Shame about the estate tax.
I would trade pretty much any other tax measure for a good raise there.
It's the most socially justified tax by far.
Other then that, nothing to get too worked out about, no major cuts that I see, which is what should matter right now.
If we start seeing inflation we can revisit the taxation side of things, though ideally, that would be as part of a large tax code overhaul which is way overdue.
But fuck, we need to resolve that debt ceiling bullshit once and for all, I think some provision that would stipulate congress comes with an revised budget if they refuse to raise the ceiling would most likely do the trick - but even floating it as a proposal should go a long way into framing that issue correctly.
I'm not a MMT guy, though I am sympathetic to it. I think higher rates are good for inequality and for getting our budget back grounded in reality. Revenues need to be able to move in both directions, not just one. Otherwise, some day we may be left with a choice of doing large scale economic harm to lower class citizens to fight off inflation.
It's more than that.
Not all deficits are created equal, and I strongly believe (as do most non Austrian economists) an equally sized deficit can be much more beneficial to the economy if it has more taxation on the rich and more government spending.
Money supply isn't everything.