not blame any one person for it (referring to Obama).
I didn't catch that part if he said it in a non-winky way.
Republicans don't have an unbeatable candidate. Hillary Clinton can beat anyone; it's simple demographics.
Except when Obama came along. Dr. Carson is an unusual scenario because he's not a politician and he's well respected. He will be unbeatable if he chooses to run.
Yeah, okay.
Considering nobody knows anything beyond what Dr Carson says about himself, it's really early to be touting unbeatability.
Nah. It's not 2008 anymore. As I said, it's simple demographics. No matter what happens with immigration reform, the next Democratic candidate will get AT LEAST 60% of the Hispanic vote. She'll get the vast majority of African Americans. She'll get a larger share of the white vote than Obama. And probably most importantly, she'll get women. Big time. Women vote in larger numbers than men, and women vote Democratic more than Republican. If Hillary runs, women will turn out in historic numbers, and the gender gap will be huge.Except when Obama came along. Dr. Carson is an unusual scenario because he's not a politician and he's well respected. He will be unbeatable if he chooses to run.