Overview of Our Policies
Individual Income Tax Policies
Allow the Bush-era tax cuts to expire at the end of 2012, but extend marriage relief, credits, and
incentives for children, families, and education
Immediately rescind the upper-income tax cuts in Decembers tax deal
Index the AMT for inflation for a decade (the AMT patch is fully paid for)
Schakowsky millionaire tax rates proposal (adding 45%, 46%, 47%, 48%, and 49% top rates)
Tax all capital gains and qualified dividends as ordinary income
Progressive estate tax (Sanders estate tax, repeal of Kyl-Lincoln)
Limit the rate at which itemized deductions can reduce tax liability to 28%for high earners
Replace the tax exclusion for interest on state and local bonds with a subsidy for the issuer
Corporate Tax Reform
Tax U.S. corporate foreign income as it is earned
Eliminate corporate welfare for oil, gas, and coal companies
Enact a financial crisis responsibility fee
Financial speculation tax (derivatives, foreign exchange)
Reinstate Superfund taxes
Health Care
Enact a public option
Negotiate Rx payments with pharmaceutical companies
CMS program integrity and other Medicare and Medicaid savings in the presidents budget
Prevent a cut in Medicare physician payments for a decade (maintain doc fix)
Social Security
Raise the taxable maximum on the employee side to 90% of earnings and eliminate the taxable
maximum on the employer side
Increase benefits based on higher contributions on the employee side
Defense Savings
End overseas contingency operations emergency supplementals starting in Fiscal Year 2013,
providing $170 billion in FY2012 to fund redeployment, while saving more than $1.8 trillion
from current law spending levels over ten years
Reduce baseline defense spending by reducing strategic capabilities, conventional forces,
procurement, and R&D programs
Comprehensive Jobs Program
Invest $1.45 trillion in job creation, education, clean energy and broadband infrastructure,
housing, and R&D
Infrastructure bank
Surface transportation reauthorization bill ($213 billion)