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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Obama said:
‎"The offers I’ve made to them have been so fair, a lot of Democrats get mad at me. I offered to make some significant changes to our entitlement programs in order to reduce the deficit. I offered not only a trillion dollars in spending cuts over the next ten years, but these changes would result in even more savings in the next ten years, and would solve our deficit problem for a decade.

They say that their biggest priority is making sure that we deal with the deficit in a serious way, but the way they’re behaving is that their only priority is making sure that tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans are protected. That seems to be their only overriding, unifying theme. And at some point, I think what’s going to be important is that they listen to the American people.



Yep. This is exactly the reason why the GOP asked for huge cuts without mentioning anything remotely specific. As many people said at the time.

Make them name the cuts they want.

Exactly. This is just standard messaging here. You NEVER offer up the cuts yourself, you MAKE the other guys say exactly what they want to cut out loud, to the public - soundbites and all. The italicized is really important.

It's not good enough for Obama to say "well, I've made concessions to the Republicans who wanted me to cut ya'll medicare and social security. Not my fault so blame them. I'm just trying to be the grownup here". All the American public will remember from that sentence in 2 years is "I've cut ya'll medicare and social security".

No, you make the GOP go out in front of television cameras and proudly exclaim that they want these cuts in exchange for cheaper taxes for the top 1%. Don't provide them an out. And now, unsurprisingly, you have idiots like Rubio springing on that like a fly on shit. "Hey man, democrats want to cut this!"


In the Senate? Sure, I always believed they and Obama could come to terms.

The House GOP, on the other hand, probably need the new year to pass a deal.
I'm fairly certain that if you get a bill with strong bipartisan support in senate you'll be able to pass it in the house without too much trouble.
This is about 60 or so fucktards which are enough to prevent Boehner from passing bills without Democratic support, but I don't see them stopping a serious bill coming from senate.
I'm fairly certain that if you get a bill with strong bipartisan support in senate you'll be able to pass it in the house without too much trouble.
This is about 60 or so fucktards which are enough to prevent Boehner from passing bills without Democratic support, but I don't see them stopping a serious bill coming from senate.

But Boehner would be ending his career if he did it. That's the biggest part in all this. Him going along with Dems and losing his speakership.

That said, we're also at around 24 hours mark, really. They'd have to make an agreement and get both chambers to pass it and Obama to sign it. If this isn't done by about this time tomorrow, I don't see it happening.


But Boehner would be ending his career if he did it. That's the biggest part in all this. Him going along with Dems and losing his speakership.
I can't really see a scenario where you have a senate bill that can comfortably pass in the House and Boehner blocking it with procedure.
Not to mention that the GOP will get murdered in the public opinions.

That said, we're also at around 24 hours mark, really. They'd have to make an agreement and get both chambers to pass it and Obama to sign it. If this isn't done by about this time tomorrow, I don't see it happening.
Nothing dramatic is going to happen at midnight, outside the stock market (and honestly, fuck the stock market) it will have very little impact on anything in the short term.


I don't see how there's going to be a deal in the Senate.

It's easy for McConnell, really, because the Dems have a majority. All he has to do is say he'll allow an up or down vote to prove that the bill has no support. Boom, it passes. Probably with at least one GOP vote (Snowe).
It's easy for McConnell, really, because the Dems have a majority. All he has to do is say he'll allow an up or down vote to prove that the bill has no support. Boom, it passes. Probably with at least one GOP vote (Snowe).
That's not really a deal, though. Not as implied in the post I quoted.
I can't really see a scenario where you have a senate bill that can comfortably pass in the House and Boehner blocking it with procedure.
Not to mention that the GOP will get murdered in the public opinions.

Perhaps. What I mean is that the Senate could easily come to an agreement if not for the House. But the House might be tying their hands.

Nothing dramatic is going to happen at midnight, outside the stock market (and honestly, fuck the stock market) it will have very little impact on anything in the short term.

Of course not. But I've maintained a deal won't come until after December 31st. And that is after midnight tomorrow.
My god. I am watching fox and the folks are mentioning how the debt is a HUGE problem and directly affects if we will be able to 'pay our bills'. Why do we still have a debt ceiling. My goodness.

Ugh. Stephen Moore from CNN/WSJ is arguing how Grover is correct. So bloody annoying.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The top leaders in both parties on the House and Senate Agriculture committees have agreed to a one-year extension of the 2008 farm bill that expired in October, a move that could head off a possible doubling of milk prices next month.

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Debbie Stabenow indicated that the House could vote on the extension as early as Sunday evening, though House leaders have not yet agreed to put it on the floor. In addition to the one-year extension that has the backing of the committees, the House GOP is also considering two other extension bills — a one-month extension and an even smaller bill that would simply extend dairy policy that expires Jan. 1.

Expiration of those dairy programs could mean higher prices at the grocery store within a few weeks. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Americans face the prospect of paying $7 for a gallon of milk if the current dairy program lapsed and the government returned to a 1948 formula for calculating milk price supports.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday afternoon that Republican leaders had not decided how they would proceed on the farm extension. Boehner has pushed back on passage of a new five-year farm bill for months, saying there were not enough votes to bring it to the House floor after the House Agriculture Committee approved it in July. The Senate passed its version of a farm bill in June.

The prospect of the higher milk prices has motivated some action. The bipartisan extension also includes disaster assistance to farmers affected by a lingering drought this year, along with extensions to other farm programs that expired in October.

Instead of just extending current dairy policy, the extension bill includes an overhaul of dairy programs that was in both the Senate and House committee bills. The new dairy programs include a new, voluntary insurance program for dairy producers. Those who choose that new program would also have to participate in a market stabilization program that could dictate production cuts when oversupply drives down prices — an idea that hasn't gone over well with Boehner.

In July, he called the current dairy program "Soviet-style" and said the new program would make it even worse. Large food companies that process and use dairy products have backed Boehner, saying the program could limit milk supplies and increase their costs.
Stabenow blamed Boehner for getting to the point where an extension is the only option.

"The lack of action by the House Republican leadership has put us in a situation where we risk serious damage to our economy unless we pass a temporary extension," she said.
One of the reasons Boehner has balked at bringing up a farm bill is disagreement in his caucus over how much money should be cut from food stamps, which make up roughly 80 percent of the half-trillion-dollar bill's cost over five years. House Agriculture Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., has unsuccessfully pushed his leadership for months to move on the legislation despite the disagreement over food aid.

On Sunday, Lucas said he hoped the extension would pass both chambers quickly as GOP leadership mulled their options.

"It is not perfect, no compromise ever is, but it is my sincere hope that it will pass the House and Senate and be signed by the president by January 1," he said.

Also, Congress is done for today, though I'm sure a few people are staying behind to has things out.


Unconfirmed Member
In fairness, already submitting to Hilary for 2016 is really dumb when there are other less authoritarian democrats that you can vote for in the primaries.


Rubio is weaksauce. He waffles on every answer. Where other Republicans, in the wake of the election, are trying to force change within the party Rubio is still sitting in the corner waiting to see how things play out.


Hope she's okay.

2016 looking like an extreme pipe dream at this point. :(

Hillary in 2016 has always sounded like a distraction from the fact that the Dems don't quite have a new young rising star to replace Obama. I don't think she's an actual serious option and if she keeps having scares like this, she's going to get McCain'd on her medical history come election time.

Getting the presidency with someone new and relatively young then asking people to vote for someone of "old" Washington that will be 74 at the end of her initial term seems like such a shift...
Rubio is weaksauce. He waffles on every answer. Where other Republicans, in the wake of the election, are trying to force change within the party Rubio is still sitting in the corner waiting to see how things play out.

Dude is a complete joke. Plus he's not good on the stump. I'm not concerned about him, and don't see him even getting the nomination.

Will be funny watching him come up with excuses to vote against any immigration reform
Rubio is weaksauce. He waffles on every answer. Where other Republicans, in the wake of the election, are trying to force change within the party Rubio is still sitting in the corner waiting to see how things play out.

Yeah, but umm this is the party that nominated MITT ROMNEY. Marco Rubio, for all his faults, can run circles around Mitt Romney. And the Dems won't have Barry O to pit against him.
What a circus.
In a tremendous irony, Republican requests for lower tax rates, a high estate tax threshold, and a permanent AMT fix; combined with Democratic requests to delay the sequester, include a “doc fix” for Medicare physicians, and extend emergency unemployment benefits; have left the parties negotiating toward a plan that would result in no net deficit reduction over 10 years, according to Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin.
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