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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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It's a shame because even if no other policies change, there really needs to be a genuine national discussion about the privatization of prisons. That should disturb everyone.

But yeah, the general public has a ways to go before addressing other systemic problems with the burgeoning prison population. The loosening of marijuana policies is a good start, maybe we'll be lucky to see that really snowball.

ending most of the terrible drug war policies that keep prisons overstuffed is the way to start. once that's done, prison will no longer be profitable and the privatization issue takes care of itself
Can we blame the current state of Iran on Bush as well?


Kerry confronts Iraq about Iranian flights
U.S. officials say the planes are being used to arm supporters of the Assad regime in Syria.

BAGHDAD - Just days after the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry confronted Baghdad for continuing to grant Iran access to its airspace and said Iraq's behavior was raising questions about its reliability as a partner.

Kerry said the plane shipments -- along with materiel being trucked across Iraqi territory from Iran to Syria -- were helping President Bashar Assad's regime cling to power by increasing their ability to strike at Syrian rebels and opposition figures demanding Assad's ouster.​

Saddam would net have let this shit happen.
Republicans are bitching about how ACA contains "20,000 regulations." Well, we wouldn't need so many if we just had Medicare-for-all. But then you guys would just be bitching about socialized medicine. And government takeover of healthcare.

Well, they're already doing that. You can't win with these people.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Can we blame the current state of Iran on Bush as well?


Kerry confronts Iraq about Iranian flights
U.S. officials say the planes are being used to arm supporters of the Assad regime in Syria.

BAGHDAD - Just days after the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry confronted Baghdad for continuing to grant Iran access to its airspace and said Iraq's behavior was raising questions about its reliability as a partner.

Kerry said the plane shipments -- along with materiel being trucked across Iraqi territory from Iran to Syria -- were helping President Bashar Assad's regime cling to power by increasing their ability to strike at Syrian rebels and opposition figures demanding Assad's ouster.​

Saddam would net have let this shit happen.

Definitely not.

Saddam may have been an oppressive dictator, but there was some semblance of law and order in Iraq under him.

Our invasion of Iraq completely destabilized the country (and the region, since it empowered Iran and their influence in Syria)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Republicans are bitching about how ACA contains "20,000 regulations." Well, we wouldn't need so many if we just had Medicare-for-all. But then you guys would just be bitching about socialized medicine. And government takeover of healthcare.

Well, they're already doing that. You can't win with these people.

I love how regulations are a bad thing.

Every time they bring this up any democrat should just point to a giant scoreboard that says "Banking deregulation caused the financial crash."


I love how regulations are a bad thing.

Every time they bring this up any democrat should just point to a giant scoreboard that says "Banking deregulation caused the financial crash."

Problem is that a lot of conservatives/republicans don't believe that's what caused the financial crash. In fact some blame it on regulations... yeah...


Republicans are bitching about how ACA contains "20,000 regulations." Well, we wouldn't need so many if we just had Medicare-for-all. But then you guys would just be bitching about socialized medicine. And government takeover of healthcare.

Well, they're already doing that. You can't win with these people.

Clearly only the free market can solve this problem. Because old/poor sick people in need of expensive medical care is a lucrative market that the goverment and regulations just interfere with. Or something.

I think their primary objection is that the ACA dares to focus on those without care; too much help for those 47% freeloaders.
Clearly only the free market can solve this problem. Because old/poor sick people in need of expensive medical care is a lucrative market that the goverment and regulations just interfere with. Or something.

I think their primary objection is that the ACA dares to focus on those without care; too much help for those 47% freeloaders.
Look, if you get sick, you die. That's how it was 500 years ago and that's how it should be today!
i see Kennedy iis being mentioned as the swing vote again just like with Obamacare even though he wanted the whole thing gone lol. But atleast this time he has some gay rights history. Maybe 6-3 on both Doma and Prop 8?
If any of you want to learn more about forensic evidence and how innocent people are often put in jail, I strongly recommend you watch this:


Basically people in jail often don't belong there. There are many innocents there and the ignorant belief that everyone in jail deserves to be there is stupid. Forensic evidence and "expert" testimony is shaky at best.

It doesn't help that the past few decades we've been trying to crack down and be tough on crime. It hasn't worked. Our jails are overcrowded, filled with mostly non violent drug offenders. Privatization is a huge problem. We're spending more on them than schools. The death penalty has not been proven to deter crime. Rehabilitation would be so much more useful. We isolate people, take away their humanity, treat them like animals, we release them and we wonder why they act like animals and go back to a life of crime.

The stigma attached to this is unbelievable, they can't get jobs and they need money so they resort to going back to deviance.

Politicians need to learn to listen to experts like criminologists and not give in to the fear of the people that demand we crack down on crime. They want votes, obviously, but the best way to change things is to speak on this subject and educate the people.

Of course, as long as people are ignorant enough to believe Fox News, they'll believe all criminals are evil people out to harm they and they should be forever isolated from society. We've come a long way from the Middle Ages, but we have a long road ahead of us to catch up with the rest of the industrial world, i.e. Europe.



Simultaneously the best and worst sentence:

“She doesn’t use the most credible sources,” explains one former staffer, detailing Bachmann’s reliance on stories from the conspiracy-peddling WorldNetDaily to shape her worldview, “and she tends to listen to the last person who talks to her.” Bachmann is also a member of the House Intelligence Committee.



They don't care either. The consensus seems to be that if you're in a prison you deserve whatever happens to you there.

I don't know, people I talk to almost universally are pretty disturbed when they find out that private prisons exist, liberal or conservative. I've talked to one racist libertarian I know who didn't care, but every other conservative or liberal I've met thought it was nuts. The problem is most people just have never heard of it.
Clearly only the free market can solve this problem. Because old/poor sick people in need of expensive medical care is a lucrative market that the goverment and regulations just interfere with. Or something.

I think their primary objection is that the ACA dares to focus on those without care; too much help for those 47% freeloaders.

My state hasn't accepted the expansion, but using the governor's own numbers, after three years the state would be paying $250 per person per year to give 400,000 currently uninsured people health care. This, we are told, is unaffordable. Seems like a steal to me :/
Sadly, she will use this opportunity to raise money by saying the federal government is out to silence her because she speaks the truth on creeping Shariah courts and Obama's secret pact with Rasputin's cabal.

Yeah, that is what I instantly thought. The victim card is her stock in trade. This is obviously the authoritarian Obama administration persecuting her for her Christian views. Send $25 now to help Michelle fight against that evil Obama . . .
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) announced his support for gay marriage on Monday. Via his Facebook page:

I support marriage equality because it is the fair and right thing to do. Like many Virginians and Americans, my views on gay marriage have evolved, and this is the inevitable extension of my efforts to promote equality and opportunity for everyone. I was proud to be the first Virginia governor to extend anti-discrimination protections to LGBT state workers. In 2010, I supported an end to the military’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, and earlier this month I signed an amicus brief urging the repeal of DOMA. I believe we should continue working to expand equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.
I don't know, people I talk to almost universally are pretty disturbed when they find out that private prisons exist, liberal or conservative. I've talked to one racist libertarian I know who didn't care, but every other conservative or liberal I've met thought it was nuts. The problem is most people just have never heard of it.

Yeah, the practice should be banned. All business obsess over one thing . . . how to grow their market. And we absolutely do not want to have anyone out there with the incentive of growing the prison population. We have already had cases of judges being bribed to throw more kids into Juvi because it benefited a private Juvi business.

And this is not just a corporate problem. Correctional worker unions have pushed policies to ensure that prison populations grow. They should be banned from advocating such things.
Warner is up for re-election next year but is basically untouchable in Virginia so it won't matter. I had heard he wasn't enjoying his time in the senate though, and considered running for governor again.

He'd be a good VP for Hillary.
I hope she gets fucking indicted. She's an embarrassment to my state. Jim Graves' loss was the one blemish on an otherwise perfect night.

The irony of all this is she and her supporters run their campaigns explicitly on battling corruption in Washington when they're worse than even the most corrupt Democrats (I'm not going to defend Charlie Rangel or Bill Jefferson).
yea, the SC is going to kill DOMA and Prop 8. How widely the language is on the Prop 8 case will be the big factor, but its pretty clear all these politicians feel this is the way the SC will rule, and feel its safe/beneficial to come out on the "winning" side

Man, if John Roberts provides the 5th vote they'll be calling for his hanging. But Kennedy wrote the opinion in Lawrence v. Texas so perhaps Roberts will provide the 6th vote (or will be in the minority).
Man, if John Roberts provides the 5th vote they'll be calling for his hanging. But Kennedy wrote the opinion in Lawrence v. Texas so perhaps Roberts will provide the 6th vote (or will be in the minority).

Or Scalia is the 5th vote.

He was trolling the right-wing for thirty plus years to sieze this big moment. :O
I'm really curious to see what the defense lawyers have cooked up. Honestly can't see what kind of legitimate arguments one could offer. Guess it's easy money for them, just repeat some of the crazy things conservatives want you to say.


Man, if John Roberts provides the 5th vote they'll be calling for his hanging. But Kennedy wrote the opinion in Lawrence v. Texas so perhaps Roberts will provide the 6th vote (or will be in the minority).

Y'all see that Roberts' lesbian cousin and her girlfriend are going to be in the audience for the oral arguments on the two cases? He didn't invite them, so he's not tipping his hand quite that obviously, but it's going to be hard for him to go against gay marriage with her staring him down the whole time. Plus imagine every Christmas and Thanksgiving from now til he dies.


Unconfirmed Member
Definitely past the tipping point on Marriage Equality.

Most important thing will be how broadly SC rules against Prop 8.

EDIT: also clear that all the major political announcements of support (including Obama's) were post tipping point, but it is not clear (to me at least) when that was.

Sometime between Jun 2008 and June 2012 :p


This will be the tipping point. The courts will rule in our favor. How broad? Who knows. But then this sets up another court battle in the next 5 years when support is around 60-65% and more states have legalized gay marriage.


I'm really curious to see what the defense lawyers have cooked up. Honestly can't see what kind of legitimate arguments one could offer. Guess it's easy money for them, just repeat some of the crazy things conservatives want you to say.

The prop 8 argument is pretty well-established, I think: GLBT isn't a suspect class, therefore rational basis applies, and the government has an interest in encouraging heterosexual sex to perpetuate the species. Now obviously this position is full of holes, but it is at least some kind of argument.

On the other hand, considering that, it occurs to me that SCOTUS may find GLBT a suspect class as part of the ruling, which would be almost as big news as legalizing marriage. So that'll be interesting to watch.


Unconfirmed Member
This will be the tipping point. The courts will rule in our favor. How broad? Who knows. But then this sets up another court battle in the next 5 years when support is around 60-65% and more states have legalized gay marriage.
Tipping point is past us. The SC would rule against it, or rule decidedly for a "separate but equal" domestic partnership status if it where not.

Roberts cares about legacy (thank god)

EDIT: jeebus save me! They are calling learning a family member is gay, then reevaluating support for SSM "the Portman Effect" on CNN :(

EDIT 2: electric boogaloo
There is still a TON of work to be done. It is still legal in 29 states for an employer to fire you for being gay.
Too bad they're retiring.

sc0la said:
EDIT: jeebus save me! They are calling learning a family member is gay, then reevaluating support for SSM "the Portman Effect" on CNN :(
So glad a policy is only acceptable when a Republican supports it. Fucking garbage. The media were co-conspirators in sinking Kerry in 04 over this bullshit.




Tim Johnson, South Dakota Senator, To Announce Retirement

Reuters) - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, a South Dakota Democrat, does not plan to run for re-election when his current term ends in 2014, sources close to the matter and key Capitol Hill staffers said on Monday.

Johnson, 66, joined the Senate in 1997 and has been widely expected to retire at the end of his term. He plans to make the announcement on Tuesday, the sources said. Johnson's staff said that he will hold a press conference at the University of South Dakota on Tuesday.

His retirement would leave a vacant seat in a conservative-leaning state that could be difficult for Democrats to defend as they try to protect their majority in the Senate.

Political analysts expect Johnson's son, Brendan Johnson, who is South Dakota's U.S. attorney, to emerge as a potential Democratic candidate in the 2014 election. The younger Johnson has not announced any formal plans to seek the Senate seat.

Former Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, who lost a bid for reelection in 2010, is another leading choice to run if the incumbent senator retires.
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