The GOP boxed themselves into a corner on this one. The Southern Strategy helped them achieve White House dominance from 1968 to 2008, a curse only broken by two white southerners, until the dam finally broke and Obama won twice in a landslide, both times. As a result Democrats' floor in the electoral college is much closer to victory than the GOP's - Obama pretty much needed only one of the swing states to win, whereas Romney needed all of them. And of course, he only ended up getting one, the most Republican of them all, one that Obama only won by a smidge in 2008 and bailed on in the final weeks of the campaign.
It's also troubling for the GOP in that what were previously their "safe" states - Arizona, Georgia, Texas, adding up to 65 EVs, as well as swingier states like Florida and North Carolina - are trending Democratic, while none of the states that are trending Republican, like Indiana and Missouri, are a big part of Democratic victory calculus anyway, as much as they like to pretend Pennsylvania (O+5), Minnesota (O+8), Michigan (O+10) will turn red any day now. The day Florida starts voting reliably Democratic (may already be here) is the day the GOP's goose is cooked.
So anyway. If the national party wants to believe Hispanics are just one issue away from voting Republican, they can have fun losing more elections. Poll after poll show Hispanics are liberal on a host of economic and social issues. Much like how pro-choice Republicans aren't going to capture big numbers of women votes. And for how many voters they'd gain by becoming pro-choice or pro-amnesty, I have to imagine there are a bunch of angry dumbass white people who would leave the party in droves over it. Where would they go? Who the fuck cares, they're not going to win.
I love this shit.
I just read the CNN article, after listening to that one dude talk about it on starting point on the way to work.
What kills me is they think it's their message. They're like "It's not that the message is fucked up. it's how we're saying it!"
No no no no, no, really, your message is just fucked up.
This gigantic cultural divide they're talking about is the same one republicans don't seem to get. Like this shit with tax breaks. The only thing they ever looked like was a group of people FOR the rich. Fuck everybody else. And when you looked at the math behind what they were talking about, the facts added up to the republican party overwhelmingly caring for the rich, at the expense of the poor.
And the fact that so many people came out when Romney was like 47% of america are moochers and supported Romney says a LOT about their positions and how the republican party REALLY feels.
I heard something interesting the other day that, I think, touches on some of this
I read an article where a guy was approached to work with the Romney campaign
and he's like 28. His job was to work on social media, the website, etc, and the guy turned the offer down because his best friend is gay. He was like "Why would I give my skills to a group of people who wouldn't even let my best friend in the building?"Otherwise the guy was a conservative through and through. Stay the fuck out of my business kinda guy.
When you look at the things the GOP is PUSHING, it's things like the government being involved in peoples lives for things THEY think are important. Abortion, gay marriage, and immigration, etc. All issues that have been positive wedge issues for the republicans up until Obama took office. And this time around they lost in a very dramatic fashion.
Younger folks don't give a shit about abortion, they want gay rights, and they have friends that are immigrants. One of the best things Obama could have ever done was coming out for gay rights. He created a wedge issue on the democratic side. Something they haven't really had for years.
Something else I've thought about as well, is when you look at this, it's the republicans fault. We all knew that, right? But take a look at something like redistricting. These guys have gerimandered themselves into a corner. So many of them are in really solid, deep red republican districts so they can't make moves to get things rolling and get things fixed . They can't say "Yes, we need to fix immigration" or "I don't care of gay people get married" because they'll get primaried and tossed out of office because there aren't any voters in those districts who will side with them. They're getting elected by the people who think Obama is going to try and serve a third term and is some alient from mars who wants to destroy capitalism and kill your grandmother. They got elected by the people who think that shit so they certainly can't work with the president. Instead, the republicans in those districts are beholden to the same crazy ass mother fuckers that got them there in the first place.
Look at Rick Perry. Remember in the debates when he refused to go hard on immigration?
Boom. His chances evaporated. Not that Perry is a genius, or was even presidential material, but the minute he said "We can't just be this hardlined about immigration. Have a heart." his chances were shot.
Bottom line is the more that republicans continue to ostracize the majority (Old white men are not the majority anymore), they will continue to lose and frankly they deserve it. This is something where I hope fox news ratchets up the rhetoric so the republicans insulate themselves in the same bubble that told them Romney was going to win by a landslide. You don't get high off your own supply, you know? And right now they're doing just that
with the exception of a few people who are like "This is a bad idea".
I kind of want to see the party crash and burn. You can shit in a pretty box, but the end result is still shit.